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Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
The Conjurer specialises in the violent and destructive magic of conjuration spells. Like Wizards, the Conjurer starts with the Magic Dart spell, in their case from a library of destructive conjurations.

Conjurers are offensive spellcasters who specialize in violent and volatile non-elemental Conjurations. Relative to other magical backgrounds, they begin the game with a great Conjurations skill, and the most Intelligence of any background.

Preferred Species

Deep Elf, Naga, Tengu, Draconian, Djinni, and Demigod are the recommended species if you pick a Conjurer Background.

Starting Equipment

Some species may receive different items based on their unique restrictions.

Available Spells:

Conjurers start with the Magic Dart spell already memorised.

Starting Skills and Stats

These are adjusted by your species' aptitudes.

Choosing Conjurer adds 10 to your starting Intelligence, 3 to your starting Dexterity, but reduces starting Strength by 1.


The Conjurer starting book contains a variety of pure Conjurations attack spells. Once they get to XL 2, Conjurers receive a variety of strong, reliable, and irresistible spells to inflict damage on their foes. This puts them in stark contrast to elementalists and Venom Mages.

The Conjurations skill is very flexible; contributing to the power and failure of many elemental spells, if/when you get them.

Spell Details

Conjurers have access to Searing Ray at XL2, a strong overall spell, if a bit plain. It can be recast for only 1 MP by waiting (pressing '.', also automatically done with autofight). Their starting spell, Magic Dart is somewhat weaker. Magic Dart has a few benefits; it never misses and has a full-screen range.

Cj provides a few ways to branch into Hexes. Dazzling Flash blinds nearby enemies, significantly reducing their ability to fight or track you. Fulminant Prism can deal heavy damage to multiple enemies at a greater distance. Putting a prism one space ahead, but out of the way of, a (normal speed) monster insures that you escape and they get hurt. Though both of them are pretty good spells on their own, with Prism being your highest level damage spell.

Iskenderun's Mystic Blast deals damage to multiple enemies at once, shoving monsters out of melee (or staircase) range. The spell requires yet another skill, into Translocations this time. Surrounded? Say no more; it's just as potent as, and more reliable than, Blink for this purpose. You'll likely want the other spells up first; IMB isn't the best at dealing damage, and bad situations can be avoided with careful play.


Warriors FighterGladiatorMonkHunterBrigand
Zealots BerserkerChaos KnightCinder Acolyte
Warrior-mages WarperHexslingerEnchanterReaver
Mages Hedge WizardConjurerSummonerNecromancerFire ElementalistIce ElementalistAir ElementalistEarth ElementalistAlchemist
Adventurers ArtificerShapeshifterWandererDelver