Magic points

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Version 0.28: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Magic points or Mana points (usually abbreviated to MP) is the amount of magical energy which a given character has. It is used for spellcasting, and for invoking divine powers, mutations, and intrinsic abilities.

Having your MP fall to zero is not directly lethal, but can be very hazardous for a spellcaster. MP will regenerate up to your maximum with time, and it is often recommended that spellcasters should rest up to full MP after every fight.

Some items like rings of magical power or artefacts with the {MP+} property can increase a given character's reserves of magical power.

Your base maximum MP is a function of your experience level, your species, and either your Spellcasting skill or half your Invocations skill (whichever total is higher -- Spellcasting is twice as effective as Invocations for increasing maximum MP).

A typical character starts with 0-7 MP (e.g. 0 for a Minotaur Fighter, 7 for Deep Elf Hedge Wizard) and eventually grows to many times that (30-40 for a level 20 Mummy Necromancer, or 50-60 when using extra items).

Djinn do not use MP. Whenever they would spend MP, they spend HP instead; otherwise, they are unaffected by any mechanic that involves MP.


MP is a very important stat for spellcasters. Early- or mid-game rings of magical power are extremely useful, since MP costs are low and your base mana pool is small. However, as your MP hits around the 40+ mark, the efficiency of this stat gets drastically lower.

Methods of MP restoration:

  • Resting.
  • Consumables: A potion of magic recovers a decent amount of magic with no downsides. Potions of ambrosia offer significant HP and MP regen for a duration, but confuses you for the entirety of it; if you cure the confusion, the ambrosia will end too.
  • Casting Sublimation of Blood, which restores your MP at the cost of your own health. (Remember to save 2 MP for this!)
  • Wearing an amulet of magic regeneration.
  • God abilities: Ru, Sif Muna, Gozag, and Nemelex offer ways to actively recover your mana, with varying degrees of reliability.
  • God passives: Vehumet lets you recover MP when killing monsters. The Shining One offers a similar power that only works against unholy and demonic enemies. Worshipers of Jiyva recover MP unusually quickly.
  • Channeling items: An orb of energy or the Staff of Wucad Mu may refund MP you spend, but with a chance of backfiring.
  • Biting an enemy as a Vine Stalker.
  • Being a demonspawn can grant you access to the Mana Shield mutations, which will grant you improved MP regeneration, especially when you are low on MP. The Powered by Pain mutations might replenish MP whenever you take damage. Or you could get both.


  • Highest Skill = max(Spellcasting, Invocations/2)
  • MP = Scale*(min(XL, 23) + Highest Skill + min(8, Highest Skill, XL)/2) + Species Modifier
  • Sources of MP scaling:
  • Sources of flat MP bonuses (applied after scaling):
  • Wielding a weapon of antimagic divides MP by 3. This is applied after all other modifiers.

MP modifiers

From Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup in-game documentation:

At Ba Co DE Dg Ds Dj Dr Fe Fo Gr Gh Gn Hu Ko Mf Mi MD Mu Na Op On Sp Te Tr Vp VS
0 0 0 2 2 0 N/A 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 -1 0 1

Demigods additionally start with the High MP mutation.


  • Prior to 0.26, Evocations increased max MP.
  • 0.17 simplified MP calculations. The base formula was:
XL + Permanent MP + (XL*Species modifier + 1)/3 + (XL*Species modifier + 1)/3 + max(Spellcasting*XL*3/14 + Spellcasting, Invocations*XL/6.5 + Invocations/3, Evocations*XL/6)

Then a stepdown function was applied and MP was capped at 50. Species aptitudes used to be multiplicative, but are now additive.

  • Before 0.14, the formula was:
Unscaled MP = XL + Permanent MP + (XL*Species modifier + 1)/3 +
max(Spellcasting*XL/4, Invocations*XL/6, Evocations*XL/6)

where Permanent MP was a constant determined by the player's background and species.