Auras are passive abilities that emanate out of certain characters and monsters, affecting anything that comes within their range. The exact effect this has varies by aura.
Halo auras emanate forth from certain holy weapons, monsters, and characters. They have the following effects:
- Negate invisibility of anything within the aura.
- Divides the stealth of all beings within the aura by roughly 2.5.
- Causes all hostiles within the aura to glow, as though affected by Corona.
- Negates the effect of any umbra they overlap with.
- Worshipers of the Shining One receive a halo with range based on piety (very small to nearly your entire line of sight)
- Characters wielding the Mace of Brilliance receive a small halo.
- All holy monsters have halos, the size of which depends on the monster in question. Weaker creatures like holy swine or paladins have tiny halos while powerful creatures like seraphim and ophanim have extremely large halos.
The opposite of a halo, umbras emanate forth from unholy angelic beings. They have the following effects:
- Double stealth of all beings within the aura.
- Reduces the accuracy of all hostiles within the aura (except for demons, the undead, and Yredelemnul worshipers).
- Negates the effect of any halo they overlap with.
- Profane servitors have a large umbra.
Ring of Flames
Ring of Flames auras emanate one tile all around their source, creating clouds of flame all around you. These clouds linger for a few turns even after the source moves away. The aura has the following effects:
- Negate any Ice Magic that strikes the clouds.
- Deals fire damage to anything standing in the clouds (but does not injure the source).
- Player version only: Increases the spell power of Fire Magic, provides 2 ranks of fire resistance and 2 ranks of cold vulnerability.
- Players can cast the Ring of Flames spell to temporarily gain this aura.
- Asmodeus has a permanent Ring of Flames aura surrounding him.
Tornado auras emanate out from certain rare monsters and players with access to very powerful Air Magic. They have the following effects:
- Deals heavy wind damage to everything (except the source) within the aura.
- Moves all affected targets (monsters, items, clouds, etc.) counterclockwise around the source each turn.
- Players can cast the Tornado spell to temporarily gain this aura.
- Diamond obelisks and twisters have permanent Tornado auras surrounding them.
When silence auras emanate from a monster or the player, most creatures within the aura lose the ability to make any noise, including speech. This prevents:
- Casting spells
- Reading scrolls
- Directing allies
- Invocable abilities (evocable ones remain unaffected)
All demons and some other creatures can ignore the effects of silence.
- Players can cast the Silence spell or use a scroll of silence to temporarily gain this aura.
- Mennas can cast Silence.
- Silent spectres have permanent, 12-tile auras of silence.
Supression auras function similarly to silence auras, except that they disable some of the magical features of your items while leaving your own magical and divine powers untouched. This prevents:
- Use of any wands or rods.
- Use of any miscellaneous evocable items.
- The brands and egos of your weapons, armour, and jewelry.
- The combat and spellcasting benefits of magical staves.
This does not disable:
- The base damage, accuracy, and AC of your equipment.
- The racial bonuses of your equipment (if applicable).
- The positive or negative enchantment level of your equipment.
- Curses.
- The unpleasant effects of unwielding distortion or vampiric weapons.
- Moths of suppression naturally produce this aura.
Powered by Death
When active, a Powered by Death aura will increase your character's regeneration rate by 100 for each corpse with its range, which rises with each mutation rank. This also decomposes all affected corpses slightly faster.
- Some demonspawn characters will develop this mutation as they gain levels.
Suppression was added in 0.12 Lava Orcs, introduced in 0.13, have heat auras when their temperature is maxed out.