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Version 0.26: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Dithmenos altar.png "Spread the eternal night."
Dithmenos the Shadowed desires all to be darkness. Followers of Dithmenos gain a strange and otherworldly affinity to the shadows of their environment. This god despises the physical world and constantly seeks to encroach on it. Dithmenos therefore rewards those who wield death and destruction while gradually consuming them with darkness.

Followers of Dithmenos are constantly surrounded in an aura of shadow, the extent of which is reflective of their level of devotion. Dithmenos grants followers the ability to instantly step into the shadow of nearby creatures, provided the shadow is still enough to do so. Dithmenos protects followers by occasionally shrouding those struck by attacks in dark smoke. Sufficiently pious followers of Dithmenos will find their own shadow will begin to attack on its own, and eventually gain the ability to assume the form of a shadow themself.

Dithmenos likes it when you kill living beings, you destroy the undead, you kill demons, you kill holy beings, and you destroy nonliving beings.

Racial Restrictions

Demigods cannot worship Dithmenos (or any other god).



  • You'll lose, on average, one piety every 320 turns.
  • Abandonment. (Penance)

Given Abilities

Piety level (-): “Gloomy”

  • No granted abilities.

Piety level (*): “Darkened”

  • Umbra - You are surrounded by an umbra which expands with piety. This aura cancels out haloes, increases your stealth, and decreases melee/ranged accuracy of most creatures by 1+1d4. Dithmenos makes you and your allies immune to the accuracy penalty.

Piety level (**): “Extinguished”

  • Shadow Step - Blink to a space within your umbra and adjacent to a target creature. The target must not be invisible. (Costs 4 MP, 8% max HP, and 4-6 piety)

Piety level (***): “Caliginous”

  • Bleed Smoke - The player occasionally bleeds smoke on taking sufficient damage. The cloud always triggers on a 50% maximum HP attack. The lower bound goes down linearly, to 0 damage at 200 piety.

Piety level (****): “Umbral”

  • Shadow Mimic - The player's shadow sometimes mimics melee and ranged attacks (except Darts) and targeted spells (so long as they're not self-targeted). This happens from 10% of the time at 4*, to 50% at full piety. Its accuracy is based on the average of your Fighting and respective Weapon skill; its spell power is based on the spell level (capped at your XL/3).

Piety level (*****): “Hand of Shadow”

  • Shadow Form - Turns you into a mass of shadows. Grants invisibility, immunity to poison, draining, torment, and hostile enchantments, and 50% damage reduction, but halves your melee damage and reduces your spell power. While in shadow form, you bleed smoke on every incoming attack, but doing so further drains your max HP. The higher your Invocations skill, the longer this ability will last. (Costs 9 MP, 10-15 piety, Drain)

Piety level (******): “Eternal Night”

  • No new abilities.


Dithmenos does not appreciate abandonment, and will call down fearful punishments on disloyal followers!

When angered, Dithmenos turns the shadows against victims. Monsters emerge from the darkness, both illusions woven from shadow and the very shadow themselves turning against sinners. Dithmenos's subtle punishments are, if anything, more dangerous: victims find the shadows ripped away from them, hunted with nowhere to hide; or find themselves smothered in shadow and sleeping, perhaps forever.

While under penance, Dithmenos will sometimes punish you with one of the following forms of divine retribution:


  • Bleeding smoke (with or without shadow form) can create large areas filled with smoke reducing sight to 2 spaces for a short time. This can give you the edge you need to escape from or close in on ranged attackers or casters. (Almost all opponents require sight to cast spells, healing being a notable exception.) The downside is that you have to get hurt for the effect to trigger, but at high piety the effect will trigger reliably on nearly any hit.
  • Dithmenos pairs well with Enchanter-style builds, with Stealth increasing the amount of stabs they can make. However, Stealth focused classes, like Spriggans and Vampires, often have good enough Stealth score without the help of a god. The Shadow Mimic will often distract foes and deal minor damage, and while using enchantments your shadow will often give you a second cast on the target, increasing your odds of applying the debuff (although this will usually be at a lower spell power than the original cast).
  • Shadow Mimic remains a useful passive buff on your character's offenses, even when Stealth loses its utility (or just not using Stealth).


  • Prior to 0.22, Dithmenos hated fire and appreciated the killing of fiery things, but was not evil.
  • Prior to 0.22, Shadow Step did not cost HP, but could only be used on immobile creatures.
  • Prior to 0.16, Dithmenos disapproved use of the Corona spell and the unrandart Mace of Brilliance.
  • Dithmenos was added in 0.14.


Initially, this god was called "Dithmengos" which is an anagram for "Dsomething", an early placeholder name for the new deity.

Good ElyvilonZinThe Shining One
Neutral AshenzariCheibriadosDithmenosFedhas MadashGozag Ym SagozHepliaklqanaIgnisOkawaruQazlalRuSif MunaTrogUskayawVehumetWu Jian
Chaotic JiyvaNemelex XobehXom
Evil BeoghKikubaaqudghaLugonu *Makhleb *Yredelemnul
* Chaotic & Evil