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Version 0.11: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Ilsuiw mIlsuiw.png
HP 150
HD 9
XP 2583
Speed 10 (swim: 60%)
AC 5
EV 18
Will 149
Attack1 10 (hit: plain)

Resistances Drowning
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat amphibious water
Intelligence Normal
Uses Weapons & armour
Holiness Natural
Size Medium
Type merfolk, merfolk
Flags Unique
Actual spells
A cunning merfolk water-witch, who uses her beauty and spellcraft to draw unwitting adventurers to their deaths.

"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown."

-T.S.Eliot, _The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock_. Lines 129-131. 1915.

Useful Info

Ilsuiw is a unique merfolk aquamancer, guaranteed to appear on at some point in the Shoals. She rarely appears without a large band of fellow merfolk.

Spells: Summon Elemental (Water), Blink, Throw Icicle (3d25), Invisibility, Primal Wave, Steam Ball


Tips & Tricks

See invisible, levitation (to avoid being stuck in shallow water the entire fight), and the means to kill her quickly are all highly recommended before taking her on. Between her high HP and decent EV, she can be tricky. Her water elementals deal surprising amounts of damage, and she can summon a lot of them. If you're in melee with her while in water, both she and her elementals can outrun you; some form of haste or other escape may be necessary. Note that she lacks any resistances; poison or Mephitic Cloud can be very effective in taking her down, possibly after you have had to flee from her and her summons. It's often easier to pick off a few members of her army at a time before fleeing back upstairs to heal.