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Version 0.28: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.

The Necromancy school of magic focuses on calling upon the unsavory power of death itself. It also influences how much bonus damage you can inflict with a pain branded weapon. Characters under the influence of the Necromutation spell (itself of the Necromancy school) receive a bonus to the power of Necromancy spells, as do mummies upon reaching levels 13 and 26.

The most obvious use for Necromancy is the creation of derived undead allies, though there are also several offensive and defensive spell options. It contains a very diverse spell set, and is quite a useful school of magic to study.

Using Necromancy has more consequences than other magical schools, however, as certain Necromancy spells have risks or side effects for the caster beyond the usual chance of miscasts. Necromancy is also considered unholy, and the good-aligned gods punish its use severely.


At Ba Co DE Dg Ds Dj Dr Fe Fo Gr Gh Gn Hu Ko Mf Mi MD Mu Na Op On Sp Te Tr Vp VS
-2 -1 0 2 -1 1 11 0 0 0 -2 0 6 0 0 -2 -3 1 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 -2 1 0


Icon Name Schools Level Power
Range Noise Flags Books

Level 1

Kiss of death.png Kiss of Death Conjuration/Necromancy 1 25 0-1 1 Dir or target, Not self, Unclean Book of Touch
Soul splinter.png Soul Splinter Necromancy 1 25 5 1 Wl check, Dir or target, Needs tracer, Not self Book of Cantrips
Book of Necromancy

Level 2

Grave claw.png Grave Claw Necromancy 2 50 4 2 Not self, Target Book of Unlife
Sublimation of blood.png Sublimation of Blood Necromancy 2 100 2 Utility Book of Blood
Book of Transmutation

Level 3

Fugue of the fallen.png Fugue of the Fallen Necromancy 3 100 8 Selfench Book of Battle
Book of Dreams
Vampiric draining.png Vampiric Draining Necromancy 3 100 1 3 Dir or target, Not self Book of Debilitation
Book of Necromancy

Level 4

Anguish.png Anguish Hexes/Necromancy 4 200 LOS 4 Wl check, Area Book of Dreams
Book of Hexes
Animate dead.png Animate Dead Necromancy 4 100 3 Helpful, Selfench, Utility Book of Death
Book of Unlife
Cigotuvi's putrefaction.png Cigotuvi's Putrefaction Air/Necromancy 4 100 5 4 Target, Unclean Book of Decay
Trismegistus Codex
Dispel undead.png Dispel Undead Necromancy 4 100 1 4 Dir or target, Needs tracer Book of Decay
Book of Touch
Martyr's knell.png Martyr's Knell Necromancy/Summoning 4 100 4 Book of Decay
Book of Necromancy

Level 5

Borgnjor's vile clutch.png Borgnjor's Vile Clutch Earth/Necromancy 5 200 6 5 Dir or target, Needs tracer Great Wizards, Vol. II
Book of Unlife
Agony.png Curse of Agony Necromancy 5 200 3 5 Wl check, Dir or target, Needs tracer, Not self Book of Necromancy
Book of the Senses

Level 6

Death channel.png Death Channel Necromancy 6 200 5 Helpful, Selfench, Utility Book of Decay
Book of Unlife

Level 7

Haunt.png Haunt Necromancy/Summoning 7 200 LOS 6 Mons abjure, Not self, Target Book of Death
Rimeblight.png Rimeblight Ice/Necromancy 7 200 5 7 Destructive, Dir or target, Unclean Book of Maladies
Book of Wicked Creation

Level 8

Borgnjor's revivification.png Borgnjor's Revivification Necromancy 8 200 6 Utility Necronomicon
Infestation.png Infestation Necromancy 8 200 LOS 8 Target, Unclean Book of Death

Level 9

Death's door.png Death's Door Necromancy 9 200 6 No ghost, Utility Necronomicon


Main Texts
Book of Death: Animate Dead, Haunt, Infestation
Book of Decay: Dispel Undead, Martyr's Knell, Death Channel
Book of Necromancy: Vampiric Draining, Martyr's Knell, Curse of Agony
Script error
Book of Unlife: Animate Dead, Borgnjor's Vile Clutch, Death Channel
Necronomicon: Haunt, Borgnjor's Revivification, Death's Door
Other Texts
Book of Battle: Fugue of the Fallen
Book of Blood: Sublimation of Blood
Book of Cantrips:
Book of Debilitation: Vampiric Draining
Book of Dreams: Fugue of the Fallen, Anguish
Great Wizards, Vol. II: Borgnjor's Vile Clutch
Book of Hexes: Anguish
Script error
Book of the Senses: Curse of Agony
Book of Touch: Kiss of Death, Dispel Undead
Book of Transmutation: Sublimation of Blood
Trismegistus Codex:
Script error

Undead Creation (0.29)

While the corpses you'll find on the ground are useless, certain undead-creating spells will destroy corpses when they take effect. Only one of these effects may apply per monster (in order of priority):[1]

However, all four effects will stack with Death Channel[2], meaning you can create up to 2 derived undead per enemy, or possibly more in the case of Simulacrum. However, Death Channel will not work with reaping, from the brand or Yredelemnul.

Corpse Rot also works with any of the above spells. A monster's Bind Souls instead overrides all four of the player corpse-based effects.

See Also



Weapons Short BladesLong BladesRanged Weapons

AxesMaces & FlailsPolearmsStavesUnarmed CombatThrowing

Physical FightingArmourDodgingStealthShields
Magical SpellcastingInvocationsEvocationsShapeshifting
Spell Schools AirAlchemyConjurationsEarthFireHexesIceNecromancySummoningTranslocations