Yara's Duelist Academy
Yara's Duelist Academy is a wizlab.
Yara's Duelist Academy features many different species of mages training, as well as lots of anti-magic: almost everything here carries some form of antimagic weapon, and unlike the player, monsters aren't penalized by wielding one. The few others are outright antimagical creatures - mana vipers and quicksilver dragons. At the end waits the Head Instructor.
Other than the antimagic weapons, many spellbooks, especailly those with Hexes, will be found. There is a chance to find the epitome of antimagic weapons, Spellbinder, here.
S Mana viper | Q Tengu conjurer | O Ogre mage | e Deep elf knight |
p Wizard (monster) | N Naga mage | N Salamander mystic | V Vampire mage |
Q Tengu reaver | D Quicksilver dragon | i Spriggan air mage | p Hell knight |
Head Instructor
A powerful warrior-mage who instructs aspiring students in physical, magical, and anti-magical combat. |
The Head Instructor is a deep elf blademaster that dual-wields 2 antimagic-branded triple swords. Its name will be randomized.
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