Book of Debilitation

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Version 0.21: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Spellbook.png Book of Debilitation
Primary school Hexes
A spellbook containing spells known for having a particularly unpleasant effect on their victims. It's considered something of a faux pas in the wizarding community to be seen with this book in one's collection.

The Book of Debilitation is the starting spell book for Arcane Marksmen.


Tile Spell Type Level
Slow.png a - Slow Hexes 1
Vampiric draining.png b - Vampiric Draining Necromancy 3
Confusing touch.png c - Confusing Touch Hexes 3


In 0.20 Gell's Gravitas was replaced by Portal Projectile.

In 0.17 Enslavement was replaced by Gell's Gravitas.

In 0.12 Mass Confusion was replaced by Leda's Liquefaction.

In 0.11 Mass Confusion was added to this book.