List of unrands

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An unrand (or unrandart) is short for "unrandom artefact," which is an artefact with a set appearance and properties (unlike a randart). (There's no such thing as a "List of Randarts" because they're, well, random.) An unrandart that is specialized to have unique, hardcoded properties is sometimes referred to as a fixedart, although this distinction has become blurred with time.


Ring of the mage.png ring of the Mage {Wiz MR Int+3}

Ring of the Tortoise.png ring of Robustness {AC+8}

File:Ring of shaolin.png ring of Shaolin {EV+8}

Ring of shadows.png ring of Shadows {+Inv EV+4 Acc-4 rN+ sInv Stealth++}

Ring of the octopus king.png rings of the Octopus King {<random property> AC+1 EV+1 Str+1 Dex+1 Int+1}

Ring of vitality.png ring of Vitality {Regen HP+15}


Brooch of shielding.png brooch of Shielding {Ward AC+4 EV+4}

Necklace of bloodlust.png necklace of Bloodlust {+Rage *RAGE Str+2 Int-2 MR Dam+5 Stealth-}

Amulet of the four winds.png amulet of the Four Winds {Clar rN+ MR}

Amulet of cekugob.png amulet of Cekugob {Ward -TELE Hunger rElec rPois rN+ AC+1 EV+1}

Amulet of the air.png amulet of the Air {cFly +Lev rElec EV+3 Stealth++}

Short Blades

Vampire's tooth.png +3, +4 Vampire's Tooth {vamp}

Dagger of chilly death.png +5, +7 dagger of Chilly Death {freeze, rF- rC++ rPois MR}

Dagger morg.png -1, +4 dagger "Morg" {pain, MR Int+5}

Spriggan's knife.png +4, +10 Spriggan's Knife {EV+4 Dex+4 MR Stealth++}

Captain's cutlass.png +6, +7 Captain's cutlass {speed}

Knife of accuracy.png +27, -1 knife of Accuracy

Long Blades

Sword of power.png (-4 to +20), (-4 to +20) Sword of Power

Demon blade bloodbane.png +7, +8 demon blade "Bloodbane" {slice, +Rage *RAGE Stealth-}

Scimitar of flaming death.png +7, +5 scimitar of Flaming Death {flame, rF++ rC- rPois MR}

Demon blade leech.png +13, +4 demon blade "Leech" {vamp, Curse AC-1 EV-1 Str-1 Int-1 Dex-1 rN+}

Zealot's sword.png +12, +10 sword of Jihad {holy, *RAGE EV+3 rN+ MR Stealth--}

Sword of the doom knight.png +13, +13 sword of the Doom Knight {pain, -CAST MR}

Plutonium sword.png +12, +16 plutonium sword {MUT+ Curse Stealth--}

Sword of zonguldrok.png +9, +9 Sword of Zonguldrok {reap, Curse}

Singing sword.png +7, +7 Singing Sword {noisy}

Autumn katana.png +8, +8 autumn katana {slice, Clar}

Sword of cerebov.png +6, +6 Sword of Cerebov {flame,}


Staff of dispater.png +4, +4 Staff of Dispater

Sceptre of asmodeus.png +7, +7 Sceptre of Asmodeus

Staff of olgreb.png +0, +0 Staff of Olgreb {venom, rPois}

Elemental staff.png +3, +1 Elemental Staff {rF++ rC++ MR Hunger Noisy}

Staff of wucad mu.png +0, +0 Staff of Wucad Mu


Axe wrath of trog.png +3, +11 Wrath of Trog {*RAGE}

Mithril axe arga.png +10, +6 mithril axe "Arga" {speed, MR Str+2}

Obsidian axe.png +12, +15 obsidian axe {chop, +Lev Curse SInv Str+3}


Scythe of curses.png +13, +13 scythe of curses {drain, Curse}

Glaive of prune.png +4, +12 Glaive of Prune {chop}

Scythe finisher.png +3, +5 scythe "Finisher" {speed, Str+3}

Glaive of the guard.png +5, +8 glaive of the guard {elec, +Rage SInv AC+5}

Spear of the botono.png +2, +10 spear of the Botono {reap, noisy rPois rN+ HP-3}

Trident of the octopus king.png +10, +4 trident of the Octopus King {venom, rElec rPois MR}

Wyrmbane.png +9, +6 Wyrmbane {slay drac, +Rage rPois rF+ AC+5}

Lehudib's crystal spear (weapon).png +6, +6 Lehudib's Crystal Spear {return, Int+3}

Maces & Flails

Mace of brilliance.png +5, +5 mace of Brilliance {holy, +5 AC Int+5 rN+ SInv Stealth-}

Giant club skullcrusher.png +0, +5 giant club "Skullcrusher" {speed, Str+5}

Morningstar eos.png +11, +11 morningstar "Eos" {elec, rElec -TELE SInv}

Great mace undeadhunter.png +7, +7 great mace "Undeadhunter" {disrupt, rN+}

Whip snakebite.png +5, +10 whip "Snakebite" {venom, rPois}

Mace of variability.png (-4 to +16), (-4 to +16) Mace of Variability {chaos}

Sceptre of torment.png +7, +6 Sceptre of Torment

Devastator.png +4, +8 shillelagh "Devastator"

Ranged Weapons

+9, +12 Sling "Punk"

A sling made of weird blue leather.

Sling punk.png A blue sling
Frost brand

A great weapon if you're using slings.

+8, +8 Longbow "Storm Bow"

This bow has the colour of dark rain clouds, and the smell of wet ozone.

Longbow storm bow.png A night blue bow
Electrocution brand

Randomly spawns rain clouds, which is of dubious use even for amphibians, because of electricity's behavior in water. Otherwise a great weapon.

+8, +8 Bow of Krishna "Sharnga"

Identified: It once belonged to a foreign god. It works best with special arrows which are not generally available.

Unidentified: A wonderful golden bow.

Bow of zephyr.png A golden bow
Speed brand
+3 DEX
See Invisible

Luckily, it doesn't need any special arrows to be effective. Experienced archers may still prefer a longbow to this weapon, though the speed is quite advantageous against unarmoured targets.

+6, +9 Crossbow "Hellfire"

A flaming crossbow, forged in the fires of the Hells.

Crossbow hellfire.png A flaming crossbow
Flame brand
+40 MR

Useful if you're using crossbows and can take the rC hit. Seems to have a strong tendency to be found on Gehenna:7.

+10, +0 Crossbow "Sniper"

A crossbow made of some black material.

Crossbow sniper.png A black crossbow
Venom brand
See Invisible

The venom effect is nice, but a well-enchanted crossbow of velocity is probably better.

+2, +10 Longbow "Piercer"

An exceptionally large metal longbow.

Longbow piercer.png A very long metal bow
Vorpal brand
-2 EV

Does a huge amount of damage at the cost of a small amount of evasion. Pretty good.

+6, +6 Blowgun of the Assassin

It is designed for easy concealment, but still packs a nasty punch.

Blowgun of the assassin.png A tiny blowgun
Allows Invisible
+60 Stealth

The stealth bonus is somewhat nice, but most stabbers will need to switch to a dagger when close to their targets, somewhat limiting this weapon's usefulness. Note that unlike all other randart blowguns, it does not have a speed brand (nor any brand).


+X Faerie Dragon Armour

Faerie dragons used to be a race of the same species as mottled ones. Too bad, their vivid colours became their bane, as they alerted potential prey. They are now extinct, and this prized relic is one of the last proofs they ever existed.

Faerie dragon armour.png A faerie dragon armour
Has 1d3 Random Effects

Found by killing the Enchantress, it has random properties, usually positive. Specifically, it will almost never have any of +Rage, *RAGE, -CAST, *TELE, or MUT(+). It also has a small (1/20 chance of each) chance to have clarity, +(1 to 11) MP, or +(-10 to 11) HP. It will always be positively enchanted, with somewhere between +2 and +7 enchantment. Base stats are identical to mottled dragon armour: 6 AC, -1 EV, wearable by all races that can wear armour. It even provides the same sticky flame resistance.

+9 Armour of the Dragon King

Armour of the dragon king.png A shiny gold dragon armour
+50 MR

A +9 gold dragon armour with 50 MR. Very nice if you can wear it, although with enough scrolls of enchant armour you can get slightly more AC out of a normal GDA. However, said scrolls would usually be better spent enchanting (and possibly repairing) secondary pieces of armour, such as cloaks of preservation or boots of running. If you're a heavy armour user and you find this, use it.

+15 Maxwell's Patent Armour

Maxwell's patent armour.png A weird-looking armour
Preservation ego
+50 MR
Prevents Spellcasting
Prevents Teleportation

This plate mail is only wearable by non-spellcasters, and even then it is very risky, since it cannot be taken off quickly if you need to teleport. Otherwise, an excellent piece of armour.

+4 Robe of Augmentation

A robe made of the finest silk.

Robe of augmentation.png A silk robe
+4 STR
+4 INT
+4 DEX

Nice, although many players may prefer resistances in their body armour slot instead.

+4 Skin of Zhor

The skin of some strange animal.

Skin of zhor.png A smelly skin

A very nice choice for races which cannot wear most armour and thus have trouble getting resistances. Base type is an animal skin.

+3 Salamander Hide Armour

A leather armour made of salamander's skin.

Salamander hide armour.png A red leather armour
Allows Berserk

Another very nice unrand, as it provides all the fire resistance most players will ever need.

+4 Robe of Night

Identified: According to legend, this robe was the gift of Ratri the Goddess of the Night to one of her followers.

Unidentified: A long black robe made of strange glossy material.

Robe of night.png A black robe
+30 MR
See Invisible
Allows Invisible
+50 Stealth

Good for a stabber, although as with the Robe of Augmentation many players may prefer something which gives elemental resistances to be in their armour slot. Useful in the Elven Halls, where monsters use Hexes against you and make themselves invisible.

+3 Robe of Clouds

A robe of a material so flimsy it could almost be clouds.

Robe of clouds.png A flimsy blue robe
Allows Levitate
Generates mist and rain

This item will randomly generate thin mist and rain around you. The rain may turn into shallow water or turn shallow water into deep water. Unfortunately this makes using it for any prolonged period of time impractical for most players other than merfolk, flying tengu, and Fedhas worshipers.

+10 Black Knight's Horse Barding

Identified: This gear used to be worn by the personal horse of the Black Knight during his reign of terror. Pitch-black, it appears to be made not only of some strange black steel, but also of entire plates of black diamond! Naturally, such weight of metal and stone cannot be good for the mount's speed. However, it offers not only mundane protection against blows; the adamant bears an enchantment that makes its wearer partially undead.

Unidentified: You feel sorry for the horse that has to wear this mass of metal.

Black knight barding.png A black horse barding
Ponderousness ego

It's your choice whether excellent AC, reduced hunger, and a rank of life protection are worth losing a bit of your centaur's speed advantage, but they probably are.

+3 Lightning Scales

Identified: These scales have been fashioned into armour for a naga's lower body. Faintly crackling with electricity, they have been enchanted to allow their wearer to slither at almost a human's pace

Unidentified:This naga barding is made of some very metallic dragon hide, to the point of confusing you at first glance into thinking that it's actually made of metal.

Lightning scales.png A metallic naga barding
+2 Movement speed

Probably the best naga barding out there, giving a useful resistance and almost nerfing naga's slow speed.

-1 Lear's Chain Mail

A chain mail made of pure gold.

Lear's chain mail.png A chainmail armor [with a randomized appearance]
-3 DEX
Prevents Spellcasting

There's obviously no reason to wear this, although it is nowhere near as bad as the Robe of Misfortune or Folly.

-1 Robe of Folly

A dull grey robe.

Robe of folly.png A robe [with a randomized appearance]
Cursed, 50% chance to recurse itself on equip
-5 INT
Prevents Spellcasting

This robe can be dangerous if your INT is particularly low. Nowhere near as bad as the Robe of Misfortune, of course.

-5 Robe of Misfortune

A splendid flowing robe of fur and silk.

Robe of misfortune.png A robe [with a randomized appearance]
Cursed, recurses itself on equip
-4 EV
-2 STR
-2 DEX
-2 INT
Prevents Spellcasting
Forces Teleportation
-80 Stealth
Heavily mutates you (+5)

The worst artefact in the game. It is quite dangerous to wear for any period of time, given its mutagenic radiation, its teleportitis, and its prevention of spellcasting. And due to its randomized appearance, wearing any unidentified randart robe always poses a risk. Make sure you have scrolls of remove curse handy.


+8 Shield of Ignorance

Shield of ignorance.png A dull large shield
Cursed, 33% chance to recurse itself on equip
+2 AC
+2 EV
-6 INT

A nice shield if you can take the INT hit. Be aware that walking around with 2 intelligence is unwise, even if you're not a spellcaster. Being crippled by every passing neqoxec is not fun, even if you don't suffer a statdeath.

+15 Shield "Bullseye"

Shield Bullseye.png A round shield
-5 EV

If you care about SH more than EV, then you should probably just upgrade to a large shield then. Only Kobolds and Halflings might consider wearing it.

+5 Shield of Resistance

A bronze shield.

Shield of resistance.png A bronze shield
+40 MR

A wonderful item for any player to have; even spellcasters should train their Shields skill to 15 to negate the penalties from this beautiful item should they find it.

+6 Shield of the Gong

Unidentified: This is a large gong; you wonder if it could be worn as a shield.

Identified: This shield shall surely be heard!

Shield of the Gong.png A bronze gong
Guardian Spirit ego
+50 MR
Makes noise when you block

Despite first appearances, this item is actually incredibly dangerous to use. The noises it makes are worse than shouting or the Singing Sword; they attract every monster on the level to your position. Combined with the fact that the guardian spirit attribute renders it useless to casters, who have crowd control spells, it is very difficult to imagine a character who would find this shield safe and usable.


+1 Cloak of the Thief

It allows its wearer to excel in the arts of thievery.

Cloak of the thief.png A tattered cloak
+2 EV
+2 DEX
-3 Damage
See Invisible
Allows Invisible
Allows Levitate
+60 Stealth

Stabbers might consider it, but most characters probably won't want to take the -3 damage unless they already have a lot of slaying.

+1 Ratskin Cloak

An enchantress with a magic loom and way too much time on her hands stitched this cloak from the hides of hundreds of rats, most of them orange. It's a bit awkward to wear and looks rather foolish, but it provides excellent protection from rats of all kinds.

Ratskin cloak.png A motley cloak
-1 DEX
-1 INT

Useful if you need rPois and/or life protection, although a normal cloak of poison resistance is probably better.

+3 Cloak of Flash

Cloak of flash.png A vibrating cloak
+4 EV
Allows Levitate

A very nice item to have, although some might say a cloak of preservation is better.

+0 Cloak of Starlight

A cloak woven of pure light beams.

Cloak of starlight.png A phosphorescent cloak
+4 EV
-30 Stealth

A good source of rElec and EV, although at the cost of 2 potential AC. The Stealth hit is not generally too terrible; usually you either have enough stealth it doesn't matter, or you aren't using stealth at all. Only stabbers might disagree.

+4 Dragonskin cloak

This opalescent cloak gleams with all dragon colours

Dragonskin cloak.png A opalescent scaly cloak

The fixedart cloak Tiamat leaves upon her demise. When worn by the player, it has a 50% chance of granting one level of resistance to any of the following elements (rolled at the time of the attack): Fire, Steam, Cold, Electricity, Poison, Sticky Flame, Negative energy.


+2 Hat of the Bear Spirit

Once owned by Ukta, a powerful Ogre shaman, this fur hat houses the spirit of an especially mighty bear.

Hat of the bear spirit.png A fur hat
Guardian Spirit ego
+2 AC
Allows Rage
+50 MR

For berserkers who want guardian spirit but also want a free amulet slot, this is a great way to go about that.

+3 Crown of Dyrovepreva

A large crown of dull bronze, set with a dazzling array of gemstones.

Crown of dyrovepreva.png A jewelled bronze crown
+2 INT
See Invisible
+1 Metabolism

A good switch if you need SInv or rElec, although the hunger cost means you shouldn't wear it for long unless you don't have hunger issues.

+0 Mask of the Dragon

Mask of the dragon.png A blue mask
+3 Accuracy
+3 Damage
+40 MR
See Invisible

Slaying is always nice, although you are giving up any AC from your helmet slot to wear this. This is usually worthwhile, unless you are really low on AC.

+2 Hat of the Alchemist

Hat of the alchemist.png A dirty hat
+30 MR

A very desirable artefact, particularly for Spriggans, Ogres, and Trolls, who often have trouble gaining resistances due to their restricted armour. A wonderful item for an Octopode.

+3 Hat of Pondering

The favorite hat of the slug wizard Gastronok, stained with reddish slime and enchanted to aid in his arcane pondering. It has been specially enchanted to protect against the effects of salt, though you probably don't care.

Hat of pondering.png A slimy wizard hat
Ponderousness ego
+5 INT
+30 MR
+10 MP

Can you take the movement hit? You have to decide. Luckily, this hat is most beneficial to those who are likely to have the means to speed themselves up, i.e. casters with Swiftness or Haste. Sometimes found on Gastronok.


+2 Boots of the Assassin

These boots were specially designed by the Assassin's Guild.

Boots of the assassin.png Some soft boots
+3 DEX
Allows Invisible
+80 Stealth

A boon to stabbers, good for anyone else, although boots of running are preferable if you find them.


+3 Gauntlets of War

Gauntlets of war.png A pair of thick gauntlets
+5 Accuracy
+5 Damage

+5 slaying in the gloves slot: what more could you want? Very useful for anybody.

+2 Fencer's Gloves

A pair of gloves made from white silk.

Fencer's gloves.png A pair of silk gloves
+3 EV
+3 DEX
+8 Accuracy

Between the DEX bonus and the raw EV bonus, these gloves give you a lot of extra EV. They're very nice if you find them.