Amulet of faith

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Version 0.30: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Type Jewellery
Name Amulet of faith
Icon Amulet of faith.png
A talisman crafted to call the attention of the gods to its wearer. This divine attention makes it easier to please your god, but your god will also take more notice of your transgressions. The amulet will drain some of your divine favour when removed.

Wearing an amulet of faith causes your current god (as well as any former gods you've abandoned) to pay more attention to you, causing the following effects:


  • Piety gain is 25% faster.
  • Gods that grant god gifts do so 33% more frequently.


  • Removing the amulet will result in the loss of one third of your piety, but will never cause excommunication, or drop piety too close to excommunication.
  • Wearing it during penance (even if you are currently atheist) will make godly-wrath happen 1/3 more often, ending the penance more quickly.

Unusual Behavior

  • The following gods are not affected, either way:
    • Ashenzari - (benefits from cursing still apply)
    • Gozag Ym Sagoz - Gozag cares for nothing but gold!
    • Ignis - Already offers all the fire that remains.
  • The following gods have other behaviors:
    • Ru - Increases the rate at which sacrifices are offered, but slows the rate when removed. No effect at full piety.
    • Xom - Xom's piety fluctuation occurs 33% faster than normal, and it acts more often. Removing the amulet has no consequences.
    • Yredelemnul - Corpses rise 33% more often (to 67%), but takes away some undead (if any) when removed.
  • Demigods will "feel a surge of self-confidence" upon putting on an amulet of faith. This has no mechanical benefit, however.
  • Mummies already have innate faith, and receive no extra benefit from the amulet.


The worth of an amulet of faith is entirely dependent on how much use you can get out of your god's piety.

A god with powerful abilities and/or gifts, such as Nemelex's cards, will obviously see more benefit. In these cases, faith is as useful (if not more so) than the other combat-oriented amulets, so long as you are actually using said abilities; powerful abilities that are unused won't help you. Conversely, gods focusing more on passive abilities, like Vehumet, won't find as much use.

The piety cost to remove an amulet of faith can be intimidating. For gods with finite gifts (Vehumet and Ru), you can take the amulet off after receiving them for little cost. For other gods, the piety loss - entirely voluntary - is rarely devastating, and the benefits of wearing faith for an extended period of time can be immense.


  • Prior to 0.18, this amulet granted a 33% bonus to piety, not a 25% bonus.
  • Prior to 0.17, this amulet increased the chance that certain gods might protect you from harm (your piety was treated as being 33% higher for such checks).
Amulets AcrobatFaithGuardian spiritMagic regenerationReflectionRegeneration
Rings DexterityEvasionFireFlightIceIntelligenceMagical power
Poison resistancePositive energyProtectionProtection from coldProtection from fireResist corrosionSee invisibleSlayingStrengthWillpowerWizardry