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Revision as of 22:47, 24 January 2013 by MoogleDan (talk | contribs) (Removed redundant spell list, removed silly tips, replaced with an actually useful one)
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Alligator tAlligator.png
HP 52 - 95
HD 12
XP 1092
Speed 10 (act: 80%; swim: 60%)
AC 5
EV 9
Will 48
Attack1 30 (bite: plain)
Attack2 15 (tail slap: plain)

Resistances Silence immune
Vulnerabilities None
Habitat amphibious
Intelligence Insect
Uses Uses nothing
Holiness Natural
Size Big
Type crocodile, alligator
Flags Cold-blooded
A reptile that's quite happy to ignore you. If you don't, or you get too close, it'll put on a great burst of speed and crush you in its massive jaws!

Useful Info

Alligators are a mean step up from crocodiles. They lie in wait in deep water for an adventurer to walk by before ambushing them with surprising speed and powerful bites. When heavily injured, they will then retreat to the water to regenerate in safety. They can be found in the Swamp, occasionally along with a pack of baby alligators.


Spell set
Slot1 none
Slot2 none
Slot3 Swiftness
Slot4 none
Slot5 none
Slot6 none

Tips & Tricks

  • Although an alligator can tear apart flimsy characters with ease, they are almost helpless against invisible ones. Bring a few potions of invisibility and a method for attacking at range and you should have little difficulty here.