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This walkthrough charts the progress of a melee fighter wearing heavy armour who worships [[Trog]], [[Okawaru]] or [[The Shining One]]. If you have ascended using a different type of character, feel free to enhance this guide according to your experience. The progression order should apply to most characters.
This page only covers the general strategy and route (where to go and when) of the game. For specific topics and tactics (i.e, what to do in combat), see the related pages. The following are good reads for beginners:
This page only covers the general strategy of the game. For specific topics and tactics, see the related pagesi. The following are good reads for beginners:
*[[Background and race combinations for beginners]]
*[[Character guides]]
*[[Escaping from (and avoiding) trouble]]
*[[Escaping from (and avoiding) trouble]]
*[[Strategy guides]]
*[[Tips and tricks]]
*[[Tips and tricks]]
*[[Strategy guides]]
*[[Character guides]]
*[[Weapon choice]]
*[[Weapon choice]]
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*[[Late Game Character Building]]
*[[Late Game Character Building]]
After you win the game, consider writing a character guide for your combination.
You can also check each of the individual [[Branch]] pages for more information on a particular part of the dungeon.
You can also look at published wins on public servers for more hints.
==Early Dungeon==
* Character selection
As the game starts, you'll find yourself in the [[Dungeon]]. The first levels are rather simple, but there are a few notable threats.
* Early game (approx. D:1 - D:9)
** Pre-Temple dungeon
** [[Ecumenical Temple]] - pick a god and establish a temporary [[stash]] if necessary
** Post-Temple upper dungeon
** Occasional [[portal]]s appear throughout the dungeon.
* Early branches (order may vary)
** [[The Lair]], L1-6 - establish [[stash]], preferably on L2
** [[Orcish Mines]], L1-3 - should get you some decent weapons and armour
* Middle dungeon (approx. D:10 - D:18)
* Middle branches
** [[The Lair]], L7-8
** [[Orcish Mines]], L4
** [[The Swamp]], L1-4 - may wish to delay if you cannot swim or [[fly]]
** [[The Shoals]] L1-4 - may wish to delay if you cannot swim or fly
** [[The Snake Pits]] L1-4 - may wish to delay if you lack [[poison resistance]]
** [[The Spider's Nest]] L1-4 - may wish to delay if you lack poison resistance
** [[Elven Halls]] L1-2 - should get you some accessories and books
** [[The Vaults]] L1-4
** [[The Crypt]] L1-4
** [[Hall of Blades]] - may provide you with a decent weapon, if you don't already have one
* Lower dungeon (approx. D:19 - D:27)
* Branch endings, either for loot or a rune (order may vary, delay if you have teleportitis)
** [[The Crypt]] L5
** [[The Swamp]] L5
** [[The Shoals]] L5
** [[The Snake Pits]] L5 - definitely delay if you lack poison resistance
** [[The Spider's Nest]] L5 - definitely delay if you lack poison resistance
** [[Elven Halls]] L3 - delay if you lack high magic resistance
** [[The Vaults]] L5
* [[The Realm of Zot]] L1-4
* [[The Realm of Zot]] L5 - don't pick up the [[Orb of Zot]] yet
* Bonus branches (optional, order may vary, some characters may find any of these very hard)
** [[The Slime Pits]]
** [[The Vestibule of Hell]] - an excellent place for your late-game stash
** [[Tartarus]]
** [[The Iron City of Dis]]
** [[Gehenna]]
** [[Cocytus]]
** [[The Abyss]] - explore until you get the rune: this can take a long time
** [[The Tomb]] - delay if you have teleportitis
** [[Pandemonium]] - remember to bring extra food and plenty of resistances
** [[Ziggurat]] (a portal can be found by wandering Pandemonium, if you haven't found one elsewhere) - only go here if you want the challenge or need more supplies or equipment; ziggurats are extremely difficult
* Pick up the Orb of Zot, run to Level 1, and escape!
==Character selection==
If you do decide to take on a threat, isolate it and use any tricks at your disposal -- [[ranged weapon]]s, [[spells]], [[wand]]s, [[throwing]] weapons, and more. Remember, you're under no obligation to kill the monsters '''now'''. ''You'' get more powerful over the course of the game. The uniques and other "local bullies" don't. It is perfectly fine to partially skip a dangerous level and come back later if you want to.
Note that while race selection is locked in and significantly affects the whole game, the background/weapon selection only determines starting equipment,and skills, but doesn't affect the game in any other way (i.e you can develop any skills you choose). Also, initial god selection (if applicable) can be changed, but you will incur [[penance]], which may be deadly if you are not powerful enough yet.
If you're new to Crawl, you'll have to experiment until you find a race/background combination that works for you. See [[Background and race combinations for beginners]] for guidance.
While the first floor is the simplest, it isn't something to be taken lightly. Physically weaker characters (those not of a Warrior start) have to beware of fast monsters, namely [[jackal]]s and [[quokka]]s, as you can't retreat from them. [[Gnoll]]s are also tough enemies. Thankfully, you won't have to fight any [[unique]]s or gnoll packs just yet. Even as a tough brute, you'll want to always limit monster interactions to one at a time.
Don't forget to read the strategy guide for your character combination, if available. The available guides are listed earlier in this article.
The threat of fast enemies persists, this time being [[adder]]s. Adders are surprisingly difficult; their [[poison]] can catch up to you quickly. If absolutely necessary, drink [[potion]]s and hope for a [[potion of curing]] or other threat-ending consumable. [[Gnoll]]s and even [[orc]]s can form bands (i.e. large groups). You don't want to be skewered by 3 [[spear]]-wielding gnolls, hitting you from afar, all at once. And you most likely won't want to deal with [[orc wizard]]s or [[orc priest]]s (detailed below) yet.
==Early game==
*[[Orc priest]]s are 'in-depth' along with orc bands from D:3 onwards, though [[out of depth]] spawns can reach even into D:2. Low-HP species will be perennially afraid, as priests can [[smite]] for up to 17 damage per turn ''as long as they can see you''. Even if you've started with a stronger character, fighting a full orc pack with a priest isn't a good idea.
At the start of the game, start descending through the dungeon. Sometimes you'll need to skip levels and take the first stairs down as soon as possible, without further exploration, if they appear too risky. Uniques (especially [[Sigmund]] and [[Grinder]]), [[player ghost]]s, [[ogre]]s, and bands of [[gnoll]]s or [[orc]]s all pose a significant threat on the first few levels. You may be able to isolate the most dangerous monsters and kill them from afar, or by using any tricks at your disposal -- wands, spells, branded [[throwing]] weapons. etc. -- but remember, you're under no obligation to kill the monsters '''now'''. Remember, ''you'' get more powerful over the course of the game.  The uniques and other "local bullies" don't.
*[[Ogre (monster)|Ogre]]s tend to spawn on D:4. Dealing up to 39 damage per melee hit thanks to their [[giant club]]s, ogres can easily 1-shot or 2-shot players. Thankfully, they attack slowly.
Once you find the Temple, pick a god if you haven't yet (and aren't a [[demigod]]). If you're playing a character with low Strength you may want to establish a temporary [[stash]] here if your carrying capacity is almost maxed out; characters with high Strength, and therefore a higher carrying capacity, can often delay until they reach [[the Lair]].  If the particular god you want isn't in the Temple (perhaps you got the "corrupted temple"), you can find it in the main dungeon. If you're looking to convert to one of the more unusual gods (i.e. [[Beogh]], [[Lugonu]], or [[Jiyva]]), then you may have to wait until later to convert.
*[[Centaur]]s have a natural depth of D:5. They can outrun you while being able to pelt arrows from range. You'll either need to face them in melee (where they won't fire at you anymore), or otherwise [[Escaping from (and avoiding) trouble|use an item]] to ease the situation.
Then, continue exploring the dungeon until you find the entrances to the [[Orcish Mines]] and [[the Lair]]. Even though they are generally discovered in that order, most players will find it easier to clear the [[Lair]] first. These branches are not just digressions; clearing them is a major part of the game, and you will get significant resources from each.  But, speaking of digressions...
Of course, there'll be threats everywhere, but these are some of the early highlights. Depending on your character build, you might find some of these threats unamusing. For example: An ordinary, average HP melee fighter won't find much difficulty with centaurs, if they hide behind walls in order to restrict [[line of sight]]. (Sight is reciprocal; if you can't see them, they can't see you).
However, there's a few monsters which are very dangerous to face...
Throughout the game, you will find various [[portal]]s to optional levels.  If a portal demands a price, ignore it for now.  Many of the portals are timed, so if you wish to enter them at all, you must do so quickly.  Portal levels have different themes, and each has characteristic types of monsters and other threats.  First, look up the portal, and consider whether you're equipped to deal with it.  Some of these are obvious; to mention some later portals, it's fire resistance for the [[Volcano]], cold resistance for the [[Ice Cave]], or extra food for the [[Labyrinth]].  If the portal plays to your weak points, just skip it!  (That ''is'' what "optional" means, after all.)  Likewise, if the "guards" around the portal are too tough for you, you probably didn't want to go inside anyway. If the portal's timer runs out before you're ready to go in, well, that's life in the dungeon.
If you do decide to venture in, take a moment before doing so to set up your resistances and then clear out your inventory of anything you surely won't need for this portal -- you don't want to have all of your scrolls burned and your potions shattered. Once you're in, take stock of the situation, and explore carefully.  Keep track of the exit portals (there's always at least one handy). If you're overmatched, take what you've got so far (if anything) and skedaddle -- whatever's around the next bend surely isn't worth getting killed!  If you step in and immediately face an "oh, sh*t" situation, '''RUN''', because it's not going to get easier!
[[Unique monster]]s always have a name, and can only spawn once per game. More often than not, they'll stand out from the crowd -- in a way that'll most likely get you killed. A D:2 [[Sigmund]] receives his title of "Dreaded" for good reason! Other extremely scary uniques are [[Grinder]] (who can [[paralyze]] you, meaning you'll take many enemy attacks while you have no [[EV]]) and [[Ijyb]] (who always spawns with a [[wand]]). Regardless, if you're unfamiliar, you should check them out with '''x''' '''v''' in order to see their abilities.
Most likely, the first portal you find will be the [[Sewer]], which is good practice for your general strategy here.  The sewer features lots of water, and mostly weak monsters, but there will be [[poison]]ous snakes, and the end of the sewer can have nastier monsters.  [[Merfolk]], [[Octopode]]s, [[Tengu]], or grey [[Draconian]]s may be able to reach some extra treasure because of their ability to cross deep water.  The second is likely to be the [[Ossuary]], with lots of zombies and/or mummies, and occasionally more exotic undead.  Both are highly variable, with many possible maps and a range of hazard levels.  The [[Bailey]] may show up a bit later -- this one needs distance attacks, defense against missiles, and a fair dose of raw killing power.
Throughout the game, you will find various [[portal]]s to optional levels. Many of the portals are timed, so if you wish to enter them at all, you must do so quickly!
== Early branches ==
Portal levels have different themes, so always look up whichever portal you've found, and consider whether you're equipped to deal with it. Some of these are obvious; you'll want fire resistance for the [[Volcano]], and cold resistance for the [[Ice Cave]]. If the portal abuses your weaknesses, skip it! Likewise, if the "guards" around the portal are too tough for you, you probably won't survive long in the portal itself.
While most of the individual branches are more-or-less optional, you do need to clear several of them to get your [[Rune of Zot|runes]] and win the game. Often when you first reach a branch entrance, you will not be strong enough to deal with the inhabitants, so you'll have to gather experience and equipment in the main dungeon, then come back later.  When you do venture in, you should normally clear ''all but the last level''.  These "branch endings", ''especially'' those with runes, are much more dangerous than the rest of their branch!  It's wiser to leave them be until you've gotten more powerful and are ready to take them on.  Note that runes are not needed for anything until you are ready to enter the [[Realm of Zot]].
It is generally safe to clear the all but the last level of [[the Lair]] when you find it. The first 3-4 levels are not too much of a challenge. You'll find packs of rats, various fast-moving poisonous snakes, [[Giant frog|frogs]] and assorted other beasts.  (Watch out for [[spiny frog]]s, an early threat.)  As you go deeper, [[sheep]] and [[Yak|yaks]] will occasionally be joined by [[death yak]]s, [[elephant]]s, and sometimes even [[dire elephant]]s. The occasional [[hydra]] will rear its heads, so make sure you have a means to deal with it. Establish your [[stash]] on L2; only beasts spawn on this level, and they can't pick up items. If you start having trouble with the beasts, return to the main dungeon (or other branches) for a while, rinse and repeat. Watch out for the occasional fire-breather such as a [[lindwurm]], [[fire drake]], or even a [[mottled dragon]]. If you're confident in your abilities, you may consider clearing Lair:8; however, be prepared to leave in a hurry, as Lair:8 always has a dangerous vault that you may not be able to handle.
Before you venture into these portals, be sure you have enough space in your inventory to bring back any loot you find, as you won't be able to re-enter the portal. Once you're in, take stock of the situation, and explore carefully. Keep track of the exit portals - there's always at least one handy - and leave whenever you feel you're outmatched!
Despite the entrance appearing earlier, the [[Orcish Mines]] are tougher than [[the Lair]]. While bands of plain orcs don't pose much difficulty, [[orc warrior]]s (nasty), [[orc knight]]s (nastier), and [[orc warlord]]s (deadly) may appear as you go deeper, punctuated by various [[ogre]] types and [[troll]]s.  On the mystical side, you'll see plenty of [[orc wizard]]s who can turn invisible, [[orc priest]]s who can smite you from afar for serious damage, and even [[orc sorcerer]]s summoning demons.  To add insult to injury, levels are often split into multiple paths, with some parts being unreachable unless you use a scroll of magic mapping and [[dig]] your way to them. You'll find the entrance to the [[Elven Halls]] on the lower levels, but don't go in yet, as the elves are much tougher than the orcs.  As noted above, don't even touch the last level unless you're really "sweeping all before you" (and then watch out for [[orc warlord]]s and [[orc high priest]]s).  You may also find a big [[ogre]] vault on Orc:4 -- if so, this will be your introduction to [[ogre mage]]s!
Some of the first portals you might see include:
== Middle dungeon ==
*The [[Sewer]], filled with lots of water, and mostly weak monsters. Watch out for [[poison]]ous snakes, and whatever lurks at the end of this portal.
After you've explored the majority of the early branches, continue to explore the main dungeon, but take it slow. Monster difficulty will start to ramp up noticeably. You'll find the entrances to [[the Vaults]] and [[Hell]] before too long. When you begin to feel uncomfortable with how dangerous the dungeon's monsters are, it's time to backtrack a bit and clear the branches you've passed over so far, especially finishing the [[Orcish Mines]] and [[Lair]].
== Middle branches ==
*The [[Ossuary]], with lots of [[zombie]]s and [[mummy (monster)|mummies]], and occasionally some exotic undead.
Assuming you have poison resistance by now and a way to kill hydras (spells, flaming weapons or non-bladed weapons), [[the Swamp]] should be your first target... if it exists (Only one of Swamp and Shoals will appear in any game).  Be careful to only fight from solid ground unless your character does well in shallow water or can [[fly]] (if you're surprised while wading through shallow water, retreat to dry land, then turn and fight). If you lack poison resistance, you may either get a swamp dragon hide in the swamp, or do the [[Elven Halls]] L1-2 first and hope to find equipment there.
If your game has generated the [[Shoals]] instead, the first few floors can be cleared now, so long as you're careful. Again, fight from solid ground or while [[fly]]ing to avoid incurring penalties. A source of flight is much more important in the Shoals than it is in the Swamp, as the Shoals have large patches of shallow water that you must traverse between areas of dry land. The shifting tides may even confine you to an island; if that happens, either fly to the next island or wait for the tides to shift. Expect to have to deal with foes such as [[list of merfolk|merfolk bands]], [[snapping turtle]]s, [[harpy|harpies]], and possibly even a [[kraken]].
*The [[Bailey]], home to militant [[orc]]s and other monsters. Many of them hold [[boomerang]]s or [[crossbow]]s to abuse specially-crafted terrain.
Afterwards, you can clear the first four floors of the [[Snake Pit]] or the [[Spider's Nest]] (again, assuming you have poison resistance). The Snake Pit is populated by [[list of snakes|snakes]] and hordes of [[list of nagas|nagas]]; a large portion of their damage comes from poisoning you, but you'll also face a few heavy melee threats such as [[anaconda]]s or [[naga warrior]]s. The Spider's nest has swarms of fast-moving [[list of arachnids|spiders]] that can quickly inflict severe poisoning, so poison resistance is almost mandatory. Decent AC is also recommended, as many spiders hit about as hard as [[yak]]s.
==The Temple==
The Ecumenical Temple, located somewhere on Dungeon:4-7, contains a plethora of [[god]]s. Players who've yet to find a god, that are able to worship a god, will most likely find the temple very useful. For more details, see the [[choosing a god]] article.
If you lack poison resistance or a means of flight, clearing the first two floors of the [[Elven Halls]] may provide you with one or both of them. The Halls feature many dangerous [[list of deep elves|deep elven]] casters, especially on the third and final floor, so avoid going there for now. Even while exploring the upper floors, try to have high [[magic resistance]] to avoid getting [[Banishment|banished]]. On the physical side, there are also deep elves who love to pelt you from afar with their bows. [[Repel Missiles]] or [[Deflect Missiles]] are of great use here, if you have them.
From here on out, threats start blending in. You'll acquire the strength and tools to handle many more situations, and gain more flexibility with avoiding threats altogether. This point might not be ''exactly'' when you enter the Temple, but getting a god often represents a large power spike. (Note: Most gods start providing perks at 1* of piety.)
As you explore these areas, you may find additional portals to places like the [[Volcano]], [[Ice Cave]], or [[Labyrinth]]. Should you find one, prepare yourself adequately before entering (i.e. fire resistance for the Volcano, extra food for the Labyrinth, etc.)
==Early Branches==
While exploring the dungeon, you will find the entrances to [[the Lair|the Lair of Beasts]] on Dungeon:8-11, and the [[Orcish Mines]] on Dungeon:9-12.
The [[Slime Pits]] are much more dangerous than any of the other branches found so far, and require quite a lot of preparation before you can clear them with any semblance of safety.
Most players will find it easier to clear the Lair first, typically anywhere after clearing D:10 to D:12.
'''Do not descend to any of the branch endings yet!'''
===The Lair===
The [[Lair]] features fast moving enemies with poison, who are difficult to escape from. [[Poison resistance]] is definitely recommended. If your character lacks poison resistance, or defenses in general, you might wish to explore a bit more of the Dungeon.
[[The Vaults]] (L1-4) are next. The primary threats here are mostly physical ones, so having a decent set of armour helps. [[Plate armour]] or better is generally enough to be able to fight your way through without too much trouble. Again, the fifth and final floor of the Vaults is extremely dangerous; do not enter it yet.
[[Hydra]]e are another major threat, able to mercilessly tear apart your character. Even if you can survive up to 8 attacks per turn, make sure not to use an edged weapon ([[long blades]], [[axes]], [[lajatang]]s, or heavy [[polearms]]) without [[flaming]], lest you grow even more. Other threats include packs of hard-hitting and hard-to-hit [[blink frog]]s, petrifying [[catoblepae]], and the occasional herd of powerful [[elephant]]s or [[death yak]]s. Apart from [[rime drake]]s or the occasional [[unique]], monsters dealing elemental damage are rare here.
If you're in need of a good weapon, you can clear the [[Hall of Blades]]. If you choose to do so, try to equip yourself to defend against the weapon brands: life protection is quite necessary to prevent or reduce draining. Look for a good branded weapon if necessary, and a weapon of holy wrath for [[the Crypt]]. Note that weapons of distortion may banish you to [[the Abyss]], both when they hit you and when you unwield them, so be cautious with any that you find.
Like all the other branches you'll encounter, the fifth and final level of Lair is the hardest. Unless there's a [[portal]] there, you won't lose anything by leaving it for later. Feel free to exit that floor if it's too hard, and come back to it when you're stronger.
You can then explore [[the Crypt]], which is a great source of piety with [[The Shining One]]. If you worship another god and plan to switch later to [[The Shining One]], you may want to delay clearing [[the Crypt]] (although you may also use [[the Abyss]] for this purpose).  [[Dispel Undead]] and the [[Necromancy]] to back it will make the Crypt almost trivial. You'll find an entrance to the [[Tomb]] somewhere along the way, but '''DO NOT ENTER IT'''. The Tomb is one of the most dangerous places in the entire game, even for end-game characters.
The Lair always has three branches containing [[runes of Zot]]. Two are selected between [[the Shoals]] or [[the Swamp]] and [[Snake Pit]] or [[Spider's Nest]], while the third and most dangerous of the three is [[the Slime Pits]]. These are all much more difficult than Lair, so ignore them until later!
== Branch endings ==
===The Orcish Mines===
You should now be ready to the take the bottom floors of the various branches you've come across so far. If you're uncertain of your ability to do so, finish exploring the main dungeon first, though you won't be able to open the gate to the [[Realm of Zot]] yet. These "branch endings" are significantly different from the preceding levels, with non-random layouts and a high concentration of powerful monsters. They should be played carefully: explore in a circular fashion from the upstairs, ready to retreat at the first sign of danger, and try to pull individual monsters back to you instead of fighting large packs. See the individual branch pages for needed preparation and strategy. You will need high magic resistance for [[Elven Halls]], poison resistance for the [[Snake Pit]] and [[Spider's Nest]], a way to [[fly]] for the [[Shoals]] and [[Swamp]], and electricity resistance and high AC for [[the Vaults]].
Despite the fact that its entrance can appear earlier, the [[Orcish Mines]] are often tougher than [[the Lair]]. Various [[List of orcs|special types of orc]], like [[orc sorcerer|sorcerers]] or [[orc high priest|high priests]], will stand in your way. The scariest brutes are [[orc warlord]]s, [[stone giant]]s, and [[ettin]]s; though, thankfully, only the former appears with any regularity throughout Orc.
== Lower dungeon and Zot ==
The first level is often split into disjointed rooms, so make sure you explore all the staircases on the lower level to avoid missing out on treasure and experience. The second level, in turn, will always contain multiple shops to spend the gold you've inevitably accumulated by this point.
After you have your first three runes, finish exploring the main dungeon, if you haven't already done so.
At this point, you may wish to stop relying on scrolls and potions, since many monsters will have fire/cold/sticky flame attacks that destroy them. If you continue relying on them, be very careful and wear an [[amulet of conservation]] or [[cloak of preservation]].
Sources of [[willpower]] are useful here to prevent [[paralysis]] or other nasty effects that orcs might inflict on you.
Once you've cleared the main dungeon, go unlock the portal to [[the Realm of Zot]]. You should be able to clear the first four levels: they are similar to the [[Elven Halls]] and feature lots of narrow corridors inhabited by [[list of draconians|draconians]] instead of elves. Remember to put on an [[amulet of resist corrosion]] to deal with yellow draconians, a source of electricity resistance for black draconians, and lots of fire resistance for [[orb of fire|orbs of fire]]. You may also consider clearing the outer portion of [[Zot:5]] -- as long as you don't go near the orb chamber, the threats you face will be primarily on the same level as the first four Zot floors.
You'll find the entrance to the [[Elven Halls]] on the second level, but don't go in yet, as the elves are much tougher than the orcs.
== Late branches ==
===Later Dungeon===
After clearing the majority of the Realm of Zot, you may choose to do a few of the optional branches. Their difficulty varies based on your character, but they provide plenty of experience, loot, and more runes. Note that you risk getting mutated in these branches, so if you already have good gear and experience, are low on potions of cure mutation, and don't plan on randomly teleporting in Zot:5, you may wish to clear that first. You may also delay some of these if you lack sufficient gear for them (such as corrosion resistance for the [[Slime Pits]] or high-power spells for [[the Tomb]]).
The dungeon itself (from D:12 onward) is considered the "3rd option" at this stage of the game. It's perfectly fine to clear all the way up to D:15 if you wish. However, plenty of threats can dissuade Dungeon divers. [[Ugly thing]]s hit hard and move quickly, [[skeletal warrior]]s are even tougher, and pregenerated entrance [[vault]]s (often, to [[the Vaults]]) contain great danger. It is certainly possible to tackle these threats early, though a character who has cleared Lair and/or Orc will struggle a lot less.  
If you are worshiping another god and intend to switch to [[The Shining One]], do so now and clear [[the Crypt]] to boost your piety.
As a soft rule of thumb, you can stay in the Dungeon, until you find a threat that's too much for you to handle. Then, go to either Lair or Orc.
You may find a portal to a [[Wizard Laboratory]] while exploring late-game areas. These areas vary greatly in what sorts of threats you may face; look up whatever laboratory you find yourself in before proceeding.
You'll find the entrances to the Vaults and [[the Depths]] before too long, but you should leave these for later.  
The [[Slime Pits]] are the easiest, but only enter if you have an [[amulet of resist mutation]] (or the mutation resistance mutation), an [[amulet of resist corrosion]], and mostly corrosion-proof gear (i.e. [[artifact]]s, +4 or better armour, dwarven gear, or crystal plate armour). Clear the last level extremely carefully, avoiding the structure in the center until you've cleared everything else. Kill [[the royal jelly]], but be careful since it spawns more jellies when damaged. After you've killed the royal jelly, you can get the loot and the rune by [[dig]]ging, [[teleport]]ing, or [[Passwall]]ing through the walls of the loot chambers. Alternately, you can convert to [[Jiyva]], which will turn all the monsters in this branch neutral toward you and eventually unlock the rune vaults. Just be prepared to deal with your former god's wrath and hungry jellies eating your items.
Once you're done with all three branches, it's time to begin acquiring the [[runes of Zot]].
[[The Abyss]] contains another rune, but you'll have to spend a lot of time wandering through the chaotic, demon-infested realm in order to find it. Bring extra food and [[mutation resistance]], as well as any other resistances you'll need to deal with the various demons and cosmic horrors you'll find during your explorations. On the upside, you can find almost any item in the Abyss, so it's a good place to find additional equipment or supplies you're running low on. It's also a good place to build piety with [[The Shining One]], if you've already cleared the [[Crypt]] or have burned through some of your piety in other locations. In order to find the rune, you'll have to descend to at least Abyss:3.
The easiest branches in which you can find [[rune]]s are the first two Lair branches, aka S-branches. One of the branches is always either the [[Snake Pit]] or [[Spider's Nest]], while the other is either [[the Swamp]] or [[the Shoals]]. They're listed below in rough order of difficulty, from easiest to hardest. You might also refer to the Elven Halls section, if all the branches are too hard for you.
You can also enter [[the Vestibule of Hell]], kill [[Geryon]], and evoke his [[horn of Geryon|horn]] to open the Hells. Once you've done that, consider moving your [[stash]] to the Vestibule, as it makes an excellent stash location for the end-game.
Poison resistance is helpful in Swamp and almost a requirement in Snake Pit and Spider's Nest. If you still haven't found any, you can attempt to slay a [[swamp dragon]] for [[swamp dragon scales|its scales]] in Swamp, hope for equipment to show up in Shoals, or (dubiously) explore levels 1-2 of the [[Elven Halls]].
[[Hell]]'s four branches each require particular resistances and contain fiends to [[torment]] you. Again, life protection is a must, and sustain abilities is recommended. Every branch has loot and a rune at the end. You can also get the [[Sceptre of Asmodeus]] and the [[Staff of Dispater]] here. Note that you will very likely be cast into [[the Abyss]] at least once. It's recommended you read their respective pages and prepare carefully, as some of the most dangerous monsters in ''Crawl'' are found in these branches.
The [[Slime Pits]] can also be found in the Lair, but they should be saved for later.
[[The Tomb]], filled with mummies, is one of the most dangerous branches in the game. These cast death curses when killed (including torment for priests and greater mummies), but the real problem are mummy priests and greater mummies, who can both torment *and* smite you, resulting in a quick death; this can be mitigated with torment resistance or immunity. [[Kikubaaqudgha]] provides protection from mummy curses at high piety, so his worshippers should have relatively little difficulty. Alternately, if you are a summoner or a follower of a god who grants summoning invocations ([[The Shining One]] is perfect here), you can let your summons handle the mummies, though you'll need to proceed carefully. Life protection is a must to reduce harm from torment. [[The Tomb]] contains loot at the very end and a rune. If you have teleportitis and lack torment resistance, avoid it. Some players may be able to survive this branch anyway, but it's quite risky.
===Snake Pit===
The [[Snake Pit]] is populated by hordes of [[list of snakes|snakes]] and [[list of nagas|nagas]]; [[Poison]] damage and [[constriction]] are both common, and [[mana viper]]s are especially dangerous to spellcasters. Most of the nagas move fairly slow (until [[haste]]d), which combined with the Pit's Dungeon-like layout, allows you to control threats with ease. To compensate, they'll come with ranged attacks, especially if you encounter [[Vashnia]]'s crew. Non-humanoid snakes are fast... though most are slowed down by [[cold]].
== Zot:5 ==
In addition to the obvious choice of [[poison resistance]], [[fire resistance]] will help with the [[salamander]]s, and [[electricity resistance]] will help with the [[shock serpent]]s.
If you do have teleportitis, no means to cure it, and don't plan to randomly teleport in Zot:5 or can still become stronger, you may want to do [[Pandemonium]] or [[the Abyss]] first in hopes of finding a potion of cure mutation (or enough potions of mutation to randomly remove it). You could even attempt a [[Ziggurat]], although that can be ''very''dangerous. If you don't want all the runes, you may also consider converting to Zin and building piety with donations to use his Cure All Mutations ability.
It's recommended you read [[Zot:5]] for more details on the level itself and the strategies for clearing it. In any case, this is the time to clear out the Orb chamber in preparation for your ascension.
If you're well prepared, and take things carefully, it won't take long until you slither across the [[Rune of Zot|serpentine rune of Zot]].
== Bonus branches ==
You can now take the Orb and ascend for a multi-rune, but not "complete" win...  ''or'' you can leave the Orb in place and prepare for [[Pandemonium]].  Make sure you bring plenty of food, and the recommended equipment/resistances described on that page.
The Swamp is an open marsh filled with trees and water, and its inhabitants won't let you forget that.
When entering a new [[Pandemonium]] level, check for a message indicating the presence of a powerful demon lord. If such a message appears, this is your one chance to kill the demon lord and grab the rune (in [[Cerebov]]'s level, make sure you get the loot from his castle, too). Otherwise, explore and take the first portal you find to a new [[Pandemonium]] level. If you stumble across a randomly-named demon, kill him and see if there is a demonic rune. If you've killed [[Mnoleg]], [[Gloorx Vloq]], [[Lom Lobon]] and [[Cerebov]] and still have no demonic rune, continue through [[Pandemonium]] until you find one.  You will find food in [[Pandemonium]], but wearing a [[ring of sustenance]], playing an undead character, or traveling in [[lichform]] will make [[Pandemonium]] farming easier, especially if you use lots of skills that cause hunger.
Right off the bat, [[Eleionoma]]e and [[spriggan druid]]s will force you to beware of direct wooded contact. And be careful to only fight from solid ground, unless your character does well in shallow water or can [[fly]]. Even then, [[hydra]]s (remember Lair?) and the many other threats of Swamp will straight up outrun you unless you are both flying ''and'' [[haste]]d. Fortunately, if you've found a way to clear the multi-headed foes, those threats shouldn't be ''too'' hard to deal with. It might still be a struggle when a [[swamp worm]] pulls you into unfamiliar territory, especially if you don't have resistances (poison, [[willpower]] for [[fenstrider witch]]es, rCorr for [[goliath frog]]s) to manage.
After all this, or in case you stumble upon a portal to one while roaming [[Pandemonium]], you can raid one or more [[Ziggurat]]s. Note that this can be extremely dangerous and the loot will be virtually useless since you can already kill everything in the game anyway. If you haven't found a portal to a [[Ziggurat]] yet, you may be able to create one using a legendary deck of changes or a legendary deck of dungeons. Failing that, just wander around [[Pandemonium]] until you find one.
Some of the other bigger threats include [[thorn hunter]]s, [[shambling mangrove]]s, [[tentacled monstrosities]], and at the end, possibly even [[the Lernaean hydra]]. But if you can overcome it all, you will eventually find the [[Rune of Zot|decaying rune of Zot]].
Finishing a [[Ziggurat]] is extremely hard: the later levels may be full of multiple Pan lords who haste themselves and summon tormenting and smiting demons, and there may be no safe strategy for it with your current character. Nonetheless, it is possible to fully clear them. Of course, you may also opt to enter one earlier (having found or made a portal) to get some of the loot in the upper floors, which are often quite survivable.
[[The Shoals]] are made up of several islands, surrounded by vast amounts of water. A source of flight is useful, as you'll probably need to fight from solid ground or [[fly]] to avoid incurring penalties. Also useful is a source of invisibility, since almost none of the monsters here can see invisible. (However, invisibility is ineffective if you are standing in water instead of flying)
Once you have done all that, find an exit from [[Pandemonium]]; while exits to the Dungeon are safer to use, exits through the [[Abyss]] are far more common. If you want the abyssal rune and haven't found it yet, wander around the Abyss until you find it. At this point, you can search for a portal back to the dungeon and make your way back to Zot:5.
Expect to have to deal with foes such as [[list of merfolk|merfolk bands]], [[list of centaurs#satyrs|various satyrs]], and perhaps even the dreadful Witch of the Tides, [[Ilsuiw]]. Many of the enemies here use [[Hexes]], so [[willpower]] is important. Ranged weapons are also common, so an [[amulet of reflection]] or [[scarf]] of [[repulsion]] is invaluable here.
== Ascension ==
Whatever you do, be very careful when you explore, only [[autoexplore|autoexploring]] after you've eliminated most of the threats. Otherwise you will often find yourself trapped in combat, making your chances of collecting the [[Rune of Zot|barnacled rune of Zot]] very slim.
So, when you've finished ransacking every place you wish, just proceed to Zot:5 and claim the [[Orb of Zot]]! To save yourself a bit of distance, consider using [[Apportation]] to drag the Orb over to the nearest staircase (though this will take a while and make tons of noise, which is why you should clear out the Orb chamber first). Be warned that from the time you pick up the Orb, all portals in the dungeon will close, sealing off Hell and the other netherworlds.  Furthermore, you will be under -cTele (that is, no teleport control ''anywhere'') from this point on.
To finish the game, simply book it towards D:1. Make use of the game's autotravel feature (Ctrl+G), which will automatically calculate the shortest route to your destination. Your priority now is speed: use every method of speeding yourself up available to you, whether it's [[haste]], [[Swiftness]], [[dig]]ging yourself a shortcut, or anything else. Make use of any potions, scrolls, or wands that can help you travel more quickly, and don't worry about [[magical contamination]]; it doesn't matter if you exit the Dungeon as a [[Blurry Vision|half-blind]], [[deformed]], [[mutation|mutant]] [[Herbivore|vegan]] so long as you've escaped safely.
===Spider's Nest===
The Spider's Nest has swarms of fast-moving [[list of arachnids|spiders]] that can quickly inflict severe poisoning, so don't enter without poison resistance unless absolutely necessary. But poison might quickly be the least of your worries...
Occasionally residents of Pandemonium will appear to block your path, including [[Pandemonium lord]]s. If you can get around them, do so. If they block your path completely, only fight if you can clear a path within a few turns; otherwise, [[dig]] yourself a new path or take another route. Though you'll be under permanent -cTele, you can still make a semi-controlled [[blink]] by using a [[scroll of blinking]] or [[Controlled Blink]]; a random teleport, whether from a [[scroll of teleportation|scroll]] or [[wand of teleportation|wand]], can also get you free of a blockade. Only stop to heal if you're in danger of dying, and use any means of healing quickly that remain at your disposal. Just travel as quickly and efficiently as possible, avoid getting pinned down, and you should escape without too much trouble.
A variety of threats will swarm you in the cavernous layout of the Nest, with few true chokepoints to abuse. [[Tarantella]]s have a confusing bite, leaving you stumbling about. [[Entropy weaver]]s will [[corrode]] you, lowering both armour and melee. Invisible [[ghost moth]]s will rapidly drain your [[MP]], if you aren't [[invisible]] yourself. All the while, [[emperor scorpion]]s and [[broodmother]]s are formidable melee threats on their own. Remember -- this is all ''with'' the fast, poisonous brood! Fortunately, the common spiders are frail, not particularly resistant, and vulnerable to [[poison]].
Once you complete the final floor, you'll find the [[Rune of Zot|gossamer rune of Zot]].
==Late Game==
After you have completed both S-branches, you will need a third rune before you can enter [[the Realm of Zot]]. However, the other rune branches are significantly more dangerous than the S-branches, so players typically clear other areas for loot and XP before tackling a third rune.
===The Elven Halls===
If you're lacking in anything in particular, clearing the first two floors of the [[Elven Halls]] may provide you with them. The Halls feature many dangerous [[list of deep elves|deep elven]] casters. The most common ones are [[deep elf pyromancer]]s and [[deep elf zephyrmancer|zephyrmancers]], meaning it's nice to have rF and rElec.
Be careful about opening the [[runed door]]s on the second level, as they open to the [[Hall of Blades]]. This can be a dangerous place and it may not even be worth visiting if you already have a good weapon. Dancing weapons are already a big turn off for an early Elf, being fast, not that weak, and near omni-resistant.
Thanks to the wide variety of magic, virtually every [[resistance]] will come in handy, but the most important one is [[willpower]]. If your willpower is too low, you could be [[banishment|banished]] into the [[Abyss]]. [[Silence]] (or a [[scroll of silence]]) will shut off most elven threats, though [[deep elf blademaster]]s and [[Deep elf master archer|master archers]] still remain major threats. Dancing weapons also come with high [[AC]] and a variety of resistances, meaning your own magic might not perform well.
Some people like to complete this branch fairly early, even before finishing any of the S-branches. While this isn't impossible by any means, it's very difficult, and shouldn't be tried by inexperienced players.
The final level of the Elven Halls contains a treasure chamber with massive amounts of loot, but also lots and lots of the most dangerous types of elves.
===The Vaults===
[[The Vaults]] are an excellent place to collect your third [[Rune of Zot|rune]], although some characters may prefer [[the Abyss]] or [[Slime Pits]]. In any case, entering the Vaults without at least one rune is foolish, as you will have to get a rune from either [[The Vaults#Vaults:5|Vaults:5]] or [[the Tomb]] before you can exit.
Once you enter, the most helpful thing you can have is decent defenses: [[AC]], [[EV]], and [[SH]]. Elemental damage isn't uncommon, and there's a wide variety, so it's best to have wide spread of [[resistance]]s. [[Willpower]] is particularly important for [[vault sentinel]]s, so if you don't think you can fight an entire floor at once, you'll also want that (as well as the ever present threat of [[paralysis]] from here onwards).
[[The Vaults#Vaults:5|Vaults:5]] is exponentially harder than the earlier levels, so players often do Vaults:1-4 on their own, then complete [[the Depths]], before attempting Vaults:5. Read the [[The_Vaults#Vaults:5|V:5]] page for a detailed list of the tools and strategies needed to reach that [[Rune of Zot|silver rune of Zot]].
As you explore the Vaults, you'll eventually find [[the Crypt]], home to all manner of [[undead]]. The Crypt tends to be dangerous to any living character due to many sources of [[torment]]. You'll want [[negative energy resistance]] (more is always better); cold resistance can also help. Therefore, it is great place for (re)gaining piety for [[The Shining One]] or [[Zin]].
There is usually no need to enter the Crypt in a three-rune game. Characters that can take torment -- the [[undead]], worshippers of [[Kiku]], and the aforementioned good gods -- won't mind, however.
[[The Depths]] are fairly straightforward. Four floors of elaborate and often very open layouts teeming with monsters leading up to the [[The Realm of Zot|Realm of Zot]] entrance. Along the way, you'll find entrances to [[the Abyss]], [[the Vestibule of Hell]], and [[Pandemonium]]. If you are only going for a three-rune game, you will have little reason to enter the latter two branches, though the Abyss is an option for your third rune.
==Third Rune==
By the time you have completed Depths, you should be ready for a third rune. The three main options for the third rune are [[The Vaults#Vaults:5|Vaults:5]], [[the Slime Pits]], and [[the Abyss]], in descending order of popularity.
You should have already cleared Vaults:1-4 by this point, so Vaults:5 is all that's needed for the [[Rune of Zot|silver rune]]. If Vaults:4 has an [[escape hatch]] or [[shaft]], use it to avoid the ambush at the center. Otherwise, it's recommended to buff up with [[potion of haste|haste]] and [[potion of might|might]]/[[potion of brilliance|brilliance]] before going down. Consider reading a [[scroll of teleportation]] as well, as you will be surrounded, and [[stair dancing]] isn't reliable here. For more details, see [[The Vaults#Vaults:5 Strategy|Vaults:5 Strategy]].
===Slime Pits===
[[The Slime Pits]] are found in Lair:4-5 and require quite a lot of preparation before you can clear them with any semblance of safety. Once you feel you're ready to enter the pits, you will need [[corrosion resistance]]. All three [[list of eyeballs|eyeballs]] inflict scary effects; [[Malmutate]] from [[shining eye]]s, [[willpower]]-based [[confusion]] from [[golden eye]]s, and irresistible [[Fragile|fragility]] from [[glass eye]]s. Don't forget the actual slimes, which are pretty tough and come in great numbers. Players tend to dive the first 4 levels, going down staircases as soon as possible; there's no loot, and XP is minimal.
Slime:5 is home to [[the Royal Jelly]], which spawns slimes whenever it takes damage, so fighting it without a strategy for dealing with it is a recipe for [[YASD|disaster]].
The one exception to all of this is characters who worship [[Jiyva]], who can waltz in and pick up the [[Rune of Zot|slimy rune of Zot]] with zero resistance after reaching 6 stars of [[piety]].
[[The Abyss]] is the least consistent third rune option, though it's easier than the other branches you'll run across in the Depths. Unsurprisingly, followers of [[Lugonu]] will have an easier time, as they can leave for the low cost of 15 piety. The Abyssal rune will generate on level 3-7, with higher chance the deeper you go. Players approaching the rune’s location will be notified, and have its exact tile marked on the map. Unfortunately, monster spawns also ramp up quickly on the deeper levels, so level 3 is often the deepest most characters will want to go. This might not always be your choice, as [[banishment]] and abyssal shifts can send you deeper.
Killing monsters will eventually open up a portal out (and even later, a portal deeper). As you travel through this plane, you'll acquire temporary [[mutation]]s and various forms of [[stat]] drain that needs XP to be cured.
Teleportation is often the best way to escape a dodgy situation in the Abyss. After teleporting, you can make good use of [[potion of ambrosia|potions of ambrosia]] to quickly heal up when no monsters have yet generated near you. Stealth and sources of regeneration help, as you will constantly be on the run (thus, have few places to heal up). Finally, [[Apportation]] is great for nabbing that [[rune of Zot|abyssal rune]] before you teleport away.
==Realm of Zot==
[[The Realm of Zot|Zot]], the final frontier... or maybe not, depending on your branch order. This is where you will find the [[Orb of Zot]], the reason of your adventure.
To obtain the orb, you'll want lots of [[fire resistance]] for the terrifying [[orb of fire|orbs of fire]] that you'll eventually encounter. Other resistances and [[see invisible]] are also helpful.
Eventually you will arrive at [[Zot:5]], which contains the infamous Orb Chamber. Read that page for more details on how to clear the place and finally obtain the Orb. Beware that [[teleport]]ation is delayed in Zot, or while holding the Orb.
Note that even if you want to collect every rune, often it's best to clear out Zot (or at least Zot:1-4) first for the extra experience and items. Just don't pick up the orb until you're done!
[[Pandemonium]], [[Hell]], and [[the Tomb]] comprise the "extended" game, called such because none of these areas need to be visited in a three-rune game. It's perfectly fine to ignore the extended game and pick up the orb after clearing Zot:5, but for those seeking an extra challenge, ten more [[runes of Zot]] can be found in these branches. It's recommended to complete the third rune options and Zot before tackling extended.
The [[Pandemonium]] is a series of endless, but stable, realms, filled with all sorts of [[demon]]s and other endgame monsters.
It contains five runes, one of which, the [[Rune of Zot|demonic rune of Zot]], is guarded by a randomly generated lord. The [[Rune of Zot|other four]] are guarded by unique [[pandemonium lord]]s. You can only enter each of their realms once, leaving the rune forever if you can't kill, dodge, or outsmart them.
This place requires a ton of [[Pandemonium#Preparation|preparation]], as you'll need to be able to deal with [[Cerebov]], [[Mnoleg]], [[Lom Lobon]], and/or [[Gloorx Vloq]] whenever the game throws them at you. Definitely check out the [[Pandemonium]] article and the articles on the individual pan lords before you enter!
After you enter [[the Vestibule of Hell]] and kill its inhabitants, you'll come upon portals to the four branches of Hell: [[Gehenna]], [[Cocytus]], [[Tartarus]], and [[The Iron City of Dis]], each with their own [[Rune of Zot|rune]]. Obtaining the [[Horn of Geryon]] from [[Geryon]] in the Vestibule may be viable - albeit dangerous - for any character with high [[Evocation]]s (and also isn't worshipping a god who would disapprove).
All of the branches are 7 levels deep and have their own theme with relevant resistances.
*[[Gehenna]]: Home to fire, [[damnation]], even more fire, and the [[Rune of Zot|obsidian rune of Zot]].
*[[Cocytus]]: Realm of ice and large expanses of water. You'll find the [[Rune of Zot|icy rune of Zot]] here.
*[[Tartarus]]: Full of [[undead]], [[draining]], and [[dispel undead]]. Contains the [[Rune of Zot|bone rune of Zot]].
*[[Dis]]: A city where almost everything is made of iron, including the [[Rune of Zot|iron rune of Zot]].
Each hell enforces a conduct, such as restricting use of all [[scroll]]s. In addition, every one will rapidly inflict [[drain]] and temporary [[mutation]], which can only cured by gaining XP. Due to these effects, along with a lack of loot, it's best to skip branch floors as much as possible. Along with the already-hellish threats of each threat, delvers will want to be very prepared.
If you can't clear [[the Realm of Zot]], you probably shouldn't even bother with Hell, or even Pan. However, the Hells are required if you want all 15 runes.
Inside the Crypt is [[The Tomb|the Tomb of Ancients]], chock-full of [[list of mummies|mummies]] and home to the [[Rune of Zot|golden rune of Zot]].
This is one of the most dangerous branches in the game, full of [[smiting]], [[torment]], and [[death curse]]s. Often the first thing you'll see is a band of [[sphinx]]es that can [[paralyse]] and smite you to death, so tread lightly.
Lots of [[negative energy resistance]], and some way to deal with [[drain]]ing are all required. Or, you could worship [[Kikubaaqudgha]] for that wonderful death curse protection and torment resistance.
When you've finished ransacking every place you wish, proceed to Zot:5 and claim the [[Orb of Zot]]!
To finish the game, simply book it towards D:1. Your priority now is speed: use every method of speeding yourself up available to you, [[dig]]ging yourself shortcuts when needed.
You can also make use of the game's autotravel feature, which will automatically calculate the shortest route to your destination, but this won't automatically use items for you (in the case of the orb run, pressing '''GD0''' will take you right to the entrance of the dungeon.
Occasionally, [[demon]]s, [[Orb Guardian]]s, residents of [[Pandemonium]], and even [[Pandemonium lord]]s will appear to block your path. If you can get around them, do so. If they block your path completely, only fight if you can clear a path within a few turns; otherwise, [[dig]] yourself a new path, blink, teleport, or take another route.
Only stop to heal if you're in danger of dying, and do so on an upwards stairway if possible. Use [[potion of ambrosia|potions of ambrosia]] and sources of [[regeneration]] to heal yourself faster. Just travel as quickly and efficiently as possible, avoid getting pinned down, and you should escape without too much trouble.
In [[0.14]] a new branch, called [[the Depths]], will replace D:17-27, and it will be necessary to obtain a [[rune of Zot]] to enter [[the Vaults]].
*In [[0.29]], the Abyss gives XP and piety again (but not random items). However, you'll always end up on the deepest floor you've been on, still making it harder to [[scum]].
*In [[0.28]], the Abyss itself no longer gives items, XP, or piety. Prior to this, it was possible for strong characters to scum relatively safely in the Abyss for whatever they needed.
*In [[0.14]], [[the Depths]] branch replaced D:16-27, and it was made necessary to obtain a [[rune of Zot]] to enter [[the Vaults]].
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]
[[Category:Strategy Guides]]
[[Category:Crystal Ball Articles]]

Latest revision as of 06:40, 23 April 2024

Version 0.31: This article may not be up to date for the latest stable release of Crawl.


This page only covers the general strategy and route (where to go and when) of the game. For specific topics and tactics (i.e, what to do in combat), see the related pages. The following are good reads for beginners:

For generic character building strategy see:

You can also check each of the individual Branch pages for more information on a particular part of the dungeon.

Early Dungeon

As the game starts, you'll find yourself in the Dungeon. The first levels are rather simple, but there are a few notable threats.

If you do decide to take on a threat, isolate it and use any tricks at your disposal -- ranged weapons, spells, wands, throwing weapons, and more. Remember, you're under no obligation to kill the monsters now. You get more powerful over the course of the game. The uniques and other "local bullies" don't. It is perfectly fine to partially skip a dangerous level and come back later if you want to.


While the first floor is the simplest, it isn't something to be taken lightly. Physically weaker characters (those not of a Warrior start) have to beware of fast monsters, namely jackals and quokkas, as you can't retreat from them. Gnolls are also tough enemies. Thankfully, you won't have to fight any uniques or gnoll packs just yet. Even as a tough brute, you'll want to always limit monster interactions to one at a time.


The threat of fast enemies persists, this time being adders. Adders are surprisingly difficult; their poison can catch up to you quickly. If absolutely necessary, drink potions and hope for a potion of curing or other threat-ending consumable. Gnolls and even orcs can form bands (i.e. large groups). You don't want to be skewered by 3 spear-wielding gnolls, hitting you from afar, all at once. And you most likely won't want to deal with orc wizards or orc priests (detailed below) yet.


  • Orc priests are 'in-depth' along with orc bands from D:3 onwards, though out of depth spawns can reach even into D:2. Low-HP species will be perennially afraid, as priests can smite for up to 17 damage per turn as long as they can see you. Even if you've started with a stronger character, fighting a full orc pack with a priest isn't a good idea.
  • Ogres tend to spawn on D:4. Dealing up to 39 damage per melee hit thanks to their giant clubs, ogres can easily 1-shot or 2-shot players. Thankfully, they attack slowly.
  • Centaurs have a natural depth of D:5. They can outrun you while being able to pelt arrows from range. You'll either need to face them in melee (where they won't fire at you anymore), or otherwise use an item to ease the situation.

Of course, there'll be threats everywhere, but these are some of the early highlights. Depending on your character build, you might find some of these threats unamusing. For example: An ordinary, average HP melee fighter won't find much difficulty with centaurs, if they hide behind walls in order to restrict line of sight. (Sight is reciprocal; if you can't see them, they can't see you).

However, there's a few monsters which are very dangerous to face...


Unique monsters always have a name, and can only spawn once per game. More often than not, they'll stand out from the crowd -- in a way that'll most likely get you killed. A D:2 Sigmund receives his title of "Dreaded" for good reason! Other extremely scary uniques are Grinder (who can paralyze you, meaning you'll take many enemy attacks while you have no EV) and Ijyb (who always spawns with a wand). Regardless, if you're unfamiliar, you should check them out with x v in order to see their abilities.


Throughout the game, you will find various portals to optional levels. Many of the portals are timed, so if you wish to enter them at all, you must do so quickly!

Portal levels have different themes, so always look up whichever portal you've found, and consider whether you're equipped to deal with it. Some of these are obvious; you'll want fire resistance for the Volcano, and cold resistance for the Ice Cave. If the portal abuses your weaknesses, skip it! Likewise, if the "guards" around the portal are too tough for you, you probably won't survive long in the portal itself.

Before you venture into these portals, be sure you have enough space in your inventory to bring back any loot you find, as you won't be able to re-enter the portal. Once you're in, take stock of the situation, and explore carefully. Keep track of the exit portals - there's always at least one handy - and leave whenever you feel you're outmatched!

Some of the first portals you might see include:

  • The Sewer, filled with lots of water, and mostly weak monsters. Watch out for poisonous snakes, and whatever lurks at the end of this portal.

The Temple

The Ecumenical Temple, located somewhere on Dungeon:4-7, contains a plethora of gods. Players who've yet to find a god, that are able to worship a god, will most likely find the temple very useful. For more details, see the choosing a god article.

From here on out, threats start blending in. You'll acquire the strength and tools to handle many more situations, and gain more flexibility with avoiding threats altogether. This point might not be exactly when you enter the Temple, but getting a god often represents a large power spike. (Note: Most gods start providing perks at 1* of piety.)

Early Branches

While exploring the dungeon, you will find the entrances to the Lair of Beasts on Dungeon:8-11, and the Orcish Mines on Dungeon:9-12.

Most players will find it easier to clear the Lair first, typically anywhere after clearing D:10 to D:12.

The Lair

The Lair features fast moving enemies with poison, who are difficult to escape from. Poison resistance is definitely recommended. If your character lacks poison resistance, or defenses in general, you might wish to explore a bit more of the Dungeon.

Hydrae are another major threat, able to mercilessly tear apart your character. Even if you can survive up to 8 attacks per turn, make sure not to use an edged weapon (long blades, axes, lajatangs, or heavy polearms) without flaming, lest you grow even more. Other threats include packs of hard-hitting and hard-to-hit blink frogs, petrifying catoblepae, and the occasional herd of powerful elephants or death yaks. Apart from rime drakes or the occasional unique, monsters dealing elemental damage are rare here.

Like all the other branches you'll encounter, the fifth and final level of Lair is the hardest. Unless there's a portal there, you won't lose anything by leaving it for later. Feel free to exit that floor if it's too hard, and come back to it when you're stronger.

The Lair always has three branches containing runes of Zot. Two are selected between the Shoals or the Swamp and Snake Pit or Spider's Nest, while the third and most dangerous of the three is the Slime Pits. These are all much more difficult than Lair, so ignore them until later!

The Orcish Mines

Despite the fact that its entrance can appear earlier, the Orcish Mines are often tougher than the Lair. Various special types of orc, like sorcerers or high priests, will stand in your way. The scariest brutes are orc warlords, stone giants, and ettins; though, thankfully, only the former appears with any regularity throughout Orc.

The first level is often split into disjointed rooms, so make sure you explore all the staircases on the lower level to avoid missing out on treasure and experience. The second level, in turn, will always contain multiple shops to spend the gold you've inevitably accumulated by this point.

Sources of willpower are useful here to prevent paralysis or other nasty effects that orcs might inflict on you.

You'll find the entrance to the Elven Halls on the second level, but don't go in yet, as the elves are much tougher than the orcs.

Later Dungeon

The dungeon itself (from D:12 onward) is considered the "3rd option" at this stage of the game. It's perfectly fine to clear all the way up to D:15 if you wish. However, plenty of threats can dissuade Dungeon divers. Ugly things hit hard and move quickly, skeletal warriors are even tougher, and pregenerated entrance vaults (often, to the Vaults) contain great danger. It is certainly possible to tackle these threats early, though a character who has cleared Lair and/or Orc will struggle a lot less.

As a soft rule of thumb, you can stay in the Dungeon, until you find a threat that's too much for you to handle. Then, go to either Lair or Orc.

You'll find the entrances to the Vaults and the Depths before too long, but you should leave these for later.

Once you're done with all three branches, it's time to begin acquiring the runes of Zot.


The easiest branches in which you can find runes are the first two Lair branches, aka S-branches. One of the branches is always either the Snake Pit or Spider's Nest, while the other is either the Swamp or the Shoals. They're listed below in rough order of difficulty, from easiest to hardest. You might also refer to the Elven Halls section, if all the branches are too hard for you.

Poison resistance is helpful in Swamp and almost a requirement in Snake Pit and Spider's Nest. If you still haven't found any, you can attempt to slay a swamp dragon for its scales in Swamp, hope for equipment to show up in Shoals, or (dubiously) explore levels 1-2 of the Elven Halls.

The Slime Pits can also be found in the Lair, but they should be saved for later.

Snake Pit

The Snake Pit is populated by hordes of snakes and nagas; Poison damage and constriction are both common, and mana vipers are especially dangerous to spellcasters. Most of the nagas move fairly slow (until hasted), which combined with the Pit's Dungeon-like layout, allows you to control threats with ease. To compensate, they'll come with ranged attacks, especially if you encounter Vashnia's crew. Non-humanoid snakes are fast... though most are slowed down by cold.

In addition to the obvious choice of poison resistance, fire resistance will help with the salamanders, and electricity resistance will help with the shock serpents.

If you're well prepared, and take things carefully, it won't take long until you slither across the serpentine rune of Zot.


The Swamp is an open marsh filled with trees and water, and its inhabitants won't let you forget that.

Right off the bat, Eleionomae and spriggan druids will force you to beware of direct wooded contact. And be careful to only fight from solid ground, unless your character does well in shallow water or can fly. Even then, hydras (remember Lair?) and the many other threats of Swamp will straight up outrun you unless you are both flying and hasted. Fortunately, if you've found a way to clear the multi-headed foes, those threats shouldn't be too hard to deal with. It might still be a struggle when a swamp worm pulls you into unfamiliar territory, especially if you don't have resistances (poison, willpower for fenstrider witches, rCorr for goliath frogs) to manage.

Some of the other bigger threats include thorn hunters, shambling mangroves, tentacled monstrosities, and at the end, possibly even the Lernaean hydra. But if you can overcome it all, you will eventually find the decaying rune of Zot.


The Shoals are made up of several islands, surrounded by vast amounts of water. A source of flight is useful, as you'll probably need to fight from solid ground or fly to avoid incurring penalties. Also useful is a source of invisibility, since almost none of the monsters here can see invisible. (However, invisibility is ineffective if you are standing in water instead of flying)

Expect to have to deal with foes such as merfolk bands, various satyrs, and perhaps even the dreadful Witch of the Tides, Ilsuiw. Many of the enemies here use Hexes, so willpower is important. Ranged weapons are also common, so an amulet of reflection or scarf of repulsion is invaluable here.

Whatever you do, be very careful when you explore, only autoexploring after you've eliminated most of the threats. Otherwise you will often find yourself trapped in combat, making your chances of collecting the barnacled rune of Zot very slim.

Spider's Nest

The Spider's Nest has swarms of fast-moving spiders that can quickly inflict severe poisoning, so don't enter without poison resistance unless absolutely necessary. But poison might quickly be the least of your worries...

A variety of threats will swarm you in the cavernous layout of the Nest, with few true chokepoints to abuse. Tarantellas have a confusing bite, leaving you stumbling about. Entropy weavers will corrode you, lowering both armour and melee. Invisible ghost moths will rapidly drain your MP, if you aren't invisible yourself. All the while, emperor scorpions and broodmothers are formidable melee threats on their own. Remember -- this is all with the fast, poisonous brood! Fortunately, the common spiders are frail, not particularly resistant, and vulnerable to poison.

Once you complete the final floor, you'll find the gossamer rune of Zot.

Late Game

After you have completed both S-branches, you will need a third rune before you can enter the Realm of Zot. However, the other rune branches are significantly more dangerous than the S-branches, so players typically clear other areas for loot and XP before tackling a third rune.

The Elven Halls

If you're lacking in anything in particular, clearing the first two floors of the Elven Halls may provide you with them. The Halls feature many dangerous deep elven casters. The most common ones are deep elf pyromancers and zephyrmancers, meaning it's nice to have rF and rElec.

Be careful about opening the runed doors on the second level, as they open to the Hall of Blades. This can be a dangerous place and it may not even be worth visiting if you already have a good weapon. Dancing weapons are already a big turn off for an early Elf, being fast, not that weak, and near omni-resistant.

Thanks to the wide variety of magic, virtually every resistance will come in handy, but the most important one is willpower. If your willpower is too low, you could be banished into the Abyss. Silence (or a scroll of silence) will shut off most elven threats, though deep elf blademasters and master archers still remain major threats. Dancing weapons also come with high AC and a variety of resistances, meaning your own magic might not perform well.

Some people like to complete this branch fairly early, even before finishing any of the S-branches. While this isn't impossible by any means, it's very difficult, and shouldn't be tried by inexperienced players.

The final level of the Elven Halls contains a treasure chamber with massive amounts of loot, but also lots and lots of the most dangerous types of elves.

The Vaults

The Vaults are an excellent place to collect your third rune, although some characters may prefer the Abyss or Slime Pits. In any case, entering the Vaults without at least one rune is foolish, as you will have to get a rune from either Vaults:5 or the Tomb before you can exit.

Once you enter, the most helpful thing you can have is decent defenses: AC, EV, and SH. Elemental damage isn't uncommon, and there's a wide variety, so it's best to have wide spread of resistances. Willpower is particularly important for vault sentinels, so if you don't think you can fight an entire floor at once, you'll also want that (as well as the ever present threat of paralysis from here onwards).

Vaults:5 is exponentially harder than the earlier levels, so players often do Vaults:1-4 on their own, then complete the Depths, before attempting Vaults:5. Read the V:5 page for a detailed list of the tools and strategies needed to reach that silver rune of Zot.


As you explore the Vaults, you'll eventually find the Crypt, home to all manner of undead. The Crypt tends to be dangerous to any living character due to many sources of torment. You'll want negative energy resistance (more is always better); cold resistance can also help. Therefore, it is great place for (re)gaining piety for The Shining One or Zin.

There is usually no need to enter the Crypt in a three-rune game. Characters that can take torment -- the undead, worshippers of Kiku, and the aforementioned good gods -- won't mind, however.


The Depths are fairly straightforward. Four floors of elaborate and often very open layouts teeming with monsters leading up to the Realm of Zot entrance. Along the way, you'll find entrances to the Abyss, the Vestibule of Hell, and Pandemonium. If you are only going for a three-rune game, you will have little reason to enter the latter two branches, though the Abyss is an option for your third rune.

Third Rune

By the time you have completed Depths, you should be ready for a third rune. The three main options for the third rune are Vaults:5, the Slime Pits, and the Abyss, in descending order of popularity.


You should have already cleared Vaults:1-4 by this point, so Vaults:5 is all that's needed for the silver rune. If Vaults:4 has an escape hatch or shaft, use it to avoid the ambush at the center. Otherwise, it's recommended to buff up with haste and might/brilliance before going down. Consider reading a scroll of teleportation as well, as you will be surrounded, and stair dancing isn't reliable here. For more details, see Vaults:5 Strategy.

Slime Pits

The Slime Pits are found in Lair:4-5 and require quite a lot of preparation before you can clear them with any semblance of safety. Once you feel you're ready to enter the pits, you will need corrosion resistance. All three eyeballs inflict scary effects; Malmutate from shining eyes, willpower-based confusion from golden eyes, and irresistible fragility from glass eyes. Don't forget the actual slimes, which are pretty tough and come in great numbers. Players tend to dive the first 4 levels, going down staircases as soon as possible; there's no loot, and XP is minimal.

Slime:5 is home to the Royal Jelly, which spawns slimes whenever it takes damage, so fighting it without a strategy for dealing with it is a recipe for disaster.

The one exception to all of this is characters who worship Jiyva, who can waltz in and pick up the slimy rune of Zot with zero resistance after reaching 6 stars of piety.


The Abyss is the least consistent third rune option, though it's easier than the other branches you'll run across in the Depths. Unsurprisingly, followers of Lugonu will have an easier time, as they can leave for the low cost of 15 piety. The Abyssal rune will generate on level 3-7, with higher chance the deeper you go. Players approaching the rune’s location will be notified, and have its exact tile marked on the map. Unfortunately, monster spawns also ramp up quickly on the deeper levels, so level 3 is often the deepest most characters will want to go. This might not always be your choice, as banishment and abyssal shifts can send you deeper.

Killing monsters will eventually open up a portal out (and even later, a portal deeper). As you travel through this plane, you'll acquire temporary mutations and various forms of stat drain that needs XP to be cured.

Teleportation is often the best way to escape a dodgy situation in the Abyss. After teleporting, you can make good use of potions of ambrosia to quickly heal up when no monsters have yet generated near you. Stealth and sources of regeneration help, as you will constantly be on the run (thus, have few places to heal up). Finally, Apportation is great for nabbing that abyssal rune before you teleport away.

Realm of Zot

Zot, the final frontier... or maybe not, depending on your branch order. This is where you will find the Orb of Zot, the reason of your adventure.

To obtain the orb, you'll want lots of fire resistance for the terrifying orbs of fire that you'll eventually encounter. Other resistances and see invisible are also helpful.

Eventually you will arrive at Zot:5, which contains the infamous Orb Chamber. Read that page for more details on how to clear the place and finally obtain the Orb. Beware that teleportation is delayed in Zot, or while holding the Orb.

Note that even if you want to collect every rune, often it's best to clear out Zot (or at least Zot:1-4) first for the extra experience and items. Just don't pick up the orb until you're done!


Pandemonium, Hell, and the Tomb comprise the "extended" game, called such because none of these areas need to be visited in a three-rune game. It's perfectly fine to ignore the extended game and pick up the orb after clearing Zot:5, but for those seeking an extra challenge, ten more runes of Zot can be found in these branches. It's recommended to complete the third rune options and Zot before tackling extended.


The Pandemonium is a series of endless, but stable, realms, filled with all sorts of demons and other endgame monsters.

It contains five runes, one of which, the demonic rune of Zot, is guarded by a randomly generated lord. The other four are guarded by unique pandemonium lords. You can only enter each of their realms once, leaving the rune forever if you can't kill, dodge, or outsmart them.

This place requires a ton of preparation, as you'll need to be able to deal with Cerebov, Mnoleg, Lom Lobon, and/or Gloorx Vloq whenever the game throws them at you. Definitely check out the Pandemonium article and the articles on the individual pan lords before you enter!


After you enter the Vestibule of Hell and kill its inhabitants, you'll come upon portals to the four branches of Hell: Gehenna, Cocytus, Tartarus, and The Iron City of Dis, each with their own rune. Obtaining the Horn of Geryon from Geryon in the Vestibule may be viable - albeit dangerous - for any character with high Evocations (and also isn't worshipping a god who would disapprove).

All of the branches are 7 levels deep and have their own theme with relevant resistances.

Each hell enforces a conduct, such as restricting use of all scrolls. In addition, every one will rapidly inflict drain and temporary mutation, which can only cured by gaining XP. Due to these effects, along with a lack of loot, it's best to skip branch floors as much as possible. Along with the already-hellish threats of each threat, delvers will want to be very prepared.

If you can't clear the Realm of Zot, you probably shouldn't even bother with Hell, or even Pan. However, the Hells are required if you want all 15 runes.


Inside the Crypt is the Tomb of Ancients, chock-full of mummies and home to the golden rune of Zot.

This is one of the most dangerous branches in the game, full of smiting, torment, and death curses. Often the first thing you'll see is a band of sphinxes that can paralyse and smite you to death, so tread lightly.

Lots of negative energy resistance, and some way to deal with draining are all required. Or, you could worship Kikubaaqudgha for that wonderful death curse protection and torment resistance.


When you've finished ransacking every place you wish, proceed to Zot:5 and claim the Orb of Zot!

To finish the game, simply book it towards D:1. Your priority now is speed: use every method of speeding yourself up available to you, digging yourself shortcuts when needed.

You can also make use of the game's autotravel feature, which will automatically calculate the shortest route to your destination, but this won't automatically use items for you (in the case of the orb run, pressing GD0 will take you right to the entrance of the dungeon.

Occasionally, demons, Orb Guardians, residents of Pandemonium, and even Pandemonium lords will appear to block your path. If you can get around them, do so. If they block your path completely, only fight if you can clear a path within a few turns; otherwise, dig yourself a new path, blink, teleport, or take another route.

Only stop to heal if you're in danger of dying, and do so on an upwards stairway if possible. Use potions of ambrosia and sources of regeneration to heal yourself faster. Just travel as quickly and efficiently as possible, avoid getting pinned down, and you should escape without too much trouble.


  • In 0.29, the Abyss gives XP and piety again (but not random items). However, you'll always end up on the deepest floor you've been on, still making it harder to scum.
  • In 0.28, the Abyss itself no longer gives items, XP, or piety. Prior to this, it was possible for strong characters to scum relatively safely in the Abyss for whatever they needed.
  • In 0.14, the Depths branch replaced D:16-27, and it was made necessary to obtain a rune of Zot to enter the Vaults.
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