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This game covers character build strategy for players that already have a god but have yet to attain more than one rune.
Characters in the midgame will have found a [[god]], but have not entered the two [[rune]]-containing [[Lair]] branches yet. From now on, your skills no longer reflect your background, but rather reflect your general strategy, species, and god choice.
==Armour Focused==
While nearly all players should consider some spells (barring [[Trog]]-lodytes), melee focused players tend to wear heavier armour, and will be stuck to casting low level spells as a result.
At this stage of the game, your skills no longer reflect your background and rather reflect your general strategy, species, and god choice. Note: Stabbers have such a unique skill set that they should use the [[Spriggan Enchanter Guide]] instead.
Your weapon school should still be, by far, your most important skill.  As stated in the early-game section, your goal is to reach minimum delay for your [[weapon]]. Viewable by selecting the weapon in the '''i'''nventory, the minimum delay is 0.5 to 0.7 [[decaAut]], taking anywhere from 10 to 24 levels. Raising your weapon skill beyond mindelay will still raise damage and accuracy, though it will no longer increase swing speed. Its unlikely for you to reach it in a timely manner for especially big weapons, such as [[giant club]]s or [[triple sword]]s, but you should keep training.
==='''Melee focused'''===
Warriors need to make a choice: how many hands will you dedicate? Two-handed weapons deal more damage... but take more investment and restrict your shield slot. Of course, you still need a reasonable delay to even consider a two-hander (or a big shield).
While nearly all players should have some spells (except berserkers), melee focused players tend to wear heavier armour, and thus are limited to lower level spells.
Melee fighters have a big weakness -- they have to fight in melee. Diverting some experience into ranged weaponry can help even things out. [[Throwing]] is an obvious choice; it doesn't require you to wield another weapon and isn't slowed by heavy armour. Ten (10) skill is useful to get the penetrating [[javelin]]s to 1.0 delay. [[Okawaru]] can supply you with a surplus of throwing weapons, while the [[Shoals]] generates many [[merfolk javelineer]]s to relinquish ammo from.
[[Evocations]] is an interesting skill to train. Ranged attacks are best for enemies that are sketchy to fight honourably; and are what [[wand]]s are best for. Even a [[wand of polymorph]] can neuter that scary [[orc warlord]] or [[unique]]! Anywhere from 5-12 skill into Evocations is often viable, especially if you generate the [[Swamp]].
Your weapon class should by far still be the most focused skill.  Your goal is to reach "minimum delay" for your [[weapon]]. For most weapons, this minimum delay is 0.5 to 0.7 auts, and will take between 8-26 skill levels to reach this delay. Every 2 levels in the weapon skill reduces the Weapon Delay by 0.1 aut; getting more levels beyond this does not benefit the weapon's attack speed, but the skill level is a factor in damage.
[[Fighting]] still remains the most important defensive skill. HP is the only defense that can't be ignored, while the actual skill also boosts your combat prowess. Fighting is one of your most important skills, period -- especially once you've finished training up your weapon.
Long Blades, Maces & Flails, Polearms, and Axes have two categories of advanced weapons; fast, but lesser base damage weapons (double swords, demon blades, demon tridents, demon whips), and slower, but higher base damage weapons (triple swords, bardiches, eveningstars, giant clubs). The faster weapons are generally more popular, since it takes much less experience to get to minimum delay and high damage potential with, with the heavier weapons requiring massive investment (sometimes up to 26 skill levels) to get to their optimal speeds, while not appearing to be very efficient for experience. If you are already using a shield and have trained the shields skill, it's usually best to stick with one handed weapons.
Your other defensive skills - [[Armour]], [[Dodging]], and [[Shields]] - are simply less important, but still very useful. Armour should be above 10. Dodging might not be ''very'' useful to someone wearing a sluggish [[plate armour]], but a few levels will be very cheap in comparison to your main skills. Shields, if you are wearing one, is also useful to train. Around 10+ for a [[kite shield]] or 15+ for a [[tower shield]] will suffice.
====Ranged Skills====
With such heavy armour, high level spells are simply out of the question. Instead, look at the various utility spells in your arsenal. From [[Translocations]] like [[Blink]], to [[Necromancy]] via [[Animate Dead]], there are plenty of useful non-damaging spells. Getting these spells castable in heavy armour should be a tertiary focus, unless you plan to move to a lighter armour like [[fire dragon scales]].
It is highly suggested that melee focused players should have some sort of ranged option. Players with a highly damaging god should get some invocations and those without should consider crossbows or longbows (or slings for halflings). Still, it is quite possible to win without any ranged skills.
==Range Focused==
Players wearing light armour tend to be using [[ranged weapon]]s or are spell-focused.
Of high importance, but still less important than your weapon skill, is your fighting skill. While mostly ignored in the early game, this should be just under your weapon skill.
Casters tend to use weapons to clean up lesser foes and deal with resisting enemies. Just as common, especially by the mid-game, is to use no weapon at all! Casters using weapons should not pour lots of experience into their weapon skill.  
However, one nice application is to invest in 12 [[Staves]] skill to get a matching [[magical staff]] up to mindelay. These deal respectable damage, with their damage scaling off your magic. Needless to say, don't do this if you're struggling at all with spells or defense.
Armour skill is of medium importance, and should raised to the teens at this point in the game. Weapon skill and fighting should take priority
Hexers also want some [[Short Blades]] skill in order to improve their [[stab]]bing. Mindelay (10-14 skill) is enough.
====Spell skills====
Ranged weapons fundamentally skill just like melee. Get to your mindelay, though since you have range, reaching 1.0 delay isn't as big as a factor.
Heavily armoured characters should not cast very high level spells. What spells they do have should not be focused on, just be made reliably castable.
[[Spellcasting]] itself is a useful skill, though doesn't have the greatest impact for actually casting spells.  
==='''Spell focused'''===
If you go into the skills menu ('''m''') and cycle with ('''!'''), you can look at skill costs. Compared to other skills, Spellcasting only improves casting by a rate of 1/4. But if Spellcasting is (less than) 1/4 as expensive as a desired spell school, its worth it.
Players wearing light armour tend to be spell-focused.
Characters running out of MP, should, of course, invest a couple more points into this skill. Once you get into level 5-6 spells, you can definitely afford to invest 10+ levels into this skill. The same applies for spell levels; though, make sure you ''really'' need this new spell, and can't just forget something with a [[scroll of amnesia]].
===Spell Schools===
You want to have your magical "engine" up and running as soon as possible. A reliable, heavily damaging, level 5-6 spell that can power through the Lair branches and Vaults, at the very least. Spells like [[Lee's Rapid Deconstruction]] and [[Plasma Beam]] fit the bill; [[Bombard]] and [[Orb of Destruction]] remain effective in the halls of [[Zot]]. Make sure these spells can be cast reliably (<10% failure).
Casters tend to use weapons to clean up lesser foes and deal with resisting enemies. Just as common, especially by the mid-game, is to use no weapon at all! Casters using weapons should not pour lots of experience into their weapon skill.
Unlike melee, [[spellpower]] remains fairly important for keeping spells competitive, so don't neglect to train even further. With a high aptitude (or when worshipping [[Vehumet]]), training even more skill will let you cast even higher level spells.
Defense is useful. Getting a nuclear spell up and running is more useful.
Stealth is only marginally useful. Getting your nukes and general survivability up is much more important. Only a small amount of experience should be put into stealth, unless you are a stabber.
Once you get those spells ready, though, even spellcasters should invest in Fighting. This becomes more important after the Lair branches, when you start facing more ranged attacks and conjurations. You can leave Fighting trained the entire game, or just leave it in the upper teens. The same strategem also applies to Dodging, but with less levels - 8-10 will be useful.
Most players will want a [[buckler]] (though most ranged weapons are 2-handed), and thus should choose to put a little (4) skill to offset some of the penalties. Upgrading to a larger shield is definitely possible, though always keep your main spell at a reliable casting rate. Ten (to 15) skill for a kite shield is probably enough; you don't want to put five more levels just to offset 2 EV. Magic training can improve failure rates even with insufficient Shields skill.
Dodging is useful, but far less useful than getting nuke spells up. Still, some is good, maybe up to 8-10 or so depending on your dexterity.
Spells like [[Blink]] and [[Passage of Golubria]] are very useful, especially to a squishy caster. [[Sublimation of Blood]] relies a lot on spellpower (i.e, a high Necromancy) to be effective, but will restore MP in a pinch.
[[Evocations]] is less important than with a melee character, though still very helpful for dealing with tough enemies. A few levels is all you need for this task. Plus, a [[magical staff]] or an [[orb]] of [[energy]] both benefit a lot from this skill.
Most players will want a buckler, and thus should choose to put at least 4 into shields skill to offset the EV penalty (which affects spellcasting). Finding a superb shield could warrant upgrading to a regular shield, but rather than fully offsetting the shield penalty by going to 15, one should probably only level up to 10 shields to offset 2 EV points.
For offensive casters, stealth is only marginally useful. Many spells are [[noise|loud]], for one. And if you can obliterate your enemies from afar, who needs to hide? It's often easy to just run from a scary [[unique]], as long as you have distance. Stealth does little to help your gameplan, though it does let you avoid encounters more easily.
For Hexers, or species with unusually high Stealth aptitude ([[Naga]], [[Octopode]]...), Stealth is probably worth investing more into. Stealth improves [[stab]] damage. Many weaker species happen to have good stealth, and for them, avoiding ranged enemies is more important.
Spellcasting should be raised when you need an extra spell but don't have enough slots and to improve the spellpower of multi-school spells. As a side effect, spellcasting improves your spell hunger levels.
No matter if you are a brawler or a caster, you'll most likely have picked a god. Of course, some gods require more Inovcations than others.
*Gods like [[Nemelex]], [[Elyvilon]], and [[Fedhas]] scale well with the Invocations skill, and their divine abilities can be used plenty of times. For them, Invocations can almost be treated like another (lesser!) weapon skill. [[Kiku]] replaces Invocations with Necromancy, so worshippers fall in the same boat.
*Gods like [[Okawaru]] and [[Cheibriados]] do rely on Invocations, but more so to cast high-level abilities (Finesse / Duel and Slouch / Step from Time, respectively) than to boost damaging power. Get those abilities up and running in a timely manner, then don't worry about it. When training Invo, treat it like an auxiliary skill.
*Finally, gods like [[Trog]], [[Vehumet]], and [[Gozag]] don't care about your Invocations. Just keep on working on your melee, magic, or greed, respectively.
From the midgame onwards, exact skilling thresholds start to matter a lot less. It's ok to train many different skills at once, as long as you'd benefit in some way. 
Even spellcasters should invest in fighting, especially those whose species makes them fragile. This becomes more important after the Lair branches, when you start facing more ranged attacks and conjurations.
====Spell skills====
Get any utility spells level 4 and under to great or excellent. Aim to get bolt skills to very good by about the time you defeat Lair. After bolt skills are at very good, spell skills are much less important in the mid-game, although eventually they should be great.
==Armour level==
Armour level is generally dictated by what level spells you wish to cast by the end game.
8-9 level spells: Robe only
7 level spells: Up to dragon armour
6 level spells: Up to storm dragon armur
4-5 level spells: Up to plate mail
1-3 level spells: Anything
This is a rough guide, however, and there are exceptions.
==Spell choice==
By now you have enough experience to branch into whatever magical path you wish to take.
===Melee focused===
Melee focused players really only want low level spells at this point. [[Animate Skeleton]], [[Summon Butterflies]], [[Blink]] and [[Apportation]] are all useful, as are [[Regeneration]] and [[Spectral Weapon]].
===Spell Focused===
One of the biggest issues for spellcasters is running out of magic points. [[Sublimation of Blood]] is a big help. Low level translocations are useful for escaping. Your focus should still be on spells that allow you to damage monsters as efficiently as possible.
===Damage spells===
Generally speaking, your damage spells will reflect your background choice. If you have focused on one element, you should have some way of dealing with resistant enemies. This can be [[Iskenderun's Mystic Blast]], [[Summoning|summons]] or even [[Stone Arrow]] or [[Throw Icicle]]. [[Dispel Undead]] is great, but does not work on demons. You could also focus on a weapon or branch into a second element.
As far as your regular damage spells, choose whichever you like! Try to find one high level and one low level one. In the mid-game, uber-spells like [[Fire Storm]] and [[Tornado]] are out of the question.
===Utility spells===
A lightly armoured character should have [[Blink]], [[Repel Missiles]], [[Swiftness]], and [[Mephitic Cloud]] at this point in the game. Other great mid-game spells include [[Phase Shift]] and [[Stoneskin]]/[[Ozocubu's Armour]]. You may want to concentrate on getting [[Haste]] once you get your bolt skills.  It's that good.
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]

Latest revision as of 07:38, 4 May 2024

Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Characters in the midgame will have found a god, but have not entered the two rune-containing Lair branches yet. From now on, your skills no longer reflect your background, but rather reflect your general strategy, species, and god choice.

Armour Focused

While nearly all players should consider some spells (barring Trog-lodytes), melee focused players tend to wear heavier armour, and will be stuck to casting low level spells as a result.


Your weapon school should still be, by far, your most important skill. As stated in the early-game section, your goal is to reach minimum delay for your weapon. Viewable by selecting the weapon in the inventory, the minimum delay is 0.5 to 0.7 decaAut, taking anywhere from 10 to 24 levels. Raising your weapon skill beyond mindelay will still raise damage and accuracy, though it will no longer increase swing speed. Its unlikely for you to reach it in a timely manner for especially big weapons, such as giant clubs or triple swords, but you should keep training.

Warriors need to make a choice: how many hands will you dedicate? Two-handed weapons deal more damage... but take more investment and restrict your shield slot. Of course, you still need a reasonable delay to even consider a two-hander (or a big shield).


Melee fighters have a big weakness -- they have to fight in melee. Diverting some experience into ranged weaponry can help even things out. Throwing is an obvious choice; it doesn't require you to wield another weapon and isn't slowed by heavy armour. Ten (10) skill is useful to get the penetrating javelins to 1.0 delay. Okawaru can supply you with a surplus of throwing weapons, while the Shoals generates many merfolk javelineers to relinquish ammo from.

Evocations is an interesting skill to train. Ranged attacks are best for enemies that are sketchy to fight honourably; and are what wands are best for. Even a wand of polymorph can neuter that scary orc warlord or unique! Anywhere from 5-12 skill into Evocations is often viable, especially if you generate the Swamp.


Fighting still remains the most important defensive skill. HP is the only defense that can't be ignored, while the actual skill also boosts your combat prowess. Fighting is one of your most important skills, period -- especially once you've finished training up your weapon.

Your other defensive skills - Armour, Dodging, and Shields - are simply less important, but still very useful. Armour should be above 10. Dodging might not be very useful to someone wearing a sluggish plate armour, but a few levels will be very cheap in comparison to your main skills. Shields, if you are wearing one, is also useful to train. Around 10+ for a kite shield or 15+ for a tower shield will suffice.


With such heavy armour, high level spells are simply out of the question. Instead, look at the various utility spells in your arsenal. From Translocations like Blink, to Necromancy via Animate Dead, there are plenty of useful non-damaging spells. Getting these spells castable in heavy armour should be a tertiary focus, unless you plan to move to a lighter armour like fire dragon scales.

Range Focused

Players wearing light armour tend to be using ranged weapons or are spell-focused.


Casters tend to use weapons to clean up lesser foes and deal with resisting enemies. Just as common, especially by the mid-game, is to use no weapon at all! Casters using weapons should not pour lots of experience into their weapon skill.

However, one nice application is to invest in 12 Staves skill to get a matching magical staff up to mindelay. These deal respectable damage, with their damage scaling off your magic. Needless to say, don't do this if you're struggling at all with spells or defense.

Hexers also want some Short Blades skill in order to improve their stabbing. Mindelay (10-14 skill) is enough.

Ranged weapons fundamentally skill just like melee. Get to your mindelay, though since you have range, reaching 1.0 delay isn't as big as a factor.


Spellcasting itself is a useful skill, though doesn't have the greatest impact for actually casting spells.

If you go into the skills menu (m) and cycle with (!), you can look at skill costs. Compared to other skills, Spellcasting only improves casting by a rate of 1/4. But if Spellcasting is (less than) 1/4 as expensive as a desired spell school, its worth it.

Characters running out of MP, should, of course, invest a couple more points into this skill. Once you get into level 5-6 spells, you can definitely afford to invest 10+ levels into this skill. The same applies for spell levels; though, make sure you really need this new spell, and can't just forget something with a scroll of amnesia.

Spell Schools

You want to have your magical "engine" up and running as soon as possible. A reliable, heavily damaging, level 5-6 spell that can power through the Lair branches and Vaults, at the very least. Spells like Lee's Rapid Deconstruction and Plasma Beam fit the bill; Bombard and Orb of Destruction remain effective in the halls of Zot. Make sure these spells can be cast reliably (<10% failure).

Unlike melee, spellpower remains fairly important for keeping spells competitive, so don't neglect to train even further. With a high aptitude (or when worshipping Vehumet), training even more skill will let you cast even higher level spells.


Defense is useful. Getting a nuclear spell up and running is more useful.

Once you get those spells ready, though, even spellcasters should invest in Fighting. This becomes more important after the Lair branches, when you start facing more ranged attacks and conjurations. You can leave Fighting trained the entire game, or just leave it in the upper teens. The same strategem also applies to Dodging, but with less levels - 8-10 will be useful.

Most players will want a buckler (though most ranged weapons are 2-handed), and thus should choose to put a little (4) skill to offset some of the penalties. Upgrading to a larger shield is definitely possible, though always keep your main spell at a reliable casting rate. Ten (to 15) skill for a kite shield is probably enough; you don't want to put five more levels just to offset 2 EV. Magic training can improve failure rates even with insufficient Shields skill.


Spells like Blink and Passage of Golubria are very useful, especially to a squishy caster. Sublimation of Blood relies a lot on spellpower (i.e, a high Necromancy) to be effective, but will restore MP in a pinch.

Evocations is less important than with a melee character, though still very helpful for dealing with tough enemies. A few levels is all you need for this task. Plus, a magical staff or an orb of energy both benefit a lot from this skill.

For offensive casters, stealth is only marginally useful. Many spells are loud, for one. And if you can obliterate your enemies from afar, who needs to hide? It's often easy to just run from a scary unique, as long as you have distance. Stealth does little to help your gameplan, though it does let you avoid encounters more easily.

For Hexers, or species with unusually high Stealth aptitude (Naga, Octopode...), Stealth is probably worth investing more into. Stealth improves stab damage. Many weaker species happen to have good stealth, and for them, avoiding ranged enemies is more important.


No matter if you are a brawler or a caster, you'll most likely have picked a god. Of course, some gods require more Inovcations than others.

  • Gods like Nemelex, Elyvilon, and Fedhas scale well with the Invocations skill, and their divine abilities can be used plenty of times. For them, Invocations can almost be treated like another (lesser!) weapon skill. Kiku replaces Invocations with Necromancy, so worshippers fall in the same boat.
  • Gods like Okawaru and Cheibriados do rely on Invocations, but more so to cast high-level abilities (Finesse / Duel and Slouch / Step from Time, respectively) than to boost damaging power. Get those abilities up and running in a timely manner, then don't worry about it. When training Invo, treat it like an auxiliary skill.
  • Finally, gods like Trog, Vehumet, and Gozag don't care about your Invocations. Just keep on working on your melee, magic, or greed, respectively.


From the midgame onwards, exact skilling thresholds start to matter a lot less. It's ok to train many different skills at once, as long as you'd benefit in some way.

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