Arena of Blood

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Version 0.32: This article is up to date for the latest stable release of Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
The Arena Of Blood

You descend into the pit of gibs and meat,
The sunken abyss of the depraved
The mill of turgid gutspawn.
The writhen instruments serve in adoration,
Immured beneath a rotten throne.

Before you lies the servitor of chaos,
The cleaver,
The blasphemer,
The destroyer,
The Axe of Woe.

The Arena of Blood (a.k.a. meatsprint) is the eighth module for Dungeon Sprint. Unlike most Dungeon Sprints, this allows only one playstyle: you must worship Makhleb, and you must wield the Axe of Woe. No other course of action stands a chance of victory, and only through prudent positioning, cleaving attacks, and abuse of Makhleb's healing on kills will you survive.

Urand axe of woe.png

The Axe of Woe

As you hold this axe your mind does not feel fully your own. Your body begins to exhibit strength far beyond its capabilities, and your movements become guided by Makhleb.

+∞ executioner's axe (or broad axe for small and little species)

With infinite accuracy and damage, plus cleaving, you are guaranteed to kill every enemy adjacent to you with every attack. Training Axes is still important in order to make your attacks faster.


Before starting, understand that your species choice should be based upon a very small number of issues. Due to the absurd amount of experience earned here, the absence of any armour, and the fact that most enemy attacks are completely unavoidable, your species' skill aptitudes and equipment slots make almost no difference.

Breaking the Map

Djinn absolutely destroy Arena of Blood. There's no high level spellbooks, and even if there were, learning spells would be too difficult in such a hectic environment. Djinn instead learn spells innately and instantly. While direct damage spells pale in comparison to the Axe of Woe, utilities are incredibly powerful. Manifold Assault in particular is amazing at clearing out the entire screen, provided you are lucky enough to get it. Other good spells include Disjunction, Death Channel, and Discord, among others. Having natural fire resistance and poison/miasma immunity is a cherry on top.

In a more literal sense, Formicids have the ability to burrow, which will allow you the opportunity to hide from ranged attacks. By burrowing in an alternating diagonal path you can create a hole that allows only one enemy to see you at one time. This works well until you run into a monster with Dig. It can enable you to learn the spells in a starting book, too.


If wanting to play without breaking the sprint, trolls and ogres have a distinct advantage in terms of sheer survivability. Due to the eventual presence of fire, cold, negative energy, torment, and poison attacks, ghouls and occasionally demonspawn serve well here as well. Mummies are not advisable, as the amount of fire damage they'll be exposed to would take them out in short order, while vampires simply can't exsanguinate fast enough to get access to their useful resistances.

Because they cannot wield axes at all, felids are given a +27,000 ring of slaying, which makes a kill of any given opponent highly likely but not, alas, absolutely guaranteed. Obviously they lose all cleaving opportunities, but their extra lives make for an interesting alternative.


Your background choice is straightforward. Your stats generally don't matter; your infinite damage weapon means strength is pointless, and you won't have time to memorize any of the higher level spells in your starting spell books, so intelligence is also out. Dexterity will increase your evasion, which provides a chance of dodging a very small percentage of the attacks you'll face, so that is the only stat which matters, and even that is almost negligible. Meanwhile, almost all of the starter spellbooks you can receive contain nothing that will help you here, and you'll be training your way from near-incompetence with an axe to mastery in moments. As such, almost all backgrounds are identical, with the following exceptions:

  • Fighter - This is a terrible option for non-Formicids, as you need to spend turns taking off your shield.
  • Warper - One of the only backgrounds with a distinct advantage, as Warpers begin with two scrolls of blinking instead of the normal one (extremely useful, especially if you can keep one intact for the Arena of Blood's finale), and if you can find the time to memorize them, Blink and Vhi's Electric Charge, can both be helpful.


Upon reaching 6* of piety, which will not take long, you will be given the opportunity to choose from one of three Infernal Marks. Some are outright detrimental in the Arena of Blood, while others give game-changing abilities.

  • Mark of the Fanatic - Transforms you into a demon, at a cost you will have to repay after it expires. Slaughter Form is unbelievably overpowered in this mode. You are immune to torment and take reduced damage from everything. All this for the price of... being brought to a safe resting spot where all you have to do is fight the occasional demon that will die in one swing of your axe like everything else. If you want to maximize your score, take this as soon as you reasonably can.
  • Mark of Haemoclasm - Enemies have a chance to explode when they die. Because the explosion damage scales with the health of the enemy, killing some of the beefier monsters here can create chains that wipe out entire sections of the screen. Inconsistent, but really pops off when it does work.
  • Mark of the Legion - Replaces Infernal Servant with Infernal Legion, which spawns in swarms of weaker demons instead of one strong demon. Essentially free to activate, lasts a while, and creates a good amount of cover you can walk through when needed.
  • Mark of Execution - Attacking has a chance to transform you into Executioner Form, giving you innate rampaging and a retaliatory aux attack. Rampaging is nice. Not very consistent despite the constant bloodshed.
  • Mark of the Celebrant - Shoots out several damaging projectiles when you fall below 50% HP, and must be recharged by reaching full HP again. The blood arrows actually do surprisingly decent damage for how beefy the enemies here are. If there are large groups of injured enemies around you (from, say, Meat Hydras tormenting everything), then this can actually be a good way of recovering from the brink of death. From how often you'll be alternating between near death and full health, it'll constantly trigger.
  • Mark of the Tyrant - Allows you to summon stronger demons, and buffs them when you kill enemies. It won't help them survive any longer or be any more effective.
  • Mark of Atrocity - Buffs your Unleash Destruction if you use it multiple times consecutively. Using Unleash Destruction to begin with is not wise in this mode.
  • Mark of Carnage - Spawns your Infernal Servants next to enemies with a large blast. The explosion doesn't do any real damage to the monsters and separates you from your meat shields.
  • Mark of Annihilation - Replaces your Infernal Servant with Globe of Annihilation, which does minimal damage and will at best drain or freeze a group of enemies for a short time. Gets rid of your only distraction tool/meat shield producer.

Just be aware that accepting a mark causes you to take a massive amount of damage, so don't do it while enemies are adjacent to you!

Useful Info

You begin in the center of a large, circular arena. At your feet is the Axe of Woe, which you will need to pick up immediately. Once you have the axe in your possession, you'll notice that there are four altars to Makhleb nearby, which you should pray at as quickly as possible. A flood of opponents will begin swarming you almost immediately, gradually becoming deadlier and deadlier as you progress. Before you engage them, enter your skill training menu and begin training Axes and nothing else.

Your initial placement is not an ideal one; apart from four short walls that partially box you in, there is no cover to speak of, and plenty of enemies with powerful smite-targeted attacks will eventually arrive at the edges of your line of sight. Unfortunately, there aren't any better areas to get to, and you won't have time to explore much anyway.

Take your time luring opponents into melee range and defeating them without allowing them the chance to attack you. As the enemies become progressively more difficult, make sure to examine them and find out what they're capable of, and act accordingly. You'll quickly master Axes; once that happens, master Fighting (HP is king here), then Dodging, then Stealth, then Armour. As with all Dungeon Sprint modules, you start with several useful consumable items; use them where they're needed to survive (the potion of haste in particular is extremely powerful, and a well-timed potion of resistance can be a huge help).

Eventually, the boss of the Arena of Blood will arrive: the Meatlord.

Remember that the Orb will drop at your feet and not at the Meatlord's position.


Bag of meat.png Bag of meat: The first foes you'll encounter, these are simply melee opponents. They wear rings of slaying that make them deadly to fresh characters and somewhat threatening to seasoned fighters, but in general they are simply free experience and healing.

One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. It is a horrendous imitation of the human form, consisting of an unrecognisable mass of meat stitched together with limbs sewn on seemingly at random. Its skin hangs off loosely in some places and bulges repulsively in others. Each one bears a large symbol carved into its flesh, a mark of pride from its twisted creator.

Meat berserker.png Meat berserker: These permanently berserked units move much faster and hit hard enough to gravely injure even fully leveled fighters. Most of your early, unlucky deaths will probably be from one of these wandering into you before you have a chance to do anything. If you find one approaching you early on, move away from it so it doesn't have a chance to instantly move into your square and crush you.

One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Its form is large and muscular. It moves swiftly and with impetuous fury, the sole thought within its being to rend you apart with great fervour. As it rages, it creates a cacophonous din.

Destroyer.png Destroyer: These opponents hit much, much harder than anything you've faced so far, and can cast Blink Close to get into melee range with you surprisingly quickly. Pay attention to them turn by turn, and don't let them land a single hit.

The destroyers begin to descend upon you. They come in numbers and with wrath, maws gaping like abaddon, bottomless and abyssal. They bring your doom and will feast on your remains.

Large bag of meat.png Large bag of meat: Fairly powerful opponents with an innate Inner Flame enchantment. While one normally tries to avoid killing Inner Flamed opponents in melee, you don't have much choice in the matter here, and frankly they're much more dangerous alive. Hack 'em up and enjoy the fireworks!

One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Its bloated hulk pulsates and throbs constantly with accursed fires. It looks as if it could explode into a torrent of viscera at any moment.

Skeletal warrior.png Sculptor of flesh: These opponents hit about as hard as large bags of meat, but do nothing else of note ever since their Twisted Resurrection was removed. Deal with them like you would with Destroyers.

An artisan of unlife, the sculptor appears as a grim skeletal form. It has six long arms ending in mangled hands with broken fingers, upon which it crawls like a spider. Its skull is abnormally large and full of holes. Its bones are reddened and fractured, inscribed with the unholy spells it weaves to assemble its puppets.

Royal mummy.png Accursed: These opponents aren't too deadly directly; they aren't very impressive in melee, and their only spell is Smiting, which is annoying but not terribly deadly. Unfortunately, they give royal mummy-style death curses. If you're lucky, this will only torment you or reduce some of your meaningless stats. If you're unlucky, this will slow you, likely for the rest of the game as more of them show up to be slaughtered.

The accursed are the ones who came before. They have come to ensure you share their fate.

Phantom.png Wretched soul: Permanently invisible ranged threats. Against the living, they will use an extremely high-damage Bolt of Draining, and for the undead they have an even deadlier Dispel Undead. If you notice yourself suddenly torn to pieces by thin air, it's likely the work of one of these.

A spectre, struggling to leave the mortal world it is incarcerated in. It drains life and unlife from all those it comes into contact with.

Lich.png Tyrant: These powerful spellcasters can smite you for heavy damage with their Airstrike spell or bog down the battlefield with worthless summoned pests through Summon Horrible Things, which only serve to block your healing, and do so much more effectively after hasting themselves. If you have a choice in the matter, kill them off quickly.

A colossal mass of bones and skulls, a walking tomb. You hear shrieks and screams as it approaches, shattering off bones with each crushing step, reassembling itself in eternal unrest.

Sin beast.png Meat beast: One of the weaker enemies you will encounter here. Their attacks will do minimal damage but can trample you backwards multiple tiles in one turn. Be careful to not get pushed into a bad spot.

One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Ablaze with demonic frenzy, it gores and tramples with ferocity unmatched. Its skin is flayed, exposing the glistening tendons and sinew underneath, and the teeth inside its cavernous maw are stained with blood.

Wraith.png Dread: One of the worst opponents you can encounter, dreads tend to linger at the edge of your line of sight, pelting you with torment and damnation. On top of that, their melee attacks can slow you, which is a death sentence here. Kill them quickly.

An affront to existence, a void in which there is only torment and hellfire. Its unearthly form is torn and twisted, black and hollow. It is bereft of rational thought, knowing only hatred and the desire to desecrate your soul.

Meat hydra.png Meat hydra: Normally, hydras are only threats in melee, and should never be attacked with chopping weapons like axes if you have a choice in the matter. These freakish beasts, however, will spam you with Symbol of Torment, and should be slaughtered in melee as quickly as possible. No amount of mythical regeneration can save them from the Axe of Woe!

One of the legions of abominations created by the sculptors of flesh. Each of its eight necks is distended and elongated, connected to a colossal body crumpled and dripping with ichor. Its many heads spew blood while writhing and convulsing in agony, as it brings torment to itself and anything else that beholds its foul visage.

Scourge.png Scourge: If you're playing a species with poison resistance, scourges are next to harmless. For anyone else, their access to Poison Arrow, Poisonous Cloud, and to a lesser extent Venom Bolt can be devastating. If possible, don't give them a clear line of effect to you until they enter melee range.

A vast serpentine form with raw and diseased skin, seeping bile and pus, spouting venom and blight.

Great orb of eyes.png Observer: Another invisible threat, these beings simply pelt you with Bolt of Fire, Fireball, and Smiting until they happen to get close enough to you to get chopped to pieces. If you can determine where they're at and have a free turn to move, feel free to position yourself so they don't have a clear line of fire against you.

You see the unseen, you stare and they stare back. They whisper and laugh, they grin and cry, they leer at you with contempt and gaze at you in adoration. They are the observers, they are the judge of your worth and will decide your end.

Hell knight.png Fleshlord: One of the deadliest opponents you'll face, fleshlords deal monstrous amounts of damage in melee due to their +400 slaying bonuses to damage, and their tendency to haste themselves and slow you make them surprisingly capable of landing those massive blows.

One of the greatest servants of the Meatlord. It is muscular, agile and full of malevolence.

Molten gargoyle.png Vile: By far the nastiest opponents you will face in the arena. They will dig through walls, shower you in miasma and damnation, and then confuse you until you are dead. Shortly after the appearance (and likely subsequent death) of the Meatlord, these will swarm in and quickly become the only enemy present. Due to no external willpower sources being present in the arena, you will likely get chain confused and remain that way until your escape or death.

An emaciated figure brimming with hellfire and plague. Its appearance signifies the end of days.


Sigmund.png The Captor: Uses Ensnare and Sentinels Mark against you. Note that he does not spawn with a reaching weapon.

Those who enter will not escape.

Harold.png The Servant: A powerful melee attacker armed with a reaching weapon. Don't give him time to make use of it.

His glaive is alight with the flames of hell.

Edmund.png The Defiler: Although little threat in melee, he's capable of hitting you with Fireball and Poisonous Cloud. Overall, he's less threatening than many of the other foes here. His shield will do nothing to stop the Axe of Woe.

His shield is emblazoned with images of infernal flames.

Meatlord.png The Meatlord: The final boss of the Arena of Blood. He is equipped with the Sceptre of Torment, can pelt you with ball lightning and airstrikes, and summon in waves of Tzitzimimeh. When defeated, the Orb of Zot will drop at your feet.

You behold the embodiment of filth, corruption and depravity, the Meatlord. His foul body is bloated to the extreme, leaking viscous fluid and the stench of death. His head is that of a boar with bulging eyes and tusks split in two, his snout flares and oozes as he snorts and squeals at the sight of you, his mouth is a toothless rift which drools pools of blood and vomits forth disgusting remains. His neck is stretched and lops forward, its skin sagging downward. His immense gut writhes and distorts as the larvae within await their repugnant release. His legs are unrecognisable masses of flesh, covered in protrusions and throbbing boils. Your mind reels at the sight of this hideous form and your senses begin to shut down in an attempt to preserve your sanity as you choke on the oppressive stench.

Unspeakable.png The Unspeakable: This is a secret boss; it spawns after approximately twice as long in the Arena as the Meatlord does (but, unlike the Meatlord, there is no announcement of it spawning). In the unlikely event that you manage to kill it - by the time it appears, nearly all monsters spawning will be viles. It can summon huge numbers of starcursed masses while hitting you with airstrikes and smiting, all whilst splitting apart into clones. It drops the slimy rune of Zot at your feet when defeated.

You hear the echoes of planets behind the deafening roar of stars as it approaches. It is the jaws of the abyss. It brings forth crawling chaos from within. It is the last sight you will ever see.

Tips & Tricks

  • Don't bother picking up any of the many rings of slaying your opponents will drop, as you already have infinite accuracy and damage from the Axe of Woe.
  • Attacking is the way you survive, with Makhleb healing you on kills. The only time you usually can do anything else is if there are no enemies directly next to you. Move in such a way that you don't give enemies free hits, and that you don't open yourself up to line of effect abilities from distant enemies.
  • If you have a spare turn, you can summon some servants to serve as distractions. They are unlikely to survive long enough to turn against you, and if they arrive hostile, you should be able to handle them as easily as you handle everything else here.
  • There are 2 rings of see invisible and 2 rings of fire resistance in the arena. See invisible is placed at the northern and southern edge of the arena. Fire resistance is placed west and east. You usually won`t have the time to pick up more than 2 rings. (Thus playing an Octopode is not that much of a benefit.)
  • Enemies will sometimes be spawned in your LOS; stop and check the list of visible monsters after every step.
  • Prior to 0.27's addition of Djinn and Manifold Assault, seven non-Djinn characters on record have slain The Unspeakable - all of them could dig rock, and none escaped with the rune.

