Ice Fiend

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Version 0.12: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Ice Fiend 1Ice Fiend.png
HP 76-122
HD 18
XP 3036
Speed 10
AC 15
EV 6
Will Immune
Attack1 25 (claw: cold: 18-53)
Attack2 25 (claw: cold: 18-53)

Resistances rC+++, rPois+,
rN+++, rTorm,
Vulnerabilities Fire, Holy,
Holy wrath
Habitat Land
Intelligence High
Uses Open doors
Holiness Demonic
Size Large
Type Ice Fiend, Ice Fiend
Flags Glows
See invisible
Silence immune
A huge frigid demon covered in frost and wreathed in freezing air. It is one of the most terrible denizens of the many Hells.

Useful Info

Ice fiends are the most feared of the Fiend family of demons. Like all fiends, they have powerful magic attacks, tormenting and freezing you at range. However, their true strength lies in melee, where their physical attacks deal 18 - 106 additional cold damage per turn. Fortunately, they are weak against fire as well as holy damage. They are found in Pandemonium and Cocytus, and may be summoned by some enemy casters.


Spell set
Slot1 Bolt of Cold (3d27)
Slot2 Bolt of Cold (3d27)
Slot3 none
Slot4 Symbol of Torment
Slot5 none
Slot6 none

Tips & Tricks

  • Bring at least rC++ to minimize the mauling they'll give you in melee. You can acquire that plus immunity to torment by playing a lichform or undead character, but others will have to gather those resistances the hard way.
  • As with any torment-capable character, you do not want to give them several turns of free attacks against you as you rush into range. Don't waste turns charging into them if you're capable of luring them around a corner into attack range.