The Lair

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Version 0.29: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.
Most adventurers find the Lair of Beasts to be an exciting change of climate. And indeed, there is something to be said about getting gored, mauled and eaten rather than sliced, burnt or stabbed.

The Lair contains the entrances to one of the Swamp or the Shoals, one of the Snake Pit or the Spider Nest, and to the Pits of Slime.

The entrance to this branch can be found between levels 8 and 11 of the Dungeon.

This branch is 5 levels deep.

Lair entry.png The Lair of Beasts (commonly known as the Lair) is a branch of the Dungeon filled with natural beasts of all kinds and offers a comparatively easy source of experience and treasure. While the lair itself does not contain a rune, it features entrances to three themed branches, all of which contain a Rune of Zot. There is one poison-themed branch (the Snake Pit or the Spider's Nest), one water-themed branch (the Swamp or the Shoals), and the acid-themed Slime Pits. At the very bottom of the Lair, you may even find a gate to the Hells, though using it so early is almost certainly suicidal.

The staircase to the Lair is located on D:8-11 and is often surrounded by plants, fungi, or occasionally (and unfortunately) an oklob plant. There may also be multiple denizens of the Lair scattered around the entrance, like yaks, a komodo dragon, or an actual fire dragon.


The Lair is 5 levels deep. Floor layouts vary significantly, including wide open chambers with almost no cover, series of interconnected small chambers with narrow hallways between them, and open areas dotted with either small forests or ponds. The topography of the Lair is quite irregular; while narrow passages exist, often there will be few true one-tile-wide tunnels, ensuring the various pack animals have ways to swarm passersby. In any case, there will often be pools of shallow water, deep water, and occasionally lava placed throughout.

The bottom floor of the Lair is generally fairly open, but will always contain one or two end vaults that contain both an assortment of stronger monsters and a selection of treasure. These vaults may range from a secluded set of caves full of assorted worms to a forest containing a temple or perhaps several bands of spriggans. See the #Lair:5 vaults section below for what to expect from the different options.

While there are very few altars found in the Lair, those wishing to worship Jiyva can often (66%) find an altar immediately outside of the Slime Pits on Lair:4 or 5.


If you haven't done so yet, read the article on hydras.

Although the Orcish Mines are occasionally discovered first, many players choose the Lair as the first branch they explore. The Lair is a sprawling area, and much easier than the potential threat of ettins and stone giants in Orc. There is a wide variety of possible monsters to encounter, but with a few exceptions, they are easier prey than you'll find delving deeper into the dungeon (at least on the first few floors). Just keep an eye out for surprisingly deadly cane toads or the obscenely deadly hydras. As you descend deeper and deeper, you'll encounter other dangerous opponents, such as packs of blink frogs, elephants, and the dreaded herds of death yaks.

Many monsters in the Lair are venomous; poison resistance will neutralize a significant portion of the potential damage output of the branch, though this is less crucial for spellcasters or ranged fighters who usually don't let monsters get near enough to bite or sting. Beyond that, electricity resistance will help you avoid an embarrassing death by electric eel shocks, cold resistance can come in handy for the occasional rime drake on the lower floors, and corrosion resistance will help with the odd oklob plant or vault full of jellies.

As you travel deeper, keep an eye out for messages suggesting the presence of a timed portal on the floor: you can gain access to the Ice Cave, Volcano, and Gauntlet from here (although each game randomly determines which, if any, of those will be present). Having the appropriate resistance for the Volcano and Ice Cave will make them far more survivable -- Gauntlets, meanwhile, might contain anything in addition to the minotaur at the end.

You should probably clear at least the first 4 floors of the Lair before venturing into any of its sub-branches; these can contain surprisingly difficult early encounters, and may require much more training for some character builds. As for the final Lair:5, explore it carefully as many end vaults are surprisingly dangerous. You may also run across rare Zot traps.


Common Monsters

Y Yak.png Yak Y Death yak.png Death yak Y Dream sheep.png Dream sheep Y Elephant.png Elephant Y Catoblepas.png Catoblepas
h Polar bear.png Polar bear h Black bear.png Black bear S Water moccasin.png Water moccasin S Black mamba.png Black mamba B Boulder beetle.png Boulder beetle
w Torpor snail.png Torpor snail D Hydra.png Hydra F Cane toad.png Cane toad F Blink frog.png Blink frog k Rime drake.png Rime drake
D Steam dragon.png Steam dragon S Electric eel.png Electric eel k Lindwurm.png Lindwurm

Monsters native to a lair branch may reside at its entrance; merfolk for the Shoals, redbacks for the Spider's Nest, etc.
There are also many man-made vaults with monsters inside (ex. a Hive filled with killer bees and a queen bee).


x Erica.png Erica e Fannar.png Fannar w Gastronok.png Gastronok g Grum.png Grum
@ Harold.png Harold @ Joseph.png Joseph @ Josephine.png Josephine @ Kirke.png Kirke
@ Maggie.png Maggie o Nergalle.png Nergalle c Nessos.png Nessos F Prince Ribbit.png Prince Ribbit
@ Rupert.png Rupert T Snorg.png Snorg K Sonja.png Sonja o Urug.png Urug

Lair:5 vaults

The last level of the Lair is more difficult than the previous levels. It always includes at least one of these vaults -- either one large vault, or two small vaults.

Large lair end vaults

Small lair end vaults

  • wormcave: A cave full of tyrant leeches, torpor snails, hornets, and lindwurms. There's also a single fire or ice dragon guarding a room full of piles of gold, but that fight is optional (don't open the runed door if you aren't ready to face it).
  • hangedman_lair_caniforms_friends: An assortment of hound- and bear-type monsters. Expect fire damage from hell hounds, electricity damage from raiju, and heavy physical damage from angry polar bears.
  • guppyfry_lair_end_dragon: A grove of trees surrounded by a small lake. Full of lizards and lesser dragons, with one proper dragon in the center.
  • hangedman_lair_in_review (S): A series of ruined rooms. This vault is a review of the Lair's monster set: you'll be seeing a variety of different monsters found in the Lair, plus a few more dangerous creatures like manticores.
  • hangedman_lair_tendril_chambers: A circular area cut into several wedge-shaped sections full of fast, often venomous monsters (wyverns, black mambas, cane toads, etc.). One or two of the wedges lead to a central chamber that in turn leads to a stone room that contains the treasure and a more dangerous assortment of monsters like wolf spiders, redbacks, and a guardian serpent.
