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[[File:The shining one altar.png]] ''"Lead the forces of light to victory!"''
[[File:The shining one altar.png]] "Lead the forces of light to victory!"''
{{flavour|Followers of the Shining One are bound to the code of the honourable warrior, soldiers in their god's eternal crusade against evil. For forsaking dark magic and underhanded tactics, the Shining One rewards them and their allies with the power they need to slay demons and the undead. Especially devout warriors can even call upon angels in times of need. The Shining One's followers can convert to Elyvilon or Zin while keeping some piety.
'''The Shining One''' is a powerful deity on a crusade against all evil. Followers and their allies may be granted various blessings upon mercilessly slaying evil and unholy beings. Worshippers must never use unholy or evil magic, and are expected to prove their moral superiority by fighting honourably. The god demands followers scour the world, examining all of its inhabitants for traces of evil that must be eradicated. The Shining one does not mind shifting worship to Elyvilon or Zin.
Followers of the Shining One are surrounded by a halo that reveals their enemies to them. Followers will gain power by killing evil beings, and with growing piety their life force will be protected. The Shining One will keep summoned and charmed allies on their side longer, should the allies prove worthy of the crusade. Followers will gain use of a divine shield to protect them in battle. Later, they can channel blasts of cleansing flame that are particularly damaging to unholy beings, and can call upon powerful divine beings as temporary allies. Highly pious followers may request the Shining One's blessing upon a weapon. The Shining One may occasionally directly intervene to save a follower's life.
The Shining One is a [[good god]]. No [[background]] starts with this religion.
The Shining One likes it when you kill the undead, you kill demons, you kill evil beings and you encounter other hostile creatures.
The Shining One strongly dislikes it when you use evil magic or items, you attack non-hostile holy beings, you attack neutral beings, you attack allies or you kill non-hostile holy beings.}}
==Racial Restrictions==
==Racial Restrictions==
As usual, [[Demigod]]s cannot worship the Shining One (or anyone else). The Shining One also refuses [[demonspawn]] and [[undead]] species ([[ghoul]]s, [[mummies]], or [[vampire]]s) as worshipers.
*Like the other [[good god]]s, The Shining One does not accept [[demonspawn]] or undead species ([[ghoul]]s, [[vampire]]s, or [[mummies]]) as followers.
*[[Demigod]]s may not worship The Shining One (or any other god).
*You or your allies killing the undead, demons, or evil creatures (such as followers of evil gods). Chance of +1 [[piety]], higher chance for creatures with high [[HD]].
*You or your allies killing the undead, demons, or evil creatures (such as followers of evil gods). Chance of +1 [[piety]], higher chance for creatures with high [[HD]].
*Spotting non-evil monsters.
*Encountering non-evil monsters you've never encountered before.
*The Shining One prevents you from attacking in unchivalrous manner - ie, [[stabbing]]. Your attack will still take place, but you will receive no stabbing benefit.
*While not a direct conduct, worshippers are given a [[halo]], which prevents the ability to go [[invisible]].
*Inactivity: You lose 1 piety per 700 turns, on average (1/35 chance every 20 turns).
The Shining One strongly dislikes it (i.e. [[penance]]) when:
The Shining One strongly dislikes it (i.e. [[penance]]) when:
*You perform [[cannibalism]].
*You use [[Necromancy]].
*You desecrate holy remains.
*You drink blood from a [[potion of blood]] or a [[potion of coagulated blood]].
*You use [[Necromancy]]. Casting [[Necromutation]] instead causes excommunication.
*You use [[unholy]] magic or items.
*You use [[unholy]] magic or items.
*You attack non-hostile holy beings.
*You or your allies kill non-hostile holy beings.
*You attack neutral beings.
*You attack neutral beings.
*You attack allies.
*You attack allies.
*You [[poison]] monsters.
*You attack intelligent monsters in an unchivalric manner. This includes attacking a fleeing, confused, distracted, held, petrifying, petrified, paralysed, or sleeping monster, or any monster while you're invisible. This restriction is lifted against demons, undead, evil creatures (spellcasters mostly), and low intelligence monsters (animals and insects mostly).
Note that equipment that violates the Shining One's commandments will be labeled as such in its (in-game) description, so inexperienced players can check there if they're not sure an item is kosher. They will also have their names printed in red in your inventory or stash. Lastly, you'll receive a warning when you equip a weapon you shouldn't be using. Also, the Shining One will forgive accidental transgressions (i.e. performing a forbidden action via an unidentified item) but only once.
Note that equipment that violates the Shining One's commandments will be printed in red, be labeled in its (in-game) description, and you'll receive a warning before doing a transgression. Also, the Shining One will forgive accidental transgressions (i.e. performing a forbidden action via an unidentified item).
On average, your piety will decay naturally by 1 every 700 turns.
==Given Abilities==
==Given Abilities==
'''[[Piety|Piety level -]]''': "Acolyte"
'''[[Piety|Piety level -]]''': "Acolyte"
*'''Protection from harm''' - If you receive lethal damage, there's a piety-based chance that the Shining One may nullify the damage (at the cost of reducing your piety). This is possible even if you're under penance. (Passive)
*'''Protection from harm''' - If you receive lethal damage, there's a piety-based chance that the Shining One may nullify the damage (at the cost of reducing your piety). This is possible even if you're under penance. The chance increases linearly from 10% at 0 piety to 28% at maximum. (Passive)
*'''Protection from negative energy''' - The Shining One provides [[life protection]] against negative energy attacks. This improves as piety rises, up to rN+++. (Passive)
*'''Divine Halo''' - You are surrounded by a [[halo]]. It starts off only illuminating you, but it grows in size every <code>piety/20</code> tiles, extending to your full [[line of sight]]. Anything (except you) inside the halo is easier to hit, and both you and monsters are revealed if [[invisible]]. Also, your [[stealth]] is divided by x2.5. (Passive)
*'''Protection from negative energy''' - The Shining One provides [[negative energy]] resistance. This improves as piety rises, up to rN+++ at full piety. (Passive)
In addition, the Shining One protects your allies:
*'''Protection against abjuration''' - When [[Abjuration]] is cast against your summoned servants, the power (duration reduction) is reduced, depending on your servant's HD. (Passive)
*'''Bless Allies''' - The Shining One may bless one of your allies when it kills an enemy or gains experience. The chance for this rises with your piety. The following blessings are possible:
**10%: Give the ally's weapon increased accuracy, damage, and the [[holy wrath]] brand OR give the ally's armour increased [[AC]] and [[negative energy resistance]].
**90%: Increase the duration of your ally's stay, with a 50% chance to remove [[poison]], [[sickness]], [[confusion]], [[slow]]ing, or [[exhaustion]]. If none apply, heals 25% of its HP.
'''[[Piety|Piety level *]]''': "Righteous"
'''[[Piety|Piety level *]]''': "Righteous"
*'''Gain power from killing''' - You sometimes gain HP and MP whenever you kill demons, the undead, and evil creatures. The gain depends on the creature's HD, and cannot exceed your normal max. As piety rises, so does the chance of this effect triggering. (Passive)
*'''Gain power from killing''' - You sometimes regain HP and MP whenever you kill demons, the undead, and evil creatures. You have a <code>(piety - 30)/200</code> chance of healing <code>1d(2*HD + 1) - 1 HP</code> HP and <code>1d(2 + HD/3) - 1 MP</code> MP when killing valid monsters.<ref>{{source ref|0.31.0|mon-death.cc|2303}}</ref><ref>{{source ref|0.31.0|mon-death.cc|2320}}</ref> (Passive)
*'''Divine Halo''' - You are surrounded by a halo (up to your line of sight or Piety/20 tiles). You receive an accuracy bonus when fighting creatures inside your halo, and neither they nor you can be invisible. The halo will also reveal the presence of monsters hiding in water. Monsters are twice as likely to notice you when they are inside the halo, which is actually good because the Shining One doesn't appreciate [[Stabbing|sneak attacks]]. (Passive)
*<span id="divine_shield"></span>'''Divine Shield''' - Grants a divine shield, providing <code>6 + Invocations * 2/5</code> [[SH]]. Duration is also controlled by [[Invocations]]. This shield is controlled by The Shining One, so it stacks with any other shield and does not interfere with two-handed weapons. (3 MP and 2-3 piety)
'''[[Piety|Piety level **]]''': "Unflinching"
'''[[Piety|Piety level **]]''': "Unflinching"
*<span id="divine_shield"></span>'''[[Divine Shield]]''' - Grants a divine shield whose duration and blocking value depends on your [[Invocations]] and [[Shields]] skills. This shield is controlled by The Shining One himself, and thus won't interfere with your wielding of a two-handed weapon, for example. The shield will stack with other physical and magical shields. (Costs 3 MP, 50-100 food, and 2-3 piety)
*No new abilities.
'''[[Piety|Piety level ***]]''': "Holy Warrior"
'''[[Piety|Piety level ***]]''': "Holy Warrior"
*<span id="cleansing_flame"></span>'''Cleansing Flame''' - Creates a large burst of holy energy centered on yourself, dealing unavoidable holy damage to all monsters around you. This affects all monsters within two spaces of you. Your Invocations skill increases damage dealt and chance of success. Because this ability emits holy energy, it does double damage to demons and undead, normal damage to other creatures, and no damage to holy beings, neutral creatures, or allies. Base damage is <code>2d(10 + Invocations * 7/6)</code>.<ref>{{source ref|0.31.0|spl-goditem.cc|1260}}</ref><ref>{{source ref|0.31.0|ability.cc|2797}}</ref> (5 MP and 2-3 piety)
'''[[Piety|Piety level ****]]''': "Exorcist"
*No new abilities.
*No new abilities.
'''[[Piety|Piety level ****]]''': "Exorcist"
*<span id="cleansing_flame"></span>'''Cleansing Flame''' - Creates a large burst of holy energy centered on yourself, dealing unavoidable holy damage to all monsters around you. This affects all monsters within two spaces of you, except for the corners. Your Invocations skill increases damage dealt and your chance of success. Because this ability emits holy energy, it does double damage to demons and undead, normal damage to other evil creatures, half damage to other monsters, and no damage to holy beings, neutral creatures, or allies. (Costs 5 MP, 100-200 food, and 2-3 piety)
'''[[Piety|Piety level *****]]''': "Demon Slayer"
'''[[Piety|Piety level *****]]''': "Demon Slayer"
*'''Summon Divine Warrior''' - Summons a friendly [[Angel]] or [[Daeva]]. (Costs 8 MP, 150-300 food, and 6-9 piety)
*'''Summon Divine Warrior''' - Summons a friendly [[Angel]] or [[Daeva]]. (8 MP and 6-9 piety)
In addition, the Shining One provides the following:
*'''Protection against abjuration''' - When [[abjuration]] is cast against your summoned servants, the power (duration reduction) is reduced, depending on your servant's HD. (Passive)
*Hostile angels and daevas may be peaceful toward you. The chance of this happening rises with piety. (Passive)
*'''Bless Allies''' - The Shining One may bless one of your allies when it kills an enemy or gains experience. The chance for this rises with your piety. The following blessings are possible:
**10%: Give the ally's weapon increased accuracy, damage, and the [[holy wrath]] brand OR give the ally's armour increased [[AC]] and [[negative energy resistance]].
**90%: Increase the duration of your ally's stay, with a 50% chance to remove [[poison]], [[sickness]], [[confusion]], [[rot]]ting, [[slow]]ing, or [[exhaustion]]. If none apply, heals 25% of its HP.
*'''Bless Weapon''' - If you [[pray]] on the Shining One's [[altar]] while your Piety is >= 160 and you are wielding a non-artifact weapon, the Shining One can bless it. This will un-curse it, apply a [[scroll of enchant weapon III]], and add the [[holy wrath]] brand (replacing any existing brand). If it is a [[Long Blades|long blade]], it will become a [[Blessed blade|blessed blade]]. [[Demon whip]]s will become [[sacred scourge]]s, [[demon blade]]s will become [[eudemon blade]]s, and [[demon trident]]s will become [[trishula]]s. [[Holy Word]] is cast when you bless a weapon. Doing this has no cost, but it can only be invoked once per game.
'''[[Piety|Piety level ******]]''': "Bringer of Light"
'''[[Piety|Piety level ******]]''': "Bringer of Light"
*No new abilities.
*'''Brand Weapon With Holy Wrath''' - the Shining One can bless a non-artifact weapon. This will add +2 to its enchantment level and add the [[holy wrath]] brand (replacing any existing brand). [[Demon whip]]s will become [[sacred scourge]]s, [[demon blade]]s will become [[eudemon blade]]s, and [[demon trident]]s will become [[trishula]]s. [[Holy Word]] is cast when you bless a weapon. Doing this has no cost, but it can only be invoked once per game.
*Summons hostile [[Angel]]s or [[Daeva]]s.
{{flavour|The Shining One forgives followers for abandonment; however, those who later take up the worship of an evil god will be punished. (Kikubaaqudgha, Yredelemnul, Makhleb, Lugonu, Beogh and Dithmenos are evil gods.)
*Triggers a Cleansing Flame against you.
*Makes a [[scroll of noise|loud noise]] at your location.
The Shining One's wrath is straightforward and unmistakable. Its victims find themselves smote with holy fire and beset with holy warriors. Sinners will be silenced, and the Shining One will also shout to alert the victim's foes.
*[[Silence]]s you for 10-35 turns.
The Shining One's wrath lasts for a relatively short duration.}}
Note that the Shining One will never actively punish you while you're under penance, even if you left the religion, unless you converted to an evil religion ([[Kikubaaqudgha]], [[Makhleb]], [[Yredelemnul]], [[Beogh]], or [[Lugonu]]) or if you kill a friendly [[angel]] or a [[daeva]] (even through an ally). TSO doesn't care if you kill hostile angels or daevas.
The Shining One will only punish you if you convert to an evil god ([[Beogh]], [[Dithmenos]], [[Kikubaaqudgha]], [[Lugonu]], [[Makhleb]], or [[Yredelemnul]]). Switching to other gods or violating TSO's conduct will not result in any wrath, and converting to [[Elyvilon]] or [[Zin]] will transfer half of your piety to them.
The possible forms of [[divine retribution]] include:
*Summoning hostile, [[durably summoned]] [[angel]]s or [[daeva]]s.
*Triggering a Cleansing Flame against you.
*Making a loud [[noise]] at your location.
*[[Silence|Silencing]] you for 10-35 turns.
===Early Game Vs. Late Game===
The Shining One is a more defensive-minded god for melee-oriented characters who shines late-game but provides little to help you survive the early game.
The Shining One is most powerful in the [[extended game]], where evil monsters (demons/undead) are incredibly common. With so many evil creatures, this god really ''shines'':
*The main method for gaining piety with the Shining One is to kill demons, undead, and evil creatures, which are plentiful in late-game branches (e.g. the [[Abyss]], [[Hell]], [[Pandemonium]] and [[Tomb]]) but rare early. Not only that, but you'll gain HP/MP from killing them, and be better equipped to do so thanks to the free [[holy wrath]] brand, Cleansing Flame, and divine warriors. The piety gain from spotting monsters is comparatively much lower.
*Piety gain is rapid. You can get from 0* to 5* or 6* just by doing [[the Crypt]].
*The divine halo, which is more or less equivalent to [[see invisible]] plus a heavy [[slaying]] accuracy bonus, and the free rN+++ from piety allow for more flexible gearing late-game. Although crucial later on, these benefits are rarely vital in the early game.
*Healing on kills help you recover quickly. Most relevant in [[Pandemonium]], which has random areas and respawning monsters (making it hard to rest).
*Holy beings you encounter will also be peaceful at high piety.
*Cleansing Flame is a very powerful AOE against evil creatures, if you have high Invocations skill. It hits a 2-radius area and never misses - allowing you to finish off that [[tormentor]] or [[hellion]] without the chance of missing.
*Most damningly, the Shining One doesn't provide a whole lot of help early. The first abilities you'll be able to use, the halo and Divine Shield, are defensive in nature and relatively weak at that moment of the game. Furthermore, the Shining One prohibits the use of poison, negative energy (such as wands of draining), and striking someone who's confused, paralyzed, or asleep. This takes away a lot of wands and weapons and makes you a lot more vulnerable to early out of depth monsters that you could otherwise deal with using the above methods.
*[[Holy wrath]] is the strongest brand against demons. Also, guaranteed rN+++ is nice, it can also free up inventory slots.
===Converting to the Shining One===
Players will often switch to TSO once they reach the extended part of the game; common gods to switch from include [[Okawaru]], [[Trog]], and [[Yredelemnul]]. You can deal with your old god's [[divine retribution|wrath]] by going to places like [[the Crypt]] and [[the Abyss]] (both rife with evil monsters).
Because of the above, one of the more popular paths is to pick another god for the early game, then convert to the Shining One in the mid/late game. Popular choices include:
*[[Elyvilon]] or [[Zin]]: Both allow training [[Invocations]] and you won't suffer divine retribution after switching to the Shining One. Their code of conduct is also similar, preparing you for life as a crusading zealot.
*[[Okawaru]]: Trains [[Invocations]] and gifts you weapons and armour you'll be able to continue using after switching. His wrath isn't too difficult to deal with.
The Shining One is a decent, if not the best, god for the earlier stages of the game. The halo increases accuracy - both yours and your [[allies]] - against monsters. Divine Shield and Divine Warriors are helpful active abilities, even against non-evil monsters. Summoners may appreciate TSO the most, with the halo providing significant buffs to the inaccurate early-game summons.
*[[Makhleb]]: Trains [[Invocations]] by letting you fire magical bolts and summon demons, and heals you on kills. His wrath is pretty weak, considering you'll now be following a god who specializes in dispatching demons.
*[[Trog]]: Doesn't train [[Invocations]], but is ''the'' early-game god for melee characters, letting you go [[berserk]] and summon similarly irate monsters. He'll also gift you weapons. Wrath is manageable.
You should train Invocations to 8-10 in the last levels before you do [[Crypt]] (if your skill isn't already that high), then switch to the Shining One and go to maximum piety in the Crypt. Once you can summon divine warriors to your aid you should be set for the rest of the game; just keep an eye out for good weapons to bless (see below).
However, TSO is often considered a weaker choice. Without as many evil monsters, piety gain is slow. Gods like [[Trog]] and [[Mahkleb]] offer similarly strong abilities, but at a faster piety rate. Overall, TSO is a ''passable'' god, but not the greatest. Keep in mind that TSO itself is safe to abandon; you won't get wrath unless you switch to an [[evil]] god later. So if you get TSO from a [[faded altar]], no need to fret.
The other downsides of worshipping TSO are the various conducts. You won't be able to [[stab]] opponents or go [[invisible]], and the halo lowers your [[stealth]] significantly. Additionally, you are not allowed to use evil spells ([[Necromancy]], [[Call Imp]], [[Malign Gateway]], [[Summon Horrible Things]]), which can be helpful throughout the game.
===Tips & Tricks===
===Tips & Tricks===
When worshipping the Shining One, keep the following in mind:
When worshipping the Shining One, keep the following in mind:
*Make sure you bless a weapon before taking on the [[Hells]] or [[Pandemonium]]. The best choice is usually either a [[broad axe]], [[executioner's axe]], [[bardiche]], [[demon whip]], or [[demon blade]]. A blessed demon whip ([[holy scourge]]) is the best one-handed weapon in the game against demons (except for weapons of speed). If you are playing an [[ogre]], bless a [[giant spiked club]] instead. Ranged weapon users can do quite well with blessing [[longbow]]s/[[crossbow]]s.
*Make sure you bless a weapon before taking on the [[Hells]] or [[Pandemonium]]. The best choice is usually either a [[broad axe]], [[executioner's axe]], [[bardiche]], [[demon trident]], [[demon whip]], [[eveningstar]], or [[demon blade]]. Ranged weapon users can do quite well by blessing their best ranged weapon, from [[longbow]], [[hand cannon]], or [[triple crossbow]].
*Don't underestimate the Cleansing Flame ability; it can deal very respectable area-of-effect damage once you reach high Invocations. When surrounded by demons, one or two uses will quickly clear out the weaker pests, provide quick healing, pay for its own MP / piety cost, and deal unavoidable damage to any fiends or worse that are in range. A [[haste]]d TSO worshiper spamming full power Cleansing Flames can take down all but the hardiest end-game bosses.
*Don't underestimate the Cleansing Flame ability; it can deal very respectable area-of-effect damage once you reach high Invocations. When surrounded by demons, one or two uses will quickly clear out the weaker pests, provide quick healing, pay for its own MP/piety cost, and deal significant unavoidable damage to any [[Fiend]]s or worse that are in range. A [[haste]]d TSO worshiper spamming full power Cleansing Flames can take down all but the hardiest end-game bosses.
*One of the hardest aspects to manage as a worshipper of the Shining One is fighting in a chivalric manner. Any number of misteps may incur penance. Keep the following in mind:
*TSO's Bless Allies effect doesn't just affect the angels and daevas TSO sends your way; ''any'' ally will be protected from Abjuration and blessed when it gets kills.
**[[Miscast effects]] can sometimes harm your allies or poison your enemies. [[Air Magic]] miscasts can generate poisonous gas clouds that will happily ruin your day in the middle of a big battle.
*One of the more annoying aspects of being a worshiper of the Shining One is fighting in a chivalrous manner. Fortunately, all situations that don't outright prevent you from acting unchivalrous will warn you if you attempt them (such as trying to act while confused when it might cause you to attack an ally).
**Trying to act while confused may cause you to attack an ally (or an enemy in an unchivalric manner). Wait out the confusion, remove it with a [[potion of curing]], or prevent it entirely with an [[amulet of clarity]].
**There is a risk of accidentally casting a spell or using an item, such as [[Regeneration]] or [[wand of draining]], that the Shining One dislikes if you have an old macro bound to the spell/item. Use a [[scroll of amnesia]] to clean out forbidden spells, and throw away contraband items.
**Shields of [[reflection]] are risky: they can reflect a bolt of poison or negative energy, which the Shining One will interpret as your creation.
**Area of effect spells can damage unaware or sleeping enemies unintentionally.
**While fighting with [[angel]]s and [[daeva]]s at your side, they will sometimes "aggro" monsters, causing them to ignore you: in this state attacking them is considered unchivalric. While the Shining One won't mind if you attack a demon distracted by your heavenly brothers in arms, he'll be ticked off if it's a mere orc.
{{CBA|0.32|TSO's halo will no longer make allies easier to hit. Additionally, Divine Shield will no longer increase your SH. Instead, it will block a number of attacks depending on Invocations. Ranged attacks blocked by Divine Shield will be [[reflection|reflected]], while melee attackers will have a 50% chance to be [[blind]]ed. Also, the chance to gain HP and MP from killing demons/undead/evil creatures will scale from 30% at 1* to 80% at 6* piety.}}
*Prior to [[0.28]], Divine Shield was available at 2* piety, and Cleansing Flame at 4* piety.
*Prior to [[0.27]], branding a weapon with holy wrath would un-[[curse]] it.
*Prior to [[0.26]], the three good gods forbid [[cannibalism]].
*Prior to [[0.20]], TSO disapproved of poison and stabbing [[:Category:Human intelligence|intelligent]] monsters (with stabbing not outright prevented). Cleansing Flame was also weaker and did half damage to non-evil monsters.
*Prior to [[0.19]], the Shining One would inflict penance if the player desecrated holy corpses or committed cannibalism; these were not outright forbidden.
*Prior to [[0.16]], the Shining One could create enhanced-stat versions of Long Blades with max piety (called [[blessed blade]]s). TSO's Divine Shield also used to benefit from training in the [[Shields (skill)|Shields skill]].
*Prior to [[0.15]], followers of the Shining One were occasionally seen as allies by [[:Category:Holy holiness|holy monsters]]. The chance of this recognition rose with piety. Also, blessing a weapon would affect it as though you'd just read a [[scroll of enchant weapon III]] rather than giving it a flat +2 enchantment level.
*Prior to [[0.10]], followers of the Shining One gained piety passively, up to a limit, and piety did not decay.
*Prior to [[0.10]], followers of the Shining One gained piety passively, up to a limit, and piety did not decay.
*Prior to [[0.8]], the [[paladin]] background started the game worshiping the Shining One.
*Prior to [[0.8]], the [[paladin]] background started the game worshiping the Shining One.
*Prior to [[0.4]], TSO would occasionally gift permanent allies.
[[Category:Gods|Shining One, The]][[Category:Good Gods]]
[[Category:Good Gods]]

Latest revision as of 21:00, 10 August 2024

Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
The shining one altar.png "Lead the forces of light to victory!"
Followers of the Shining One are bound to the code of the honourable warrior, soldiers in their god's eternal crusade against evil. For forsaking dark magic and underhanded tactics, the Shining One rewards them and their allies with the power they need to slay demons and the undead. Especially devout warriors can even call upon angels in times of need. The Shining One's followers can convert to Elyvilon or Zin while keeping some piety.

Followers of the Shining One are surrounded by a halo that reveals their enemies to them. Followers will gain power by killing evil beings, and with growing piety their life force will be protected. The Shining One will keep summoned and charmed allies on their side longer, should the allies prove worthy of the crusade. Followers will gain use of a divine shield to protect them in battle. Later, they can channel blasts of cleansing flame that are particularly damaging to unholy beings, and can call upon powerful divine beings as temporary allies. Highly pious followers may request the Shining One's blessing upon a weapon. The Shining One may occasionally directly intervene to save a follower's life.

The Shining One likes it when you kill the undead, you kill demons, you kill evil beings and you encounter other hostile creatures.

The Shining One strongly dislikes it when you use evil magic or items, you attack non-hostile holy beings, you attack neutral beings, you attack allies or you kill non-hostile holy beings.

Racial Restrictions


  • You or your allies killing the undead, demons, or evil creatures (such as followers of evil gods). Chance of +1 piety, higher chance for creatures with high HD.
  • Encountering non-evil monsters you've never encountered before.


  • The Shining One prevents you from attacking in unchivalrous manner - ie, stabbing. Your attack will still take place, but you will receive no stabbing benefit.
  • While not a direct conduct, worshippers are given a halo, which prevents the ability to go invisible.


  • Inactivity: You lose 1 piety per 700 turns, on average (1/35 chance every 20 turns).

The Shining One strongly dislikes it (i.e. penance) when:

  • You use Necromancy.
  • You use unholy magic or items.
  • You attack neutral beings.
  • You attack allies.

Note that equipment that violates the Shining One's commandments will be printed in red, be labeled in its (in-game) description, and you'll receive a warning before doing a transgression. Also, the Shining One will forgive accidental transgressions (i.e. performing a forbidden action via an unidentified item).

Given Abilities

Piety level -: "Acolyte"

  • Protection from harm - If you receive lethal damage, there's a piety-based chance that the Shining One may nullify the damage (at the cost of reducing your piety). This is possible even if you're under penance. The chance increases linearly from 10% at 0 piety to 28% at maximum. (Passive)
  • Divine Halo - You are surrounded by a halo. It starts off only illuminating you, but it grows in size every piety/20 tiles, extending to your full line of sight. Anything (except you) inside the halo is easier to hit, and both you and monsters are revealed if invisible. Also, your stealth is divided by x2.5. (Passive)
  • Protection from negative energy - The Shining One provides negative energy resistance. This improves as piety rises, up to rN+++ at full piety. (Passive)

In addition, the Shining One protects your allies:

  • Protection against abjuration - When Abjuration is cast against your summoned servants, the power (duration reduction) is reduced, depending on your servant's HD. (Passive)
  • Bless Allies - The Shining One may bless one of your allies when it kills an enemy or gains experience. The chance for this rises with your piety. The following blessings are possible:

Piety level *: "Righteous"

  • Gain power from killing - You sometimes regain HP and MP whenever you kill demons, the undead, and evil creatures. You have a (piety - 30)/200 chance of healing 1d(2*HD + 1) - 1 HP HP and 1d(2 + HD/3) - 1 MP MP when killing valid monsters.[1][2] (Passive)
  • Divine Shield - Grants a divine shield, providing 6 + Invocations * 2/5 SH. Duration is also controlled by Invocations. This shield is controlled by The Shining One, so it stacks with any other shield and does not interfere with two-handed weapons. (3 MP and 2-3 piety)

Piety level **: "Unflinching"

  • No new abilities.

Piety level ***: "Holy Warrior"

  • Cleansing Flame - Creates a large burst of holy energy centered on yourself, dealing unavoidable holy damage to all monsters around you. This affects all monsters within two spaces of you. Your Invocations skill increases damage dealt and chance of success. Because this ability emits holy energy, it does double damage to demons and undead, normal damage to other creatures, and no damage to holy beings, neutral creatures, or allies. Base damage is 2d(10 + Invocations * 7/6).[3][4] (5 MP and 2-3 piety)

Piety level ****: "Exorcist"

  • No new abilities.

Piety level *****: "Demon Slayer"

  • Summon Divine Warrior - Summons a friendly Angel or Daeva. (8 MP and 6-9 piety)

Piety level ******: "Bringer of Light"


The Shining One forgives followers for abandonment; however, those who later take up the worship of an evil god will be punished. (Kikubaaqudgha, Yredelemnul, Makhleb, Lugonu, Beogh and Dithmenos are evil gods.)

The Shining One's wrath is straightforward and unmistakable. Its victims find themselves smote with holy fire and beset with holy warriors. Sinners will be silenced, and the Shining One will also shout to alert the victim's foes.

The Shining One's wrath lasts for a relatively short duration.

The Shining One will only punish you if you convert to an evil god (Beogh, Dithmenos, Kikubaaqudgha, Lugonu, Makhleb, or Yredelemnul). Switching to other gods or violating TSO's conduct will not result in any wrath, and converting to Elyvilon or Zin will transfer half of your piety to them.

The possible forms of divine retribution include:



The Shining One is most powerful in the extended game, where evil monsters (demons/undead) are incredibly common. With so many evil creatures, this god really shines:

  • Piety gain is rapid. You can get from 0* to 5* or 6* just by doing the Crypt.
  • Healing on kills help you recover quickly. Most relevant in Pandemonium, which has random areas and respawning monsters (making it hard to rest).
  • Cleansing Flame is a very powerful AOE against evil creatures, if you have high Invocations skill. It hits a 2-radius area and never misses - allowing you to finish off that tormentor or hellion without the chance of missing.
  • Holy wrath is the strongest brand against demons. Also, guaranteed rN+++ is nice, it can also free up inventory slots.

Players will often switch to TSO once they reach the extended part of the game; common gods to switch from include Okawaru, Trog, and Yredelemnul. You can deal with your old god's wrath by going to places like the Crypt and the Abyss (both rife with evil monsters).


The Shining One is a decent, if not the best, god for the earlier stages of the game. The halo increases accuracy - both yours and your allies - against monsters. Divine Shield and Divine Warriors are helpful active abilities, even against non-evil monsters. Summoners may appreciate TSO the most, with the halo providing significant buffs to the inaccurate early-game summons.

However, TSO is often considered a weaker choice. Without as many evil monsters, piety gain is slow. Gods like Trog and Mahkleb offer similarly strong abilities, but at a faster piety rate. Overall, TSO is a passable god, but not the greatest. Keep in mind that TSO itself is safe to abandon; you won't get wrath unless you switch to an evil god later. So if you get TSO from a faded altar, no need to fret.

The other downsides of worshipping TSO are the various conducts. You won't be able to stab opponents or go invisible, and the halo lowers your stealth significantly. Additionally, you are not allowed to use evil spells (Necromancy, Call Imp, Malign Gateway, Summon Horrible Things), which can be helpful throughout the game.

Tips & Tricks

When worshipping the Shining One, keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure you bless a weapon before taking on the Hells or Pandemonium. The best choice is usually either a broad axe, executioner's axe, bardiche, demon trident, demon whip, eveningstar, or demon blade. Ranged weapon users can do quite well by blessing their best ranged weapon, from longbow, hand cannon, or triple crossbow.
  • Don't underestimate the Cleansing Flame ability; it can deal very respectable area-of-effect damage once you reach high Invocations. When surrounded by demons, one or two uses will quickly clear out the weaker pests, provide quick healing, pay for its own MP/piety cost, and deal significant unavoidable damage to any Fiends or worse that are in range. A hasted TSO worshiper spamming full power Cleansing Flames can take down all but the hardiest end-game bosses.
  • TSO's Bless Allies effect doesn't just affect the angels and daevas TSO sends your way; any ally will be protected from Abjuration and blessed when it gets kills.
  • One of the more annoying aspects of being a worshiper of the Shining One is fighting in a chivalrous manner. Fortunately, all situations that don't outright prevent you from acting unchivalrous will warn you if you attempt them (such as trying to act while confused when it might cause you to attack an ally).


  • In 0.32, TSO's halo will no longer make allies easier to hit. Additionally, Divine Shield will no longer increase your SH. Instead, it will block a number of attacks depending on Invocations. Ranged attacks blocked by Divine Shield will be reflected, while melee attackers will have a 50% chance to be blinded. Also, the chance to gain HP and MP from killing demons/undead/evil creatures will scale from 30% at 1* to 80% at 6* piety.
  • Prior to 0.28, Divine Shield was available at 2* piety, and Cleansing Flame at 4* piety.
  • Prior to 0.27, branding a weapon with holy wrath would un-curse it.
  • Prior to 0.26, the three good gods forbid cannibalism.
  • Prior to 0.20, TSO disapproved of poison and stabbing intelligent monsters (with stabbing not outright prevented). Cleansing Flame was also weaker and did half damage to non-evil monsters.
  • Prior to 0.19, the Shining One would inflict penance if the player desecrated holy corpses or committed cannibalism; these were not outright forbidden.
  • Prior to 0.16, the Shining One could create enhanced-stat versions of Long Blades with max piety (called blessed blades). TSO's Divine Shield also used to benefit from training in the Shields skill.
  • Prior to 0.15, followers of the Shining One were occasionally seen as allies by holy monsters. The chance of this recognition rose with piety. Also, blessing a weapon would affect it as though you'd just read a scroll of enchant weapon III rather than giving it a flat +2 enchantment level.
  • Prior to 0.10, followers of the Shining One gained piety passively, up to a limit, and piety did not decay.
  • Prior to 0.8, the paladin background started the game worshiping the Shining One.
  • Prior to 0.4, TSO would occasionally gift permanent allies.


Good ElyvilonZinThe Shining One
Neutral AshenzariCheibriadosDithmenosFedhas MadashGozag Ym SagozHepliaklqanaIgnisOkawaruQazlalRuSif MunaTrogUskayawVehumetWu Jian
Chaotic JiyvaNemelex XobehXom
Evil BeoghKikubaaqudghaLugonu *Makhleb *Yredelemnul
* Chaotic & Evil