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==List of gods==
==List of gods==
* [[Ashenzari]], god of cursed divinations.
* '''[[Ashenzari]]''', god of [[curse]]d divinations.
* [[Beogh]], evil god of the [[orc]]s.
* '''[[Beogh]]''', evil god of the [[orc]]s.
* [[Cheibriados]], the slow god.
* '''[[Cheibriados]]''', the slow god.
* [[Dithmenos]], god of shadows.
* '''[[Dithmenos]]''', evil god of shadows and [[stealth]].
* [[Elyvilon]], good god of healing.
* '''[[Elyvilon]]''', good god of healing.
* [[Fedhas Madash]], god of [[list of plants|plants]].
* '''[[Fedhas Madash]]''', god of [[list of plants|plants]].
* [[Gozag Ym Sagoz]], god of business and commerce.
* '''[[Gozag Ym Sagoz]]''', god of [[gold]], business, and commerce.
* [[Jiyva]], god of [[list of jellies|slimes]].
* '''[[Hepliaklqana]]''', god of ancestry and memory.
* [[Kikubaaqudgha]], evil god of [[Necromancy|necromantic magic]].
* '''[[Jiyva]]''', chaotic god of [[list of jellies|slimes]] and [[list of eyeballs|eyeballs]].
* [[Lugonu]], evil god of [[the Abyss]].
* '''[[Kikubaaqudgha]]''', evil god of [[Necromancy]].
* [[Makhleb]], evil god of chaos and violence.
* '''[[Lugonu]]''', chaotic evil god of [[The Abyss]].
* [[Nemelex Xobeh]], the trickster god.
* '''[[Makhleb]]''', chaotic evil god of bloodshed and destruction.
* [[Okawaru]], god of battle.
* '''[[Nemelex Xobeh]]''', god of [[card]]s.
* [[Qazlal]], god of tempests.
* '''[[Okawaru]]''', god of battle.
* [[Ru]], god of sacrifice and unmaking.
* '''[[Qazlal]]''', god of tempests.
* [[Sif Muna]], god of [[magic]] and mystical secrets.
* '''[[Ru]]''', god of sacrifice and unmaking.
* [[The Shining One]], good god of honourable crusades against evil.
* '''[[Sif Muna]]''', god of [[magic]] and mystical secrets.
* [[Trog]], god of violence and anger.
* '''[[Trog]]''', god of violence and [[berserk]] rage.
* [[Vehumet]], god of destructive magic.
* '''[[Uskayaw]]''', god of wild dancing.
* [[Xom]], god of true chaos.
* '''[[Vehumet]]''', god of destructive magic.
* [[Yredelemnul]], evil god of death.
* '''The [[Wu Jian|Wu Jian Council]]''', a council of formerly mortal martial artists.
* [[Zin]], good god of law and purity.
* '''[[Xom]]''', god of [[chaos]].
* '''[[Yredelemnul]]''', evil god of death and [[undead|undeath]].
* '''[[Zin]]''', good god of law and purity.
* '''[[The Shining One]]''', good god of honourable crusades against evil.
==Ability comparison==
==Ability comparison==
''* = An activatable ability''<br>
'''''bold''' = An activatable ability''<br>
''^ = Activated by '''[[p]]'''raying
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
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|+ '''Comparison of abilities granted by gods'''
|+ '''Comparison of abilities granted by gods'''
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|^ Convert [[scrolls of remove curse]] into curse scrolls
|'''Curse an item of your choice, providing skill boosts'''
Prevent outside sources of curses
'''Remove a cursed item by destroying it forever'''
Detect curses on items
Identify all visible/collected items
Detect [[portal]]s
Detect [[portal]]s on floor
Map terrain outside of [[LOS]]
Detect monsters outside of [[LOS]]
Detect monsters outside of LOS
Detect items outside of LOS
Detect items outside of LOS
Improved trap detection
Map terrain outside of [[LOS]]
[[Identify]] [[ego]]s
Prevents random [[trap]]s while exploring
|Identify Armor
|Identify Weapons, Amulets and Rings
Boosted skills when cursed
|[[See invisible]]
|[[See invisible]]
|Gain full vision of tiles outside of LOS
|* See through walls
|* Transfer skill points
|^ Bless orc corpses for piety
| Chance of preventing lethal damage (not during [[penance]])
Chance of preventing lethal damage (not during [[penance]])
Experience is spread to orcish followers
Experience is spread to followers
|'''[[Smite]] enemies'''
|Improved [[AC]] and [[SH]]
|* [[Smite]] enemies
|Convert orcish followers
|Convert orcish followers
Bless orcish followers
Bless orcish followers
|* [[Recall]] orcish followers
|'''[[Recall]] orcish followers'''
Gain orcish reinforcements if no followers are present
Gain orcish reinforcements if no followers are present
|Walk on water
|Walk on water
'''Gift named followers with an item'''
|'''Resurrect fallen orcs'''
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Improved stats
Improved stats
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Slow everything adjacent to you
'''Slow everything adjacent to you'''
|Slows metabolism
|Slows damage from [[poison]]
|* Step monsters forward in time
|'''Skip monsters forward in time'''
|* Hurt everything faster than you in LOS
|'''Hurt everything faster than you in LOS'''
|* Move to nowhere and let time pass
|'''Temporarily leave the flow of time'''
|Surrounded by [[umbra]]
|Surrounded by an [[umbra]]
|* Step into the shadows of immobile monsters within your umbra
|'''Step into the shadows of monsters within your umbra'''
|Bleed smoke when injured
|Bleed smoke when injured
|Your shadow mimics your actions
|Your shadow mimics your actions
|* Enter [[Shadow Form]]
|'''Enter [[Shadow Form]]'''
|* Temporarily prevent lethal damage
|Chance of preventing lethal damage
|* Lesser Healing
|'''Heal yourself a little'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Divine Protection
'''Temporarily guarantee protection from lethal damage'''
|* Heal Other (may pacify)
|'''Heal and attempt to pacify other creatures'''
|* Remove [[status effects]], restore stats, cure [[rot]]
|'''Remove [[status effects]], restore stats, cure [[drain]]ing'''
|* Greater Healing
|'''Heal yourself a lot'''
|* Increase maximum HP/MP
|'''Temporarily increase maximum HP/MP'''
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Shoot through plants
Shoot through plants
^ Decompose corpses, causing [[toadstool]]s to grow
|'''Summon a ring of [[briar patch]]es around yourself'''
|* Evolve plants into allies using [[fruit]]
|'''Summon a [[ballistomycete]]'''
|* Call sunlight, drying [[water]]
|'''Turn a patch of walls into allied plants'''
|* Grow plants using fruit
|'''Summon an [[oklob plant]]'''
|* Summon [[giant spore]]s from corpses
|* Call rain, creating water
|[[Gozag Ym Sagoz]]
|[[Gozag Ym Sagoz]]
|colspan="7"|Monsters no longer leave corpses, but [[gold]]
|colspan="7"|Monsters leave [[gold]] instead of corpses
Detect gold and shops
Detect gold
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Pay for [[potion]] effects
'''Pay for [[potion]] effects'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Fund the opening of new shops
'''Fund the opening of new shops'''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Bribe monsters of a particular [[branch]] into not attacking you or joining you
'''Bribe monsters of a particular [[branch]] into neutrality or even alliance'''
|Maximum HP reduced by 10%
Creates an allied ancestor
'''[[Recall]] your ancestor'''
'''Pick the name and gender of your ancestor'''
|'''Choose your ancestor's background (Knight, Battlemage, or Hexer)'''
|'''Switch your ancestor with another creature'''
|'''Heal your ancestor and temporarily grant them increased damage, spell power, and AC'''
|'''Drains creatures next to your ancestor after it swaps with another creature'''
|Turns all [[list of jellies|slimes]] and [[list of eyeballs|eyeballs]] neutral
|Turns all [[list of jellies|slimes]] and [[list of eyeballs|eyeballs]] neutral
Protects your items
Protects you from slimy walls
Shuffles your stats
Slimes can eat non-[[artefact]] items, granting piety; [[jelly|jellies]] can split when eating
Creates neutral [[jellies]] and eats off-level items
Creates neutral [[jellies]] if no slimes are present
|* Summon a neutral jelly to devour items
|'''Summon a neutral jelly to devour items'''
Gain food when slimes eat items
|Gifts random [[mutation]]s
|Gifts random mutations
Grants resistance to [[corrosion]]
^ Halt slimes from eating items
Shuffles your stats depending on your skills and equipment
|Gain MP when slimes eat items
|* Turn enemies into slimes
Gain HP when jellies eat items
Grants resistance to [[acid]] and [[corrosion]]
|* Remove a random bad mutation
|'''Turn enemies into slimes'''
|Taking heavy damage creates slimes
|Taking heavy damage creates allied slimes
Removes the walls of the [[Slime Pits]] [[rune]] vault
'''Remove a random bad mutation'''
|Removes the walls of the [[Slime Pits]] [[rune]] vault
|Increases your available HP when using [[Death's Door]]
|* Summon [[corpse]]s
|Gifts a low-level Necromancy spellbook
Grants protection from Necromancy miscasts and [[death curse]]s
|Gifts a mid-level Necromancy spellbook
|'''Summon [[corpse]]s'''
Chance to prevent [[sickness]] when casting [[Haunt]]
Gifts several low-level Necromancy spells
|Grants protection from Necromancy miscasts and [[death curse]]s
Grants protection from Torment
|Gifts several mid-level Necromancy spells
|^ Invoke Torment using a corpse
|Grants partial resistance to [[Torment]]
|(Once only) Receive either [[Necronomicon]] or permanent [[pain (brand)|pain]]-branded weapon
|'''Invoke Torment using a corpse'''
|'''(Once only) Receive either several high-level Necromancy spells or [[pain (brand)|pain]] brand on weapon'''
|^ Sacrifice corpses for piety
| Safely unwield weapons of [[distortion]]
|'''Leave the [[Abyss]]'''
Safely unwield weapons of [[distortion]]
|'''Blink yourself and monsters around you'''
|* Depart the [[Abyss]]
|'''[[Banish]] monsters to the Abyss'''
|* Blink yourself and monsters around you
|'''Corrupt current level, altering terrain and summoning neutral Abyssal creatures'''
|* [[Banish]] monsters to the Abyss
|'''Banish yourself to the Abyss'''
|* Corrupt current level
|* Banish yourself to the Abyss
|Find the Abyssal [[rune]] more easily
(Once only) Receive distortion brand on weapon
Find the Abyssal [[rune]] more easily
|'''(Once only) Receive distortion brand on weapon'''
|Gain HP from killing
|Gain HP from killing
|* Fire a random low-level beam
|'''Fire a random low-level beam'''
|* Summon an average-strength demon
|'''Summon an average-strength demon'''
|* Fire a random high-level beam
|'''Fire a random high-level bolt'''
|* Summon a powerful demon
|'''Summon a powerful demon'''
|[[Nemelex Xobeh]]
|[[Nemelex Xobeh]]
|Gifts [[decks]] of cards
|Gifts [[card]]s of power in three general [[decks]] (Destruction, Escape, Summoning)
Improved card power
'''Draw a card from a deck'''
|* Choose a card from the first three in a deck
|'''Choose a card from the first three in a deck'''
|* Deal four cards from a deck in a single turn
|'''Deal four cards from a deck in a single turn'''
|* Sort the first five cards in a deck
|'''Choose five cards to form a separate, ordered deck'''
|* Increase physical combat skills
|'''Increase physical combat skills'''
|Receive ammunition as gifts
|Receive ammunition as gifts
|* Double attack speed
|'''Double attack speed'''
Receive weapons and armour as gifts
Receive weapons and armour as gifts
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|Cannot be harmed by clouds you create by any means.
|Grants you and divine allies immunity to all harmful clouds.
|Passively create elemental clouds around you, adding SH and generating noise.
|Passively create elemental clouds around you, adding [[SH]] and generating [[noise]].
|* Smite an area with random elemental damage.
|'''Smite an area with random elemental damage'''
|* Convert nearby clouds to elementals.
|'''Convert nearby clouds into elementals'''
|Permanent Repel Missiles, and taking fire, cold, electric, or physical damage has a chance to grant +rF, +rC, +rElec, or +3AC respectively.
|Permanent [[Repel Missiles]]
|* Randomly smite many areas in LOS with random elemental damage.
Taking elemental damage (fire, cold, electric, physical) has a chance to grant temporary resistance
|'''Randomly smite many areas in LOS with random elemental damage'''
|* Make personal sacrifices to gain piety.
|'''Make personal sacrifices to gain piety'''
|Attacks against you sometimes falter or are redirected to enemies.
|Attacks against you sometimes falter or are redirected to enemies
|Enemies attacking you suffer bad status effects.
|Enemies that harm you suffer status ailments
|* Regain HP and MP, and cure "restraint" status effects (m. draining).
|'''Regain HP and MP, and cure some "restraining" status effects'''
|* Power Leap 3 tiles and damage enemies near your landing point (l. draining).
|'''Leap up to 3 tiles and damage enemies near your landing point'''
|* Deals heavy damage and random status effects to enemies in LOS (h. draining).
|'''Deal heavy damage and random status effects to all enemies in LOS'''
|[[Sif Muna]]
|[[Sif Muna]]
|* Recover MP at will
|'''Greatly increase your MP regeneration'''
|* Forget spells at will
|Grants protection from miscast effects
|'''Forget spells at will'''
|'''Cast a spell from your spell library using Invocations to determine power'''
|Receive [[spellbook]]s as gifts
|Receive [[spellbook]]s as gifts
|[[The Shining One]]
|Chance of preventing lethal damage
|Protects allies from [[abjuration]]
Grants protection from [[negative energy]]
May extend [[berserk]]er rage when killing
|Gain HP/MP from slaying evil monsters
|'''Go [[berserk]]'''
|'''Increase [[regeneration]] and [[willpower]]'''
Surrounded by [[halo]]
|* Create divine [[shield]]
|'''Summon a berserk ally'''
|Receive weapons as gifts
|* Call down a blast of holy energy
|* Summon friendly [[Angel]] or [[Daeva]]
Protects allies from [[abjuration]]
Bless allies
|(Once only) Receive [[holy wrath]] brand on weapon
|^ Turn spellbooks into clouds of flame
|'''Deal damage to adjacent creatures'''
Protects allies from [[abjuration]]
|'''Pass through and [[confusion|confuse]] a line of creatures
|Paralyzes enemies in your line of sight
Extended berserker rage when killing
|Enemies that take damage share that damage to nearby creatures
|'''Blink to and instantly kill a monster'''
Grants protection from exhaustion after berserking
|* Go [[berserk]]
|* Increase [[regeneration]] and [[magic resistance]]
|Receive ammunition as a gift
|* Summon a berserk ally
|Receive weapons as gifts
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|[[Wu Jian|Wu Jian Council]]
|Special, see [[Xom#Acts]]
|Deal 120% attack damage when moving directly toward an enemy
|Deal 80% attack damage when moving adjacent to an enemy
|'''Jump off a wall and attack all enemies next to where you land (takes two turns)'''
|'''Gain two instantaneous moves and boosts damage of martial attacks'''
|'''Grants the player a [[halo]], summons opaque clouds, and grants a bonus to [[slaying]] and [[ev]]asion'''
|colspan="7"|Acts randomly at all times; see [[Xom#Acts]]
|* Animate a corpse or skeleton
|'''Animate a corpse or skeleton'''
|* Reflect incoming damage
|'''Temporarily reflect incoming damage'''
[[Recall]] undead allies
'''[[Recall]] undead allies'''
|* Animate all corpses in sight
|'''Animate all corpses in sight'''
Receive undead servants as gifts
Receive undead servants as gifts
|* Drain life from all living beings in sight
|'''Drain life from all living beings in LOS'''
|* Curse a living being to become your slave when killed
|'''Curse a living being to become your slave when killed'''
|'''Donate gold to gain piety'''
Chance of preventing lethal damage
Grants increasing protection from [[mutation]]s
Grants increasing protection from [[Hell]] effects
|'''Inflict random status effects on enemies; more effective against evil and chaotic enemies'''
|'''Increase stats and gain resistance to [[poison]] and [[status effects]]'''
|'''Create temporary prison around enemy'''
|'''Create temporary sanctuary from danger'''
|[[Potions of mutation]] only remove mutations
|[[The Shining One]]
|Chance of preventing lethal damage
|Chance of preventing lethal damage
Chance of protection from mutation
Surrounded by [[halo]]
Grants increasing protection from [[negative energy]]
Protects allies from [[abjuration]]
Chance of protection from [[Hell]] effects
Blesses allies that make kills
|* Inflict random status effects on enemies
|You and your allies gain HP/MP from slaying evil monsters
|* Increase stats, satiation, and resistance to [[poison]] and [[status effects]]
|'''Create divine shield'''
|* Create temporary prison around enemy
|* Create sanctuary of protection
|'''Call down a blast of holy energy'''
|(Once only) Cure all mutations
|'''Summon a friendly [[Angel]] or [[Daeva]]'''
|'''(Once only) Receive [[holy wrath]] brand on weapon'''

Latest revision as of 20:53, 2 September 2021

Version 0.27: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

List of gods

Ability comparison

bold = An activatable ability

Comparison of abilities granted by gods
God Piety - (0) Piety * (30) Piety ** (50) Piety *** (75) Piety **** (100) Piety ***** (120) Piety ****** (160)
Ashenzari Curse an item of your choice, providing skill boosts

Remove a cursed item by destroying it forever

Identify all visible/collected items

Detect portals on floor

Detect monsters outside of LOS

Detect items outside of LOS

Map terrain outside of LOS

Prevents random traps while exploring

See invisible Clarity Gain full vision of tiles outside of LOS
Beogh Chance of preventing lethal damage (not during penance)

Experience is spread to orcish followers

Smite enemies Convert orcish followers

Bless orcish followers

Recall orcish followers

Gain orcish reinforcements if no followers are present

Walk on water

Gift named followers with an item

Resurrect fallen orcs
Cheibriados Slow movement

Improved stats

Slow everything adjacent to you

Slows damage from poison Skip monsters forward in time Hurt everything faster than you in LOS Temporarily leave the flow of time
Dithmenos Surrounded by an umbra Step into the shadows of monsters within your umbra Bleed smoke when injured Your shadow mimics your actions Enter Shadow Form
Elyvilon Chance of preventing lethal damage Heal yourself a little

Temporarily guarantee protection from lethal damage

Heal and attempt to pacify other creatures Remove status effects, restore stats, cure draining Heal yourself a lot Temporarily increase maximum HP/MP
Fedhas Madash Turns all plants friendly

Walk through plants

Shoot through plants

Summon a ring of briar patches around yourself Summon a ballistomycete Turn a patch of walls into allied plants Summon an oklob plant
Gozag Ym Sagoz Monsters leave gold instead of corpses

Detect gold

Pay for potion effects

Fund the opening of new shops

Bribe monsters of a particular branch into neutrality or even alliance

Hepliaklqana Maximum HP reduced by 10%

Creates an allied ancestor

Recall your ancestor

Pick the name and gender of your ancestor

Choose your ancestor's background (Knight, Battlemage, or Hexer) Switch your ancestor with another creature Heal your ancestor and temporarily grant them increased damage, spell power, and AC Drains creatures next to your ancestor after it swaps with another creature
Jiyva Turns all slimes and eyeballs neutral

Protects you from slimy walls

Slimes can eat non-artefact items, granting piety; jellies can split when eating

Creates neutral jellies if no slimes are present

Summon a neutral jelly to devour items Gifts random mutations

Shuffles your stats depending on your skills and equipment

Grants resistance to acid and corrosion

Turn enemies into slimes Taking heavy damage creates allied slimes

Remove a random bad mutation

Removes the walls of the Slime Pits rune vault
Kikubaaqudgha Summon corpses

Gifts several low-level Necromancy spells

Grants protection from Necromancy miscasts and death curses Gifts several mid-level Necromancy spells Grants partial resistance to Torment Invoke Torment using a corpse (Once only) Receive either several high-level Necromancy spells or pain brand on weapon
Lugonu Safely unwield weapons of distortion Leave the Abyss Blink yourself and monsters around you Banish monsters to the Abyss Corrupt current level, altering terrain and summoning neutral Abyssal creatures Banish yourself to the Abyss

Find the Abyssal rune more easily

(Once only) Receive distortion brand on weapon
Makhleb Gain HP from killing Fire a random low-level beam Summon an average-strength demon Fire a random high-level bolt Summon a powerful demon
Nemelex Xobeh Gifts cards of power in three general decks (Destruction, Escape, Summoning)

Draw a card from a deck

Choose a card from the first three in a deck Deal four cards from a deck in a single turn Choose five cards to form a separate, ordered deck
Okawaru Increase physical combat skills Receive ammunition as gifts Double attack speed

Receive weapons and armour as gifts

Qazlal Grants you and divine allies immunity to all harmful clouds. Passively create elemental clouds around you, adding SH and generating noise. Smite an area with random elemental damage Convert nearby clouds into elementals Permanent Repel Missiles

Taking elemental damage (fire, cold, electric, physical) has a chance to grant temporary resistance

Randomly smite many areas in LOS with random elemental damage
Ru Make personal sacrifices to gain piety Attacks against you sometimes falter or are redirected to enemies Enemies that harm you suffer status ailments Regain HP and MP, and cure some "restraining" status effects Leap up to 3 tiles and damage enemies near your landing point Deal heavy damage and random status effects to all enemies in LOS
Sif Muna Greatly increase your MP regeneration Forget spells at will Cast a spell from your spell library using Invocations to determine power Receive spellbooks as gifts
Trog Protects allies from abjuration

May extend berserker rage when killing

Go berserk Increase regeneration and willpower Summon a berserk ally Receive weapons as gifts
Uskayaw Deal damage to adjacent creatures Pass through and confuse a line of creatures Paralyzes enemies in your line of sight Enemies that take damage share that damage to nearby creatures Blink to and instantly kill a monster
Vehumet Receive destructive spells as gifts

Gain MP from killing

Reduced chance of miscasting destructive spells Increased range of destructive spells
Wu Jian Council Deal 120% attack damage when moving directly toward an enemy Deal 80% attack damage when moving adjacent to an enemy Jump off a wall and attack all enemies next to where you land (takes two turns) Gain two instantaneous moves and boosts damage of martial attacks Grants the player a halo, summons opaque clouds, and grants a bonus to slaying and evasion
Xom Acts randomly at all times; see Xom#Acts
Yredelemnul Animate a corpse or skeleton Temporarily reflect incoming damage

Recall undead allies

Animate all corpses in sight

Receive undead servants as gifts

Drain life from all living beings in LOS Curse a living being to become your slave when killed
Zin Donate gold to gain piety

Chance of preventing lethal damage

Grants increasing protection from mutations

Grants increasing protection from Hell effects

Inflict random status effects on enemies; more effective against evil and chaotic enemies Increase stats and gain resistance to poison and status effects Create temporary prison around enemy Create temporary sanctuary from danger Potions of mutation only remove mutations
The Shining One Chance of preventing lethal damage

Surrounded by halo

Grants increasing protection from negative energy

Protects allies from abjuration

Blesses allies that make kills

You and your allies gain HP/MP from slaying evil monsters Create divine shield Call down a blast of holy energy Summon a friendly Angel or Daeva (Once only) Receive holy wrath brand on weapon

See Also