Wand of mindburst

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Version 0.20: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Wand
Name Wand of disintegration
Icon Wand of mindburst.png
A magical device which disrupts the physical structure of a target creature, dealing heavy damage and bypassing armour.

The most obvious use for a wand of disintegration is to deal a significant chunk of untyped damage to a single monster. This effect cannot be dodged or blocked, but it does have to overcome the target's magic resistance. This effect is significantly harder to resist than most other MR-related wand effects, making it useful against a large variety of early- and mid-game opponents. A monster killed in this manner will explode, scattering several chunks and blood splatters around the area (dragons are immune to this effect, and may or may not leave a corpse as normal).

Followers of Gozag Ym Sagoz will receive a spray of single gold coins on several nearby tiles instead of a shower of meat chunks and blood.

  • It can be particularly effective at taking out low-HD, high-threat monsters such as boggarts and Sonja. It is also extremely effective at killing low-level players. If an early opponent happens to have one in hand, you'll likely want to escape immediately; multiple zaps of a wand of disintegration can very quickly become lethal.


Prior to 0.20, it could disintegrate rock walls and obstacles in the dungeon (doors, iron grates, trees, orcish idols, and most kinds of statues).

Prior to 0.15, orange crystal statues and silver statues could be destroyed instantly through use of a wand of disintegration.

Prior to 0.6, zapped creatures were simply reduced to nothingness.

Acid / Light / QuicksilverIceblast / Roots / WarpingCharming / Paralysis