Saint Roka

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Version 0.24: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Saint Roka oSaint Roka.png
HP 130-264
HD 18
XP 4962
Speed 10
AC 13
EV 7
Will 80
Attack1 35 (hit: plain)

Resistances None
Vulnerabilities Holy
Habitat Land
Intelligence Human
Uses Weapons & armour
Starting equipment
Open doors
Holiness Natural
Size Medium
Type orc, orc
Flags Fighter
Gender neutral
A mighty warlord. Some orcs even say they are the Chosen One of Beogh.

Useful Info

Saint Roka the Messiah is a unique orc warlord of Beogh who leads a band of fellow orcs on a crusade for their god. Saint Roka is a very powerful melee fighter, usually found wielding a powerful two-handed weapon and wearing a heavily enchanted set of plate armour, but they are also a threat at range due to their smiting and the crossbow they occasionally spawn with.

Saint Roka allows Hill Orcs to convert to Beogh, like an orc priest would.



Spell set I
Slot1 Battlecry Vocal flag
Slot2 Smiting (7-17) Priest flag

Tips & Tricks

  • If you ever start finding orcs "where they shouldn't be" (e.g. the Snake Pit), and you've ruled out shapeshifters, be prepared for a Saint Roka encounter.
  • If Saint Roka lacks a crossbow, their smite hurts a lot less than their glaive, so tackling them from range is generally the less dangerous prospect.
  • Facing Saint Roka's entire cohort at once is often suicidal. Don't be afraid to show up, blast a few orcish minions, and then flee to safety.
  • Especially pious followers of Beogh may be able to convert Saint Roka to their cause, giving them an incredibly powerful permanent ally.
  • As strong as they are, Saint Roka can't see invisible (nor can their minions, barring an orc sorcerer or orc high priest). Using invisibility can help you either get a leg up in combat or escape in relative safety.


  • Saint Roka was male before version 0.24.