Wand of digging

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Version 0.30: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Wand
Name Wand of digging
Icon Wand of digging.png
A magical device which drills tunnels through unworked rock.

A wand of digging will remove a straight line of rock walls in the direction zapped; a targeter allows you to determine the exact path the line will take.

It can affect rock walls, whether normal or transparent, and certain strange types of walls (such as the walls of the Slime Pits, Pandemonium, or the translucent membranes in Cigotuvi's Fleshworks). It can also affect inanimate statues and iron grates. Digging has no effect on non-rock walls, such as stone walls, metal walls, crystal walls, "unnaturally hard" walls, etc. In any case, you can't dig past the edge of the map.


Wands of digging let you create corridors and killholes virtually anywhere with rock walls. Fighting enemies one-at-a-time is a vital tactic in Crawl - it'll turn unwinnable fights into something you can manage. It also be used to dig escape routes, create a path to otherwise inaccessible areas, or (if you have spare charges) create routes to enemies.

Wands of digging are rare and come with few charges, so use them wisely. Also, beware: digging into a thin wall may reveal new monsters, perhaps making your situation worse.

Corridor:    Killhole:
..####.#     ..####.#
..###@##     ..###.##
..##.###     ...#@###
..#.####     ..#.####
...#####     ..##.###
Corridor uses 1 charge of digging. You can melee enemies 1 at a time, and your piercing attacks can hit multiple monsters. Killhole uses 1-2 charges of digging, depending on location. It blocks line of sight of everything but the front tile, preventing distant enemies from using smite-targeted attacks.

Even Formicids can benefit from a wand of digging, as it digs tunnels without draining you.


  • Prior to 0.23, wands of digging had significantly more charges.
  • Prior to 0.22, the wand could not be aimed past existing walls, reducing its precision.
  • Prior to 0.20, this wand could not destroy inanimate statues.
  • Prior to 0.14, this effect was also available through use of the level 4 Earth Magic spell Dig.
  • Prior to 0.12, monsters would never use wands of digging.
Acid / Light / QuicksilverIceblast / Roots / WarpingCharming / Paralysis