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Version 0.29: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

Invocations denotes how skillful your character is at beseeching a deity for help. It improves the power and/or success rate of most god-given powers. (For some gods, piety also has this effect.)

Invocations also increases your max MP, but the effect is not cumulative with Spellcasting and is weaker. One level of Invocations is equal to 1/2 level of Spellcasting.


At Ba Co DE Dg Ds Dj Dr Fe Fo Gr Gh Gn Hu Ko Mf Mi MD Mu Na Op On Sp Te Tr Vp VS
0 -1 -2 1 N/A 3 0 1 0 2 1 1 9 1 1 1 0 3 -1 1 1 2 0 -1 -1 -1 0

Applicable Gods

Invocations skill is useful when worshipping one of the following gods:

The remaining gods do not use Invocations skill:


  • Prior to 0.26, you could train this skill only if your god used it or if you had a manual of Invocations.
  • Prior to 0.19, Nemelex Xobeh's abilities were based on Evocations.
  • Prior to 0.14, Jiyva's abilities were based on Invocations.
  • Prior to 0.12, Invocations required 80% as much XP in order to train, but species all aptitudes were 1 lower.
Weapons Short BladesLong BladesRanged Weapons

AxesMaces & FlailsPolearmsStavesUnarmed CombatThrowing

Physical FightingArmourDodgingStealthShields
Magical SpellcastingInvocationsEvocationsShapeshifting
Spell Schools AirAlchemyConjurationsEarthFireHexesIceNecromancySummoningTranslocations