Treasure trove

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Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Once upon a time, an enterprising thief and wizard created a system of portals leading into the secret treasure troves and chambers of the rich. Too scared to loot them himself, he instead charged an extortionate fee for entry to anyone who wanted to rifle through them.

The items inside such troves are likely to be useful, but beware: the wizard is long dead, and even while alive he never offered a money-back guarantee.

“He saw a large cavern and a vaulted [roof], in height equalling the stature of a full-grown man and it was hewn in the live stone and lighted up with light that came through air-holes and bullseyes in the upper surface of the rock which formed the roof. He had expected to find naught save outer gloom in this robbers' den, and he was surprised to see the whole room filled with bales of all manner stuffs, and heaped up from sole to ceiling with camel-loads of silks and brocades and embroidered cloths and mounds on mounds of vari-colored carpetings; besides which he espied coins golden and silvern without measure or account, some piled upon the ground and others bound in leathern bags and sacks. Seeing these goods and moneys in such abundance, Ali Baba determined in his mind that not during a few years only but for many generations thieves must have stored their gains and spoils in this place.”
-_The Arabian Nights_. trans. Sir Richard F. Burton, 1885.

Treasure trove portal.png A treasure trove is a small portal, filled with likely character relevant loot. A trove can spawn a single time almost anywhere, but it has a cost to be opened. Troves do not decay over time, but like many portals, can only be entered once before being sealed forever.

Useful Info


To unlock a treasure trove, you must meet its demands:

  • There is a 5% chance that it will ask for all your piety. You won't be excommunicated, but it will reset your piety as if you had just converted (about 15/200). This is never generated if you are a demigod, are otherwise atheist, or you worship Ashenzari, Gozag, Uskayaw, or Yredelemnul.
  • Otherwise, there is a 1/3 chance that it will ask for an item available in a shop. This will often be an artefact, but may be a high-value mundane item. Unless the item itself is incredibly useful, these troves are effectively just asking for gold.
  • Otherwise, it will ask for an item or stack of items. Troves won't ask for items you can't use, with the exception of the horn of Geryon, so other items become more likely. There are a number of possibilities, each individual item type being equally probable:[1]

For items with enchantments, the trove asks for minimums; a +6 demon whip will fulfil a +4 demon whip trove. Item egos are ignored, and even artefacts can be accepted. No other item type is accepted, even if they are 'superior'. For example, a +6 eudemon blade does not substitute a +6 demon blade. The item being given must be unequipped in order for it to be accepted, to prevent accidental sacrifices.

The cost of a trove has no bearing on the quality or type of items you will find inside.


Most trove vaults have 15-16 items, tailored for your character using acquirement code. These items will always be usable and not forbidden by your god. Many troves have a 'theme', like armour or jewellery. While items are tailored on your skills, an unarmed fighter could still find a weapon trove (though are 33% as likely to), and melee fighters can enter a book trove (where they will find plenty of manuals).

All layouts are perfectly safe; they never contain monsters or hazards.


First, remember that like other portals, you can only enter the treasure trove *once*. Do not go in with a full or nearly full inventory, or you'll have to leave stuff inside.

Much like scrolls of acquirement, a treasure trove's yield can run all the way from near-worthless to jaw-droppingly awesome. More often than not, though, it's worth opening a treasure trove if you find one. Odds are that there will be something in there you want.

When it comes to jewellery, you do have some control over what a treasure trove will generate. The code prefers to give you amulets and rings you haven't identified yet, so if there are still several items left unidentified, it may be worthwhile to go to any jewellery shops you have access to and buy any garbage items you haven't identified yet. Spending a little money on an unidentified ring of flight might improve your odds of getting that ring of willpower you needed.

If you don't have enough of a particular consumable item to open a treasure trove, you will eventually be able to find what you're missing by exploring Pandemonium or clearing Ziggurats for long enough. But by the time you're ready to farm in either realm, you most likely won't need the items in a trove anymore.

Tips and Tricks

  • Remember to take demon weapons, dragon scales, and other "rare" items out of portal levels like Ice Caves -- they are likely to spawn much earlier than usual there.
  • Don't forget that pressing Ctrl+F will let you search for specific items you've already come across. This can save you a tremendous amount of time backtracking.
  • If you don't especially need them, you can stash a few scrolls of enchant weapon and scrolls of enchant armour to maximize the chance of manufacturing the required item.


  • Prior to 0.31, a few rare trove types had hostile monsters. There was a trove with roaming shining eyes, and another with a ynoxinul locked behind an iron grate (who could summon monsters past the grate).
  • In 0.25, scrolls of fog and fear were added as trove fees.
  • Prior to 0.24, troves could ask for 12+3d4 scrolls of identify.
  • Troves that take all your piety were added in 0.16. Also, troves asking for the horn of Geryon didn't take it away from the player previously.
  • Prior to 0.8, troves worked differently: instead of always asking for an item and being untimed, they began with a very long timer (around 10000 turns). When attempting to enter, the player would be prompted to pay one of two amounts of gold: a large amount (usually around 2000-4000 gold) to enter the trove now, or a small amount (around 200 or so) to 'fix' the portal. The latter choice would make the trove untimed, but it would then require a specific item to enter, much as troves do now; the player would not know the item required until after they had chosen to fix the portal. The choice was removed because it was always optimal to pay to enter if you could.
  • Troves were introduced in 0.6.


Temporary Portals
Early Game OssuarySewers
Mid Game BaileyGauntletIce caveVolcano
Late Game Desolation of SaltWizard LaboratoryZiggurat (Mega-Zig)
Peaceful BazaarTreasure trove