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Version 0.29: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Lugonu altar.png "Spread carnage and corruption!"
Banished to the chaotic realm of the Abyss, Lugonu the Unformed seeks followers to spread bloodshed and corruption in the overworld. Those who gain Lugonu's favour will be granted some of the power of the Abyss itself, allowing them to call forth eldritch horrors, and even to travel between the overworld and the Abyss at will.

Followers of Lugonu gain powers to depart the Abyss at will, to bend space around themselves, and to banish monsters to the Abyss. Later they will be able to corrupt the ordered world, opening a gate for creatures of the Abyss to pass through, and to gate themselves directly into this realm of chaos. Lugonu will protect followers from the normally harmful effects of weapons imbued with the distorting energies of the Abyss, and eventually will offer to corrupt a follower's weapon in that way.

Lugonu likes it when you kill living beings, you destroy the undead, you kill demons, you kill holy beings, you banish creatures to the Abyss and you destroy nonliving beings.

Abyssal Knights begin play worshiping Lugonu.

Racial Restrictions

Demigods can't worship Lugonu (or any other god).


  • Killing or having an ally kill a living, holy, undead, or demonic creature.
  • Banishing any kind of creature.


  • Inactivity: You lose 1 piety per 340 turns, on average (1/17 chance every 20 turns).
  • Abandonment. Unlike most gods, you may not rejoin Lugonu during penance.


Altars to Lugonu are mainly found in the Abyss. Very rarely, a corrupted version of the Ecumenical Temple may be generated, or part of the dungeon may be corrupted. Because of this, being an Abyssal Knight is the only way to guarantee yourself access to Lugonu in the early game.

Joining Lugonu provides a +20 piety bonus[1], which allows the player to use the first power, Depart the Abyss, immediately.

You can also create your own altars to Lugonu by using the Corrupt ability on a floor with an altar to another god, but this requires you to already be a follower.

Given Abilities

Piety level -: "Abyss-Baptised"

  • You may unwield distortion branded weapons without suffering any ill effects. (Passive)

Piety level *: "Unweaver"

  • Depart the Abyss - You can immediately leave the Abyss, returning to the point you initially entered the Abyss from. (1 MP and 10-15 Piety)

Piety level **: "Distorting [Species Name]"

  • Bend Space - You can perform uncontrolled blinks at will. You'll also blink adjacent monsters (50% chance), which are more likely to be further away from your destination. This ignores stasis. (1 MP and 1d4 HP)

Piety level ***: "Agent of Entropy"

  • Banish - You can zap a beam of banishment, sending a single target to the Abyss. The power of the beam scales with your Invocations skill. You receive XP equal to if you had killed the monster yourself. Banished uniques and more powerful monsters will appear while exploring the Abyss. Do not use this on the Royal Jelly unless you have some means of breaking into the stone vaults in its lair. (4 MP and 3-4 Piety)

Piety level ****: "Schismatic"

  • Corrupt - You can corrupt the non-Abyss floor you're on, randomly converting the walls and floors of a large area around you to randomly selected other tiles. Stairs and portals cannot be changed, and harder walls are more likely to resist - unnaturally hard walls are immune. In addition, a pack of neutral abyssal creatures will be summoned. The higher your Invocations, the higher the amount of monsters. You may only corrupt a floor once. (7 MP, 5 HP, and 10-14 Piety)

Piety level *****: "Envoy of Void"

  • Enter the Abyss - You can instantly banish yourself to the Abyss, but at a high price. (Costs a random non-lethal amount of HP, 10 MP, and 35 Piety)

In addition, Lugonu provides the following:

  • Abyssal Rune Attraction - While in the Abyss, the chance of a finding the Abyssal rune is higher, as if you were a floor lower. (Passive)

Piety level ******: "Corrupter of Planes"

  • Corrupt Your Weapon - Once per game, Lugonu will corrupt a weapon of your choice. Corrupting a weapon adds +1d3 to its enchantment and adds the distortion brand. You can corrupt any non-artifact melee weapon as long as it isn't already branded with distortion.


Lugonu does not appreciate abandonment, and will call down fearful punishments on disloyal followers!

Lugonu's ire renders the barrier between reality and the Abyss weak and permeable. Space warps, hurling victims across the dungeon, or even directly into the Abyss. Lugonu also reaches out and sends the chaotic inhabitants of the Abyss against victims, with veteran adventurers facing the greatest horrors of the Abyss. Lugonu does not forgive easily, and will not allow ex-worshippers to rejoin the fold while Lugonu's wrath still lasts.

Lugonu's wrath lasts for a relatively long duration.

If you leave Lugonu, your penance counter will be increased by 50. Lugonu will not accept you again until your penance counter reaches zero.

While under penance, Lugonu will sometimes punish you with one of the following forms of divine retribution:

A punishment from Lugonu has two independent components:


Worshiping Lugonu offers characters some interesting escape options early on. Bend Space is one of the cheapest means of blinking in the game, and the ability to banish insurmountable obstacles to the Abyss is a useful method of dealing with dangerous monsters.

Corrupt is a very strong ability, giving you a mass of neutral monsters to surround yourself with. If these 'neutral' monsters try to move to your tile, they'll attack you. The ability to break through harder walls is a strong one, allowing you to break through Slime Pits:5's loot vault without actually killing the Royal Jelly.

See Also


  • In 0.30, Lugonu will provide wrath protection for characters switching from other gods by banishing 2d3 nearby enemies whenever other god's wrath triggers. Banishment will be a 2* ability and will cause malmutation on resist. Also, Bend Space will be removed.
  • Prior to 0.29, Bend Space scaled with Invocations, dealt up to 1d6 to blinked monsters, and would tend to blink monsters away from the origin rather than away from the destination.
  • Prior to 0.28, Lugonu was special-cased to prevent piety gain in the Abyss.
  • Prior to 0.26, Banish did not provide full experience.
  • Prior to 0.20, Enter the Abyss required at least 9 MP and could deplete all your magic.
  • Prior to 0.18, Banish was capped at 10.5 Invocations skill, but had a higher base power.
  • Prior to 0.17, Lugonu gave piety for corpse sacrifices. Also, Corrupt Weapon required the player to find and pray at an altar of Lugonu, instead of being available at any time.
  • Prior to 0.14, Lugonu followers received no protection from distortion weapon unwielding effects.
  • Prior to 0.12, Lugonu's wrath would summon demons instead of Abyss natives.
  • Prior to 0.10, banishing enemies provided no experience, and Lugonu gave no piety for demon kills.
  • Prior to 0.9, followers of Lugonu had better blinking in the Abyss.
  • In early versions of Crawl, Lugonu was known as Lucy, but the name was changed to make the god more androgynous.


Good ElyvilonZinThe Shining One
Neutral AshenzariCheibriadosDithmenosFedhas MadashGozag Ym SagozHepliaklqanaIgnisOkawaruQazlalRuSif MunaTrogUskayawVehumetWu Jian
Chaotic JiyvaNemelex XobehXom
Evil BeoghKikubaaqudghaLugonu *Makhleb *Yredelemnul
* Chaotic & Evil