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Version 0.12: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
The hallway to the four hells is guarded by Geryon. Heroes who prove their worth in the vestibule and blow Geryon's horn may explore the different regions of Hell: Dis, Gehenna, Cocytus and Tartarus.

Portals to the Vestibule of Hell are found abundantly in the deeper parts of the main dungeon.

This gateway leads to the Vestibule of Hell. Few would go there voluntarily.

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate." -Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, "L'Inferno", Canto III. Circa 1315

Welcome to the Vestibule of Hell! Welcome to Hell! Please enjoy your stay.

Hell is a forbidding domain crawling with demonic entities of all shapes and sizes. It is actually comprised of five separate branches: The Vestibule of Hell and its four subbranches. From the main dungeon, all Hell portals lead to the Vestibule; it is from there that one ventures into Hell's branches.

The Vestibule of Hell

Hell entry.png You'll find multiple portals to the Vestibule starting at level 20 (one of the possible Lair:8 endings also contains one; it's in the back of the temple with all the demons). The Vestibule's most famous denizen is Geryon, a rugged three-headed demon, with whom you'll also find flocks of demons and hell knights. The unique curse skull Murray will also be there 25% of the time.

The Vestibule is generally safe to clear if you've finished exploring the Dungeon and are hardy enough to have cleared the Elven Halls and the Vaults (see the article for further strategy tips). Once the Vestibule has been cleared, it can serve as a stash location, since no monsters respawn here. Just remember that all portals close when you pick up the Orb of Zot!

Hell's branches

When Geryon is killed and his horn is blown (by evoking it), portals to the four branches of Hell become passable:

  • Gehenna entry.png Gehenna, the fire branch, contains the obsidian rune of Zot.
  • Cocytus entry.png Cocytus, the cold branch, contains the icy rune of Zot.
  • Tartarus entry.png Tartarus, the undead branch, contains the bone rune of Zot.
  • Dis entry.png The Iron City of Dis, the iron branch, contains the iron rune of Zot.

Each branch of Hell is 7 levels deep. The final level of each houses a unique, named demon protecting an artifact, various treasure vaults, and a rune of Zot. A unique feature of the Hell branches is that there are no stairs leading upwards; all exits from a given floor are stairways leading farther down or portals leading directly back to the Vestibule. While this means that you can't make use of stair dancing like you could in other areas, it makes escape considerably easier. Should you take a nasty beating or realize you're underprepared, simply take a portal back to the Vestibule; once you've recovered, you can resume exploration from the top of the branch. You'll retain the maps of the levels you've made so far, making it easier to find your way downwards quickly.

Besides the vaults on the final level, items and food in Hell are far and few between, and generally only acquired if dropped by a slain monster (e.g. a potion of blood from a vampire or weapons from red devils or skeletal warriors). For the most part, the only thing you'll find to eat will be the occasional pack of hell hounds or hell hogs, and those mostly appear in Gehenna. This gives you yet another reason to move through the Hells as quickly as possible.

Teleport control is disabled on the last level of each branch until their respective runes are acquired.

Hell's Mystical Force

In Hell's branches (but not the Vestibule), resting is hard to do, since there is a chance every 20 turns that a "mystical force" may lash out at you, with any of these effects:

  • Random miscast effects:
    • Slowing you for a few turns
    • Confusing you for a few turns
    • Making you berserk for a few turns
    • 1-7 stat drain
    • Rotting
    • Cursing one or more of your items[1]
    • And assorted other nasty things
  • Spawning demons or other monsters around you, up to and including fiends. These are not summons: they cannot be abjured and are worth experience.
  • Opening a Malign Gateway to summon an eldritch tentacle.
  • Blasting you with a branch-specific attack (e.g. clouds of freezing vapour in Cocytus, sticky flame in Gehenna)
  • Blasting you with magical energy -- irresistible damage

Arguably, the first two miscast effects are the most dangerous; being slowed or confused while surrounded by freshly summoned demons (or when fighting one of the demon lords on the last level) can be deadly. However, over a period of time, stat drain can become quite onerous, particularly if the same stat is drained repeatedly.


The safest strategy of acquiring Hell's runes is to ignore as many monsters as possible and dive to the next level. Every upward staircase in Hell's branches returns you straight to the Vestibule anyway, so you don't even have to face the monsters twice. Fighting with monsters to get experience may be tempting, but in Hell these seeming benefits are often negated by the actions of the mystical force. It's all fun and games until you're helplessly paralyzed or suffer two successive -7 hits on one of your stats.

If you do plan on fighting in Hell - a pasttime for powerful characters only! - make sure you have high resistances to counteract each branch's element: rF+++ for Gehenna, rC+++ for Cocytus, rN+++ for Tartarus, and a little bit of everything for Dis. In addition, you'll want a way to sustain or restore abilities, a means of flight, warding/Abjuration or a means of blinking if you get surrounded by summoned demons, and plenty of food (unless you're in lichform or are a mummy/bloodless vampire). Weapons with the holy wrath brand are effective against all manners of demons and undead too. Also, at high piety, Zin will almost always block the effects of Hell's mystical force, making his worshippers particularly well-suited to plumbing Hell's depths.